I'm bored and wants to have a roleplay

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Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
So, yeah. what the topic says. I need everyone to roleplay with me ... Just kidding, not everyone that one's whose willing to roleplay only that's all. I need plots but if you don't have any thing on mind just picked friends, enemies or love interest and will just see if there some plots can be make with it.

Hope you reply here :)
I need a love intrest and was wondering if you have any guy character that could fill the slot. Veronica is little stubborn and evil but she is nice to her those who care for her. She has been brought to NewZealand recently by her mother and will be homeschooled
I could offer you Riley as a love interest. He is dating someone at the moment but he isnt at all loyal so wouldnt hesitate to be with another woman as well. He is a total flirt and charmer, he makes a girl feel special and as if she is the only one.
Okay, this is Joyce

@Veronica: I'm sorry, I don't have any guy character because all my guy characters are inactive and if I activate them Nick might be irritated at me. So sorry.

@Laura: *cough* too old my friend
okay, i have an idea for an RP. I'm not sure if Sidda and Alexis would have an ongoing relationship of any kind, but this is an idea for one RP.

Sidda is small, with red hair - she looks like the perfect bullying target. Alexis seems evil enough to try bully Sidda, and doesn't expect Sidda to fight back, but she does, and so they get into the whole enemies thing. But I'm not sure if it should be ongoing, seeing as Alexis is 5th year, while Sidda's only a firsty. What do you think?
@Siddalee: Umm ... I don't know about this because Lexi isn't evil now and change her personality, she was formerly evil but now she isn't.
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