If the city never sleeps then that makes two

Lilyanna Hope

asperger's syndrome | beaux astronomy prof
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

The whole idea of having to go see the school counsellor was extremely absurd. After 14 years of her life she knew for a fact that nothing at all was wrong with her. Why would there be? She had been going on with life perfectly fine until Daniel came along making her realise things. After some help she had received during the holidays, she knew now that there was something wrong with her but, to her, it still didn't seem very obvious. She hoped that by doing whatever Daniel told her to that she would soon get better, if it was something to ever get better from anyway.

Lilyanna was told to meet Daniel in his office at 1.30pm. According to her new watch, at 1.29pm she made it to the door of Daniel's office in the library. But on the door was a note telling Lilyanna he was in the kitchens. Furious, Lilyanna turned around and walked all the way back down the staircases and towards the kitchens. The girl hated the kitchens as students weren't really allowed in them and it was where those stupid house elves did their slave work. If Lilyanna could, she would have made a beeline for her common room, but kept walking, feeling that she might regret it if she didn't. Without knocking, Lilyanna burst into the kitchens and found Daniel stealing some of the food. "What are you doing!?" she snapped. "There's no reason for either of us to be in here!" She was lucky that her and Daniel were friends now, as she would never forgive herself if she spoke to any other adult that way.
Sometimes, you get hungry, and that was Daniel right now. He was a grown man, and knew the signs of utter starvation when he felt them, and so the counsellor had to leave his office to go to the kitchens. Having known Lilyanna for some time now, he knew that this would set her off, and tried to placate the annoyance by a letter on the door. Checking the time, he decided that she'd be another ten or so minutes, and stuck the biscuits in the oven. Next was to locate some bread for a monster sandwich.

Having just found the knives, Daniel jumped as Lilyanna came in with a vengeance, before smiling brightly at her. "Hey!" he greeted, ignoring her tone entirely as he cut the ridiculously stacked sandwich. "I'll have you know, there's plenty of reason for us to be here. I was starving to death, and you were invited!" Nom. Delicious salami, avacardo and cheese sandwich. He swallowed before speaking to avoid further antagonising the young Slytherin. "So, how's life been? How was the break? You eat choc chip?"
Lilyanna's face turned red with anger as she watched Daniel finish making his sandwich. His reason for them being in there was stupid and she was quick to rebuttal. "It's impossible for you to be starving to death unless you haven't eaten in approximately 30-40 days and I'm sure you have." she said, obviously not pleased. "You also do not seem to be in any condition of starvation." Lilyanna did not want to be invited to whatever Daniel was doing and considered leaving then and there. It was a bad idea to even be there and she should have taken the chance when she had it to bail, but her feet stayed planted on the ground, suddenly having been overwhelmed by Daniel's questions. Instead, she only decided to answer the last one, feeling that the first two answers would be too long. "Yes, but I don't want any food." she replied, still angry at Daniel choosing such a location for their appointment. "I also don't like this kitchen." It was dirty and had house elves in it all the time and Lilyanna did not feel comfortable.

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