I need to stop making these...

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Elsa Seymour

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
So I have a few characters that need some social interaction...

This is Elsa Seymour, heir to the throne of sass. She's a second year Slytherin but she's streetwise beyond her years. Never afraid to say what's on her mind (and often that happens to be witty). Despite all this, she's not a bad person, she can just be pretty brash, wants to be super powerful...yeah. She loves sports, loves to be in the water, she's relatively clever and she's generally a fun girl to be around - once you get past the sass that is! Her father disappeared when she was little, presumed dead, and recently turned up as a healer at St. Mungos, which was a bit distressing to Elsa and her doting mother. Elsa, of course, hides any distress effortlessly behind her boldness. Which she cultivated having been sent to a primary school of mostly girls (all the boys had gone off to high school by grades 5 and 6), hence learning b!tchiness. And generally being able to get along better with boys.


and now Anna has a best friend and someone to bring out the best in her!

Elsa needs friends! I've neglected her too much but she's a character I really like so I'd like to do more with her. She's a good friend once you get past her brashness, she's fiercely protective of anyone she cares about. She probably gets along better with boys as around girls she's prone to fits of b!tchiness. Which isn't to say she can't have female friends - they'd probably just have to work hard to get to the point of friendship. She's not interested in dating or anything, cause she's only 13, but friends or even enemies of both genders would be great!



This is Adrian Faraday! He's...well, I haven't decided what his job is yet. If Tyrone gets the job of Leaky Cauldron owner, he will be the accountant there (wow I'm exciting) (I'm thinking of having him apply for the Ministry at some point, though). :p He's highly intelligent, a former Ravenclaw, but he's a little awkward and lacking on the social side of things due to his anxiety. He gets nervous around crowds but he forces himself to go out in order to deal with his anxiety and paranoia. He's the type of person that needs constant reassurance that things are okay and that he isn't hated. He's a lovely guy, though, even if he does tend to see the worst in things.


I'm looking for friends, girlfriends, anyone who's willing to put up with his neuroses, really. :lol:


I've got some other characters lying around so hit me up if you're interested in RPing with any of those guys, and yeah, let me know! I'm kinda slack with RPing sometimes (sorry) but I do eventually get replies done :p

Hi Camilla :D

I can offer Kyle for Elsa as a friend?
They could know each other on name basis from classes. Maybe they could meet in the lake. A swimming rp? Kyle would like to be around her as she would be different than the usual girls he knows. And as Kyle is sweet friendly he would totally be able to tolerate her :p what do you think?
That'd be great! Cause he's so sweet and friendly Elsa wouldn't go out of her way to be mean at all, she'd joke around a bit but she'd be nice to him :p

Would you like me to start something?
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