I'm all alone and I need you now...

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Sawyer Franklin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair

*Sawyer Franklin*

Alrighty then. Here we have Sawyer. Nineteen years old. She's a Beauxbatons graduate who moved to New Zealand and while she has her select group of friends, who are very few and far between, she's needing a little something more. Since she's been in NZ she's become quite the little party animal and well for lack of a better term she's a bit of a sl00t right now with a string of one night stands. Sawyer feels like she's the kind of girl who can have 'relations' with guys and not have any emotions involved at all.

Right...now this is where I need all of you lovely people to help me out. What I'm looking for is a couple different things. First, my girl here needs friends...really close friends and even one (or two) best friends. Secondly, she needs a boyfriend/final. Still not sure how I want that particular relationship to work out, but we can figure that out later (how they meet, when they start to realize they have feelings for each other, etc...you get the picture). I would really really really, and did I mention REALLY love his PB to be Robert Buckley :wub: I mean come on...aren't these two absolutely adorable together ^_^</COLOR></FONT>
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Okie dokie...so this is what I'm needing for my French bombshell. Now all of you *points*...get to posting and help me out PUH-LEASE!! :D
I've got Maia here for a best friend. Sll the info on her is in her Cd, which is in her siggie, but here's a summary.
crowd. She
Maia is an out-of-work singer/actress who I'm hoping will get her (second) big break soon. She used to live in England, but left due to complications(Explained in the CD) she is very passionate, dramatic and has a fiery temper. She is also fiercely loyal and loves her friends. She can be fragile, but only shows vulnerability in one-to-one, serious situations, she is absolutely fine in a crowd. She was meant to be in a "Friend group.", but I'm not sure what's happening with that topic, as no-one has replied in a while.
Perfect! I'm looking for another friend for Caysi. My girl Caysi is outgoing, bubbly and very very fun to be around with. She's in the midst of making an album and needs some support from her friends. If they could be besties that would be awesome! :)
Well I have Leo Baxter here, who could be a bit of a fling/one night stand if you'd like. Buuut I've been looking for a new PB so I cooould change it to Robert Buckley because he is rather delicious and I have a thing for OTH pairings now :tut: Which I completely blame you for! :glare: xD

He did own Gambol and Japes for a while when he took it over from his sister but they recently decided that business wasn't all that good so they sold it and he is currently looking for a new job, although not sure what yet :tut:

He was a Gryffindor at HS and graduated a few years ago - not top of his class but decent enough. He is always up for a good laugh with his friends and he likes to go out to clubs with them etc whenever possible.

Let me know what you think ^_^
Told ya...I'm like a crack dealer when it comes to my OTH pairings :r xD I'm trying to get away from all her one nighters...trying to make her not a total hooch anymore :tut: =)) Sooooo...if you just happen to be looking for a new PB for Leo and ya know...ya think Robert Buckley is a total fox, well then by all means go ahead and use him :r We can chit chat about how we want this all to go over Skype or MSN (like we do everything else xD ).
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