I need everything!!!

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Phoenix Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino :)
Birch Wand 14 1/4"/ Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Phoenix Smith​

Hi Guys!

I need practically everything for Phoenix here:

Final: I need a final for Phoenix. She is only 15 at the moment and she is ery picky about who she dates but I'm a softie and not overly fussy. She'll need someone with a cute pb.

Boyfriends: She'll need a few flings, just no one emo or goth!!

Best Friend: I'll need about 2 best friends, preferably one boy and one girl...maybe the final for the boy best friend? I dunno.

Normal friends: Girls and boys, anyone really.

Enemies: a few but they don't have to be overly mean.

Arch Nemesis: This person has to be horrid to Phoenix.

So just post!

~Dom x​
Hey Domino :hug:

For a friend, i can offer a girl...

Amelia Johnson

6th year Beauxbatons. 16 and a half-veela.
She is flirty, funny and friendly.... but she prefers to be independent and is still finding her feet at the moment around other people. Especially girls.
She could be a friend or even a best friend if you wanted ;)

Let me know what you think :D

Best friend would be good bit I've asked for Phoenix to be in Durmstrang so it might be hard.

Also DJ replied as Nick and Jaedan ;)
A think friends would be good, Phoenix is too young for him. She's 15 an he's 23 but he could go with my other charrie Zafrina Lockhart
Thats fine Domino. I think they could write... they could have known each other for a long time perhaps, having met when they were little. And then on a break, they could meet up again and get back as friends????

Could you start it please???


Yeah thats fine, but I don't have time to start one....Plus I have to post ad Nick and Jaedan Feanor!

Perfect! Yeah thats fine, but I don't have time to start one....Plus I have to post ad Nick and Jaedan Feanor! ...you guys broke me down :(
Um ok..... well i will try to start it, but don't expect anything amazing, my muse is rubbish today :tut:

what do you mean about breaking you down???
Zaffie would be good. She's 22.
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