I wish I had one..

Daryl Webster

Active Member
Daryl had far from nothing to do that day, his homework was giving him grief and he was wound up by his classmates. Just having to get away from it all, Daryl stood, admiring the trophies. None of them were his, unfortunately for him, but he enjoyed reading the names of the old champions. He smiled, probably for the first time that day, as he read about the quidditch champions. Daryl loved quidditch, but did not have the guts to join a team. He feared injuring himself or others, which was something Daryl tended to avoid at all costs.

Daryl jumped as he heard footsteps behind him, and froze. Perhaps they had come into the wrong room. He hoped they would go away.Unfortunately, the footsteps got closer, and eventually Daryl had to turn to look. He smiled, relieved at the fact it was just a fellow Ravenclaw. A very pretty girl, at that. Her red-ish hair seemed to attract what little light there was in the trophy room, and she recognized her smile. Now that he thought a little, he didn't know what year she was in.
'Hi,' he said with a tiny shrug, pretending he was cooler than he really was. He wasn't very good with girls, and had a bad history with them. All he needed was someone with the right personality to come along. Then he'd be away. 'Are you looking for something?' He asked her with a friendly smile, wondering why she would have come to the trophy room. Sure, he was in there, but he still asked simply to make conversation.
Boredom creeping up on her and nothing better to do, Beth had, initially, resorted to the library to read. Unfortunately, the place was crowded. "Oh, great." She muttered to herself, fluent in sarcasm. With a resigned sigh, Beth turned to leave, to walk to the only other place she could think of. It had to be somewhere quiet, but with something to read. Of course, there was only one place she thought of, and she arrived with a light smile upon her bleached peach face. A boy was standing in the trophy room. Beth was always keen to have a one-on-one conversation, preferring it to large groups.

The boy seemed a little.. Odd. Beth's smile only widened, the scent of the grass scented perfume she used, seemed to increase in the silence of conversation. "I had nothing better to do," she shrugged casually, casting her eyes around the room before allowing them to settle back on the boy. "I guess that's my punishment for finishing all my homework." Her eyes seemed to shine at this comment. She didn't know how she knew it, but she could tell this boy was the right sort to befriend.

Another moment of shadow-red silence, shimmering golden trophies and fluttering smiles. This was as good a time as any for an introduction. Beth added it as a tail with a slight nod. "I'm Beth." The words echoed, filled with a whole meaning, something that clearly said 'I'm pleased to meet you'.
Daryl's face turned to a smile when she introduced herself. Beth was a lovely name, and it suited her perfectly. He nodded slightly when she made a joke, smiling along. He wouldn't normally have bothered smiling, but the way she had said it made him chuckle.
'Daryl. Pleasure to meet you too.' He commented, turning towards the trophies. 'Any of these yours?' He asked, sadness in his tone. He was jealous of all these people who had their name printed somewhere forever. Daryl felt like a nobody.
The way Beth's eyes shined made Daryl stare. He felt he almost cared about Beth already. As though he would already be willing to give up his life for hers. He cleared his throat, trying to rid of the thoughts he was having for this stranger.
'Are you a fifth year?' He asked, trying to make polite conversation. He really didn't know what year she was in, but hoped she would find it a compliment however old she was.
Beth looked at one of the gleaming trophies. It seemed to wink at her. "No," she replied, but she did not sound disheartened, "maybe someday." The way Daryl had sounded as he had asked her, informed her that perhaps he didn't have a trophy, either. Beth decided to to dwell on the subject- this conversation was going to remains positive, however difficult. His next question was more personal, quite forward and easy. Beth couldn't help but feel a little flattered by this. "No." she smiled again, shaking her head. But that was it. She said no more on her age group for the time being. She simply smiled and moved the conversation on.

"Are you a fan of Quidditch?" A particularly common thing for a person to ask, yet so much could be established from it. Beth, herself, was quite into Quidditch and she hoped to play in the upcoming matches. Ravenclaw could do with something good to celebrate. And it looked as if 2026 would be the year of the Raven.
Daryl was pleasantly surprised by Beth's question, and knew there was a lot to talk about. He didn't want to hog the conversation, and so answered simply, 'Yeah, I love it, but I've never really been that good at it.' It was a bit of a lie, he had never tried it and wished he had, but it was the best he could do without going into more depth. He looked around the room, still bewildered by how many people had won trophys, and why they hadn't taken them home when they left school. Perhaps they wanted everyone else to see how amazing they were. But to Daryl, they were just showing off. He was glad Beth didn't have any trophies. Not in a cruel way, but it meant she wasn't big headed enough to show off about how good she was.

Daryl's mind buzzed with thoughts, and for a moment he forgot where he was. 'Sorry, I daydream a lot.' Daryl said with a goofy smile. 'Not a fifth year? You're going to keep me guessing aren't you?' Daryl commented, smiling. 'Sixth?' He did not guess fourth. She looked young enough to be a fourth year, but may have found it offensive had she not been.
A few moments of silence. Daryl spoke. Beth smiled. It was not her lips that smiled the most, however, though the corners turned a slight amount, it was her eyes which seemed to project this inner light. And then he guessed again at her year. Beth simply beamed at him and went on "I've never been to a live match," she was not avoiding his question, but there was more interest in not giving him the answer. "I wanted to go to the one in Australia, a little while back, but school time collided with it." Her mind clicked on quickly to another topic. She was full of words, waiting to let them all loose and this boy was unfortunate enough to witness this.

"I'd like to be an explorer," Beth said without any hesitation, "I'd like to see all the creatures that dwell within the forests.." Her eyes refocussed on Daryl. "What do you want to do when you grow up? I mean, anything."
Daryl was, admittedly, not a patient person, and was getting slightly annoyed at how Beth seemed to be ignoring his question about what year she was in. He smiled, but his eyes were plotting something else entirely. Perhaps something which would make her answer it without her realising. Daryl had no idea what he wanted to do, or be, when he was older. He just wanted a good enough job to pay the bills and keep him in a nice house. But he had to answer something more interesting than that, just to keep the conversation going. 'Probably a doctor,' was the best he could do, but it was a pretty good lie. He actually hated watching surgery programs, and although he wasn't afraid of blood, operations and organs did make him feel a little queasy. He smiled through his teeth, still plotting an idea, but it wasn't going very well, and Daryl was running out of things to keep their conversation going.

Daryl sighed, but an inner sigh that only he knew about. He would just have to leave it. She obviously, for some reason, did not want to tell him what year she was in, and Daryl just couldn't be bothered to keep trying. 'So, you're a Ravenclaw, huh?' He asked, looking at her robes. 'I wanted Ravenclaw, I hate the word Hufflepuff,' Daryl said with a laugh, trying to keep their conversation going, even though he had pretty much lost interest already.

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