I need you here next to me. ❤

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Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
Hey Everyone! ^_^

Soo.. I have here my character Cosette Mayfair, I haven't used her in months and I wish her to be active again.
Other than that I'll make something special for her once I finish my plan.

A short summary about her:
Cosette is shy and fragile, sweet and smart, but don't be fooled once she gets mad at someone.
She may look innocent but at the same time, her emotion can take over as well. Cosette loves
to sketch and draw anything that gives her inspiration. Playing the flute is her passion, it makes her relax and soothes her nerves. She's the youngest among her sibling, "The Mayfair Triplets". She doesn't like to bond with her sister and brother as they teased her a lot for being to private and quiet.

What I need for her:
The Best friend: Cosette has one close friend and that is Ashe, though I'll be needing a few more. He or she could be a boy or a girl, Hufflepuff or not, same year please. A bestfriend that would accompany her and share secrets and stuff what best friends do.
Friends: Some friends that can say Hi and How are you, the usual friendship thing.
A boyfriend or any love interest: Cosette could be quite choosy with boys but she prefers a true gentleman with lots of humor. I know she's young but a little puppy love wouldn't hurt right?
Others: I'm open for any crazy ideas. :p
Note: I was hoping that you could at least RP with me in .. well a paragraph or more wouldn't hurt?</FONT>
Thank You! Cyber Hugs! :wub:
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Hey Mintzy. ^_^

I have Hamza here I can offer for a relationship. I have not RPed with him in quite some time and I feel bad that I have been neglecting him for a while. He is a true gentlemen and he acts in a more mature manner than other kids his age. He can be very entertaining when necessary, and he hardly ever get's angry. He will only get angry when someone close to him is in trouble or is being picked on, and what not.

And don't worry about paragraph length, I will give you more than enough to work with, as long as I'm given a fair amount as well. ;) Normally, I can write anywhere from 600-1200 words easily.

Let me know! ^_^
Hamza :hug:

sounds good. What relationship do you want to have though?
or what kind of relationship do you want to happen?
I'm not looking for a novel, but that's good to know. ^_^
I'm going to try and not overwhelm you like I have done to some of the other people I have RPed with. xD As for a relationship, well, they can be dating for quite some time, maybe through out to graduation (if you want), and they could break up after that for some reason?
Selwin Snape said:
I'm going to try and not overwhelm you like I have done to some of the other people I have RPed with.


Hamza ^_^
Dating blooming into a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship I see. Though I'm not sure with the whole dating up to Graduation thing, but let's see where this goes and when will this end. Shall I start the thread or you'll be glad to start one? I'm hoping that your post wouldn't be that very overwhelming in terms of it's words. Obviously Pheebz knows what that means. xD

Would you, please? ^_^

It really makes no difference to me on how long the relationship is, tbh. And I do tend to get carried away in my sentence structure, sometimes using more sophisticated words than usual, though that's my more serious side coming out. xD In terms of post length, I get carried away with that as well, but I'm gonna try and not do it this time. :p Because I want to have an interesting eventful RP, not a boring "hi, how's it going? My name is blah blah blah, and you are" type of thing. I get very creative with Hamza, as well as Selwin. ;)

Janey Pascot said:
Selwin Snape said:
I'm going to try and not overwhelm you like I have done to some of the other people I have RPed with.


Hush, you. :glare: :wub:

I can offer Janey as a mentee figure if Cosette wants someone to look after? Janey's used to older brothers too, so many an older sister figure would be interesting -shrug-
Hamza ^_^
I will make one right now and post here after I'm done, No worries I like to have some interesting RP's with Cosette. :D

Pheebz! :hug:
I would love to, Cosette love kids. What house does she hope to join in Hogwarts? :kaitlyn:

I'm still open for any ideas, don't be shy. ;)

I'm trying to get my character Daniel going so I can ofer him as a friend. There in the same house and the same age so I reckon they can be good friends maybe something more if thats possible at any point.

let me know.
Hey Daniel! :hug:

I would love befriend Daniel, I was also wondering if you could describe your character Physically and Emotionally? I would like to know about Daniel Cedric more Please? If that's possible? ^_^
Of course.

I've just got the skeleton outline of him so far but. He's friendly, kind hearted, funny, athletic. He gets protective over people very fast. He's the kinda guy who acts first and thinks later. He's smart but kinda lazy with his studies. Emotionally speaking he's a mess really, he has abandonment issues because his father left when he was young, his mother died only a few years later so he's not the most stable person but he hides it well behind his charm. He's athletic so he'd well built but not really muscular he's just kinda slightly above average build if you know what I mean.
Hamza! :woot:
I'm done with our thread, let's see where this goes about the whole relationship thing.
Oh and don't overwhelm me your words. ;)

Daniel! :wub:
I'm quite intrigue about Daniel Cedric, is there any Celebrity you can compare him to by mean of physical aspects? I'm sorry for asking to much. I just really need to know him. :)

I had Paul Wesley in mind as his play-by so him I guess.
I shall do just that. But all my creative juices are going into my uni essay so it won't be anything spectacular. Do you have anywhere in mind or shall I pick?
Done. I direct you to the Hufflepuff common room. :D
Soo, where is the topic located? You haven't given me a link. xD
Fingers crossed for Gryffindor, but she'll have friends in hufflepuff :p
Hamza! :tut:
If you didn't received my PM just last night about out thread then... HERE is it.
(Ive bold,underlined and capitalized it .. if ever you didn't noticed it again. xD

Pheebz! :woot:
Gryffindor nice! That's sounds good to me. ;)

Anymore characters? Just post. :r

No, I didn't get the PM last night. xD
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