i wonder

Caley Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caley was wandering around brightstone not watching where she was going she was listening to music and walking with her head down. she bumped into someone and jumped when she realised that she had."im sorry"she said
Riley had been doing a little shopping today as he wanted to get some baby stuff for when Adele gave birth. He couldnt wait for that to happen as that would be when he got to be a dad. Riley loved kids and having his own was great. He was even more happy that it with the woman he loved. He couldnt however think of any names for a baby. Maybe the name Mille for a girl, names after his mum and for a boy maybe Cameron, for no real reason he just liked the name.

Riley was walking down the street lost in thought when he felt someone walk into him. Turning around to apologise to the person they beat him to it. Riley smiled politely. " Oh dont worry no harm done, well not on my side at least. Are you ok?" He asked making sure he didnt hurt her. He had a very muscular body and knew it could hurt someone who wasnt expecting it. The girl seemed young, way too young for him anyway so the flirt was not needed now, just a friendly chat
Caley was a bit embaressed that she had walked straight into the man she felt her face flush red.she watched as he spun around "it was my fault" she addmitted "i wasnt watching where i was going""well thats good" she said as he didnt mind her walking into him,and there was no harm. "i ok, just a bit annoyed i wasnt watching."she admitedon the inside it had hurt a little but she didnt show it.
Riley smiled kindly at her. " Well thats good then and dont worry about it. I wasnt really paying attention either so we are both to blame." He joked as he watched her go red. " So what school are you in?" He asked wondering if it was local of far away. Riley had gone to Hogwarts Scotland which from here is a long way away but he had lived in Scotland at the time so it wasnt too bad
"i supose"she said gioggling." I go to Hogwart Nz" she said "i transfered from hogwarts scotland last year, but to be honest i wish i was still there" she said."i guess your out of school, but what do you do anyway?"she asked him just trying to make conversation.her face was returning to normal colour ever so slowly she could feel it, bat at least it wasnt staying red. she smiled and looked up at the sky.
Riley shrugged. He didnt really have a job but he did want to be a professor at the moment. He wasnt one but he didnt mind he could always apply to be one. " Well im not in school and im not working at the moment. Still figuring out what i want to do." He said as he followed her gaze and looked up. Seeing nothing of interest he looked back down again. " So what do you want to do when your older?" He asked her curiously. He liked to know what students wanted to do when they left school, they usually followed the same pattern
"so i guess that means that you have a lot of decisions to makein life then."she sadi." i dont know what i want to do wen i am older either, im just taking each day as it comes, but soon i will have to decide and it wont be easy."she laughed she looked at him. "ill probably help my sister look after the family and then settle down in my own life." she said calmy, "it would be easier if decisions were made for everyone." she laughed
Riley nodded with a slight smile. " Well that sounds like a plan enough for me and it would be easier if they were made for us but then where would the adventure be huh." He said jokingly to the younger girl. "Well trust me on this, life is never what you think. It has a way of surprising you all the time." Riley knew this first hand, good things had been happening to him recently and they were most unexpected
caley giiggled,"i spose i should be getting home"she said to the boy"it was nice meeting you even if it wasnt the best way to meet with me walking into you." she said giggling slightly."might see you around, but i doubt it,"she said turning to walk away.

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