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Xyran Storm

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15"solid holy with essence of phoenix feather
hi guys,
i know i disapeared for ages a while ago but i had personal problems to deal with which included losing my job :(. but im back now and im ready to start a fresh.
so this is gonna be my main charrie.
as im just starting with him im open to ideas..
Xyran Storm is a good mannered indiviual who despite his background is the most kindest person you will ever meet. hes a hard working easy going indiviual. he waas brought up in the down beaten part of new zealand before he went to hogwarts there. hes 22 years old and is a muggle tour guide.
what i would like
ok so as a brand new charrie im looking for flings friends enemys possibly children from a past relationship and maybe a final
let me know what you think
Heyy David!
I think I might have someone for you, Celestyn Helkovaara. He's a twenty-one year old daily prophet sports journalist from Finland. He moved to New Zealand when he was about eighteen years old. His english is pretty good, but he has a very thick accent. He's hard working, but he's closed off, poised and careful. He works hard, went to journalism school, a two year course, did really well, has however since had trouble finding work. Working mostly freelance until he became a slightly less freelance worker. He is not unkind, but his patience can ware thin in the wrong circumstance. He is fiercely loyal to his good friends, those he would rather consider as family. He is an infrequent but heavy drinker, with a tendancy while drunk to flirt a little with anything that moves, before somehow making it back home, and falling asleep.
He rarely gets into fights while drunk, but if another man throws the first punch, he will hit back, and he'll hit back hard.
All in all, Celestyn would probably make a good friend for him. They are of similar age, and both hard workers.
Let me know what you think! :)
hey emzies yeah he sounds great and probably a near perfect match for Xyran... would you like to start or shall i
If you could start it? That would be awesome!
They shall make good friends! :)
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