I see Trouble Down the Line

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Isidora Kozlova

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Not trying to make this all fancyy and what not and I was debating on posting here. Now that I made up my mind let's go on with the show! I'm really just looking to rp a couple people for Isidora Kozlova.

Anything welcome, friends, enemies, boyfriend or girlfriend. I feel bad that I put her inactive so I brought her back out hoping to rp with her again. She Dymetris's cousin and a tomboy. She's not much of a girl who cares about looks or stuff like that. She simply laid back, plus Zillian awesome I lover her play by and it be cool to bring her out. With that being said her cousin's also up to rp. If you want to rp with him let me know. He's just like her but he worries a lot xP


Next we have Dederick Cullen, my very out of the wits guy. He's a fisher man and gets by with a living that way. I don't know what I want from him, it's sad because I really love him and his play by. He's my favorite model at the moment and I think he needs to come out a little more. I'm only looking for a little bit of role players for him. Maybe a finale, if he falls for someone I was hoping for a mature girl. Maybe a little older than him? With that being said, Madlyn Margera up to rp again. She my part-giant and I love her too. She lost her father and is coming out of her gloomy days. Let me know what sort plot you want for her!
Methinks we should RP Alyssa and Isidora. They both have similar blood so that should be interesting to see. They seem like total opposites though because Alyssa is a complete girly girl. But she's really kind and considerate so she can be easy to get along with for the most part. She loves making friends too. So I don't know if they'd be friends or enemies. What do you think?

Let me know! ^_^
Sounds great! ^_^ I'm gonna guess she will be in NZ? How will you like them to meet or should we pm?
Hiya Maddiie!
I think I have a friend or a good friend for you. Not Hadan, but my sixth year Gryffindor, Rakas Varius.
Been meaning to bring him out for a while now, and figure I should start posting in one of these plot threads. Anyway, he is very hyper, has an obsession with chocolate, loves Quidditch and music, and he doesn't really like girlie girls because they scare him away. As do really tall girls so he wouldn't be the best for Madlyn, but he might change a change of heart, cause he has a soft spot for magical creatures because his brother is a werewolf. Could be a toss up between friends or just being scared, but either way it would be funny to see his reaction. He is sweet, charming, and all around just adorable. They'd have to RP during breaks and holidays, that's the little thing if for Isidora. But all the time for Madlyn if he can get over tall girls. XD

I'm awkward at these, much like I am in RL, so yeah... Lawls.

Isidora- Oh cool the Gryffindor's beater! I think he will make a good friend with Issy xP She tries to hide the veela blood sometimes for various reasons. Not that she ashamed, she just thinks personality before beauty. Let me know how you will like them to meet? (Setting//Scenery)

Madlyn- If you want we could try too? It's always good to cross path with someone totally opposite from your character xP It will make a good story one day to tell your love ones? (Rude staring rp I believe?)
Rakas/Isidora: Maybe this holiday break, or the one after considering it is almost Christmas here, and I have no idea what I will be doing.

Rakas/Madlyn: I think it would be interesting indeed. Oh no, it wouldn't be totally rude, just more or less be shocked to see someone that tall. I'm hoping he won't be rude anyway... But yeah anytime we can give it a shot and see how they react. Could be good, could be bad, who knows? Surprises are good.
Great just let me know when you want to rp ^_^ !
Hey madz.
When I get back we could always rp briar and dederick. He offered to let her spend some of the holiday on his boat so maybe she will take him up on that offer
Also when jan (ic) rolls around hadnt we agreed to let madlyn find out about bri? That could be interesting
Feel free to hugest anything else with my charries
Yes for both! Shoot me a pm ;D
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