If I can't see you than you can't see me

Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Lilith wondered around the Village of Brightstone. Her jacket was buttoned up so that the chill that was in the air would not get to her. Everything had been so crazy lately that it had seemed like she was never going to get a moments rest. All around her Lilith saw students rushing around doing some shopping and meeting with there loved ones. Thinking about loved ones. Lilith thought about Alex and where he had run off to it seemed like they saw each other less and less. Yes they lived in the same house but with the plans for the wedding still going strong Lilith had no choice but to help her sister. Thank goodness that Eden was now safely somewhere with Chase most likely so caught up in each other that they would not notice anything not even if a bomb with off. Spotting her favorite bench to sit at Lilith walked over to it and took a seat tipping her head back and closing her eyes to just take in the calmness around her.
Alex walked around Brightstone, knowing exactly what he was doing here today, for once in his life, he was here to find Lilith, and he had something he had to do here today. Alex didn't like having to do what he was going to do today, but it had to be done. He was never with Lilith, but he didn't know how he would break the news to her. Alex wanted to be alone for the time being, and that meant he couldn't be with Lilith anymore.

Alex knew he had made the right choice here for him, but he knew Lilith wouldn't take it very well at all, it would hurt him a little to do what he was going to do. He chuckled slightly at himself, and rounded a corner to find Lilith sitting on a bench. Alex would spend a little of the day to her, let her figure out what was going to happen. He wouldn't let it loose all at one, that would be far too hurtful for Lilith, he loved her enough to not do that to her.
Lilith opened her eyes after a moment and noticed Alex just standing there looking at her. Sitting up and patting the spot next to her, Lilith smiled. "Hey you going to come and sit down next to me or are you just going to stand there all day?" Lilith continued to stay seated. Something was not right but what it was she was unsure of. Was something the matter and he did not want to tell her? A worried look flashed across Lilith's face but she forced it to go away. There was no reason to worry right? Unsure of what she should be doing. Lilith looked down at her hands. Hopping that something would happen.
Alex smiled over at her, he didn't want to do what he was going to do now, but he knew that if he didn't, he would never be able to do it again. He walked over to her, standing behind the chair, settling himself onto the top of it, while still standing up. Alex knew that she would take the hint sooner or later, and that was when he would make his move. He knew it would be difficult for her to understand, and that would only make it harder for him.

Alex knew that if he didn't act now, she would do something that would make him want to stay with her, and he couldn't have anything like that happening, he was here for a reason today, and nothing would change that fact. Alex looked down at her, no matter what he thought, he couldn't picture her as anything but beautiful. "Lilith, we need to talk." He said, seriously. The tone of his voice both conclusive, and venomous. He wasn't usually like this, and maybe she would realise why now.
Why is he not sitting next to me? Lilith's mind was racing. Have I done something wrong? O goodness I must have. Trying to calm down. Lilith took deep steady breaths. Lilith calm down you can do this, just breath. What should she do? Lilith was unsure of what to do everything had been so crazy lately maybe Alex was feeling ignored? If that was the case Lilith was going to promise and do everything in her power to make it right. She had never had a real boyfriend so everything was new for her and a bit hard to figure out she just needed more time.

Looking at Alex once again she noticed for the first time a hard look on his face. He looked different but once he spoke that was when Lilith knew something was wrong. The three words she had never wanted to hear rang out loud and clear. It was like time had stopped as Alex uttered those three little words. "We need to talk." Trying to fight back the tears but unable to Lilith let them fall and nodded her head. Something was so wrong and it was most likely all her fault. Everything was always her fault so this was nothing new to her.
Alex knew that she had realised what he had wanted to do, and it wouldn't be long before something happened here, he had to act now, before he changed his mind. Alex knew that she wouldn't be happy, and she would do things she would regret, but it would be better off for her this way, at least she would have Eden to keep her sane, and she would try and keep her out of trouble. It didn't matter what happened to him.

Alex turned to her, he could see that look in her eyes, he hated it, it made him feel so stupid. "Lilith, I love you, but I just don't feel like we're right for each other anymore. There is nothing you can do to change my mind. I'm sorry." He said, and he turned and started to walk away. He didn't want to be around when she finally took in what he had said, it wouldn't be pretty at all, she would follow him, he knew she would, and he wanted to be as far away as he could when she did.
Lilith watched Alex just stand there her lilac eyes spilling tears. What had she done to make Alex act so mean and hateful? At last he spoke and without even a thought to her feelings he shattered her heart. He lied to her and than walked away. How could he say he loved her and than leave her? He was just like everyone else. Even worse. He was a lie and a fake. Lilith could feel the pain building up inside of her.

"I hate you Alex Blade. You wont ever find anyone better than me. I hope you know that." Lilith screamed, the tears pouring down her face. She loved him she really did and in the end it was enough she was not good enough. Laying down on the bench Lilith closed her eyes praying that it was a dream a really bad dream.

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