I still can't believe it.

Leslie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Leslie walked slowly into the hospital wing with tears flowing down her face. Walking fast just made her dizzy. She was still clutching her left arm-which she assumed was broken because of how much blood was coming out of it-and she had bruises forming all over her stomach and chest. Her head was pounding from where she fell over and hit it on the concrete floor and walking wasn't exactly helping. When she got part of the way into the hospital wing, the dizziness took over her and she fell to the floor. She still couldn't believe how her sister could do this to her and still laugh as she walked away. It just wasn't like her. Leslie couldn't wait for one of the nurses to come and help her so she could finally get rid of the pain.
Pearl had been in her office getting rid of yet another nose bleed when she heard something like a thud coming from the hospital wing. Rushing out Pearl saw a girl in horrible shape lying on the ground, "Oh merlin, what happened?" she asked her self before running over to the girl. Since she was incapable of lifting the girl up herself at the moment Pearl used a levitating spell and brought her over to a bed. She began working her magic and healing the girl before applying bruise paste to her. Pearl grabbed a chair and sat by the girls bed waiting for her to wake up so she could find out what happened to the poor kid.
As Leslie opened her eyes, she saw one of the nurses sat beside her. She could still feel the pain in her head and arm but her stomach felt loads better. She sat up and looked around realising that she was now on one of the beds and no longer on the floor. "How did I get here??" It was an obvius question but Leslie decided to ask it anyway. She then felt her heart start racing as she remembered what had happened for her to end up here. Why had she been like that??
Pearl smiled sweetly as the girl woke up, "Well dear, I found you out here on the floor and I levitated you on to a bed, I would actually like to know how you got on the floor with all those injuries and if anything still hurts" she said kindly. The young girl was lucky Pearl wasn't having a crazy mood swing right now, even if Pearl tried to stay calm at work every once and a while her hormones would get the better of her and she could go crazy on some poor student.
Leslie breathed heavily. She didn't want to answer. No matter how much she hated her sister right now, she didn't want Steph to get expelled. "My arm hurts still and so does my head." It was a bad way of trying to stay away from the subject but Leslie was going to delay her answer until she could think of a story. Steph would hate Leslie more if she got expelled because of Leslie's big mouth. She had no idea what story she would come up with but it had to be good.
Pearl nodded as the girl told her her arm still hurt and so did her head. She also took note that the girl was avoiding her question. Pearl began healing the girl again, "There, all better?" she asked.

(( sorry its so lame, can't get into pearls character -_- ))
(No Problem :D )

"Yeah, that's loads better. Thanks." Leslie looked up at the nurse and smiled. She was glad that the pain was finally gone. "I should be ok now. Does that mean I can go??" She was eager to go because she couldn't think of an excuse for why she ended up the way she was.

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