Open Idly Scribbling

Blanche Broomhead

younger twin 🎨 weird artist 🧹broomhead heiress🧹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
9/2044 (19)
((Open after Sarah))

For how upset she had been about not getting to start with her brother, now that she was actually here Hogwarts wasn't inspiring much happiness in Blanche. She still felt betrayed by the school she supposed, an entire year of her life wasted over a matter of a few minutes. But it was what it was, and she knew she should be trying to make the best of it. She was almost halfway through her studies, after all, and she hadn't really made an effort to make friends or do well in classes. She knew she ought be trying to make friends, but where did you start after three years of avoiding everyone? In lieu of actual ideas she had decided to just hover around and see if she could catch Silas, slumped in a seat near the Hufflepuff Common Room and idly doodling on the chair's arm with a muggle pen. If this school was gonna treat her like crap, why wouldn't she return the favour?
Demetrius had been trying to branch out a bit more socially and it was sort of going okay. He wouldn't say he had friends but at least he was actually talking to people. His brother would be proud of him for that much, after spending so many years cooped up by himself and not socialising. He exited the Hufflepuff common room on his way to the library to look at more magical creatures when he spotted someone he hadn't seen before sitting in a seat. He noticed she was actually doodling onto Hogwarts property. If he'd been a prefect, he would have had to stop her but Demetrius wasn't a prefect. He was kind of intrigued, if he was being honest. "What are you drawing?" he asked her in his usual monotone voice.
Blanche tensed at the sound of someone addressing her, gaze wary as she looked up. She vaguely recognised the boy as one of Silas' roommates, though she had never gotten to know any of them. She didn't think he was a Prefect, at least, so she didn't have to be too worried. She looked back down at the doodles, shrugging slightly. "Just a bunch of skulls." She explained, moving her hand away so he could see properly. "Got bored."
Demetrius looked down at the chair and was impressed at the sight of the skulls. She had more artistic skill than Demetrius, at least, though that wouldn't be hard. He probably shouldn't be approving of defacing school property, but...The girl just seemed cool. "I can see that," he commented idly. "You an artist then?" He didn't know why he was engaging in conversation, but he didn't see the harm in it. She just seemed different, kind of like how he felt.

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