Riley had been doing a little shopping today as he wanted to get some baby stuff for when Adele gave birth. He couldnt wait for that to happen as that would be when he got to be a dad. Riley loved kids and having his own was great. He was even more happy that it with the woman he loved. He couldnt however think of any names for a baby. Maybe the name Mille for a girl, names after his mum and for a boy maybe Cameron, for no real reason he just liked the name.
Riley was walking down the street lost in thought when he felt someone walk into him. Turning around to apologise to the person they beat him to it. Riley smiled politely. " Oh dont worry no harm done, well not on my side at least. Are you ok?" He asked making sure he didnt hurt her. He had a very muscular body and knew it could hurt someone who wasnt expecting it. The girl seemed young, way too young for him anyway so the flirt was not needed now, just a friendly chat