I need some plots

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Abbey Lindon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Abbey Lindon​
Abbey is a nine year old orphan who was born in London, England. When she became a witness to her parents death she was questioned but the police couldn't find who did it. Scared and furious that the police had failed her she wanted to get as far away from their memory as possible and she managed to smuggle herself into New Zealand. Now she's living on the streets sleeping in parks and other secluded spots. Abbey personality wise is a very closed up person. She keeps her emotions inside and she hasn't even outwardly cried about her parents death thinking it as a side of weakness. She has come to believe that in order to survive she has to disregard emotions and not trust anyone. Therefore she won't let anyone get too close to her and sometimes comes across as very sarcastic, rude and blunt.

What I need for Abbey is some friends some people to persist to get past her cold exterior and see the lovely inside that she does have. Enemies some people that see her as a dirty street kid without even getting to know her. I don't need any romance stuff her right now she's far too young for that. Family a family or someone that could, for a start keep an eye on her and be nice to her from time to time, and eventually convice Abbey to live with them.

Calix Markos​
Calix is my newly transferred second year Ravenclaw. He was born in Greece but moved to New Zealand when he was nine. Calix was home schooled by his overbearing mother until his father convinced her that he was going to have to mix with other kids sometime. So he was transferred into Hogwarts New Zealand. Calix is a strong individual, he doesn't want to be one of the crowd and likes to stand out with out being arrogant about it. He's pretty laid back not letting much affect him and he's just an all round sweetie and loves to have fun. He isn't really one for sports, preferring to read or relax outdoors.

What I need for Calix is some friends. Some people that he can hang out with and have a laugh with. Enemies some people that don't like his individual style. He is sorted in the romance department as he has a final.

Valora Willoughby​
Valora here is one of my more underdeveloped characters. She is a British sweetheart who has recently moved to New Zealand. She doesn't have an ill word for anyone, even if they annoy her. She loves to sing and sings almost constantly through the day. Valora has a great sense of humour as is a serial giggler. She comes from a big family and loves to look after her younger brothers and sisters.

What I need for her is friends people she can have a laugh with and just hang out with after babysitting for her younger siblings. Enemies some people that hate that fact that she is so positive and nice. Family if anyone wants to have any of Valora's brothers or sisters PM me and I can give you some more information.

Lochlann Mulloy​
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Lochy here is my little baby, he's four years old and is a little Irishman. He is a precocious child and is a little more advanced than the usual four year old. He is a little more practical but enjoys to run around with his friends. He is cheeky and can get really hyperactive and loud. Talking loudly and constantly moving.

What I need for this little darling is some baby sitters so teens/young adults that could look after him when his mother returns to work. Some friends some younger kids that he could either know through day care or just have met through other means.
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I have Hezekiah Mowry who can babysit Lochlann. He took time off from babysitting, but he needed to stop moping around his house. He decided to start babysitting again because he loves being around children. He is a werewolf, but he never misses taking his wolfsbane. I think he would be able to keep up with Lochlann's hyperactivity because he has a five year old siter who is very active as well.


Javarius Askolov is my homeless child. He has been living on the streets for a year. He is not a miserable guy, but he is not super perky and happy either. He has a twin that he has not met yet, but the two keep in contact. He was abandonded by his mother when he was five, and until he was fifteen he was in a abusive household. I was thinking Javar could be like a big brother to Abbey. Javar was just like her at a point in his life, so he would be able to understand a little of what she is going through. He would be able to handle her attitude.

Tell me what you think. :)
Lovi! :woot:
Hezekiah sounds like the perfect person to babysit Lochy. Since he has experience with kids Lochy's mother would be happy letting Hezekiah look after her son.

I like the sound of this, having Jarvarius as a brotherly figure to Abbey. Seeing as he has been there and understands what Abbey is going through.

Should I set up some rps or do you want to?
Can you start please?
Sure I have a couple of topics to reply to but as soon as I finish I'll put those up for you
I guess I could offer my twins...

Ai Edogawa is mean on the outside and kind on the inside? But, this year she decided to be kinder to some students since she doesn't want to be lonely after having a fight with her twin brother. She may be kinder, but make her mad, and she'll be meaner than the girl she was before.. She is smart and knows Karate too and she is not afraid to use either of them in a fight... But, these two are what she uses to defend herself and her friends.

Conan Edogawa used to be a good kid, but after a fight with her sister, he became a bit meaner to those he haven't met yet. He used to always help people and not lose his temper. But now, he is a bit rude to those around him except for his friends.

So tell me what you think...
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