I need a fling

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
hey all.
Okay so I have a plot with Briar having a fling. and the one RP that I have got is rather slow and probably wont get going properly to get an actual fling going. so what is a RPer to do but start another one. :r

what I am lookin for
A girl preferably, (though a boy will work too)
one day/night. nothing between them other than that. (it will probably get as far as a kiss, but not more than that, and it will finish rather promptly afterwards)
able to RP this week. and get it done before the holiday close.
preferably not a HNZ student
probably between the ages of 17 and 20. weort of 6th year-20 years (though i m willing to look a little out of there if necessary).

other than that not much is required.
this is only for 1 plot as I have exams coming up. and it is pretty much a first come first serve basis, unless the first person isn't suitable for some reason.
any questions ask away.
heyy mia
i have wolfie here and im open all week near enough so i can rp when im not working
here is the link for the first person. wolfie sounds good (I can see briar getting along with someone called wolfie) but any guy really. it is in the three broom sticks and called to welcome in the new year.

Thank you for the offer but I will find someone else, thank you anyway and sorry it isn't going to happen.

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