i hate this place

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa had just finished classes and was feeling really depressed lately. She made her way silently down to the lake front with her uniform still on and her books under her arm. Maybe she could study? Wait, where did that come from? Since when did Arisa study? She sighed and she looked up and saw that she was already at the lake. She sat down on the ground and crossed her legs. Arisa opened her potions book and tried to read it, but she couldn't focus so she put it down. She looked across at the blue waters of the lake. She remembered how her and Sern used to meet here. It hurt a little to think about him. "I hate this place" she finally said breaking her all day silence.

Derrik hadn't seen Arisa since the last time they spoke at the maze. He wanted to find her. See what had been going on. Looking through the castle was the first idea but no luck. So he decided to go look outside. He spotted her sitting at the lake.

He walked up behind her and gave her a hug hoping not to scare her.

"Hey. I've been looking for you ya know." Hopefully nothing was wrong.

Arisa had given up on any thoughts that would make sence and was just sitting there. She was basicly dead. Thought came back to her when she felt someone hug her and say they had been looking for her. She wasn't able to recognize the voice but when she turned around she saw it was Derrik, "oh, hello" she said simply in a dead emotionless tone.

Derrik heard Arisa's dead tone.
"What's up? I haven't seen you in so long." Derrik could tell that something was wrong but he didn't want to press the matter unless it was really needed. Not only that, he didn't want to open old wounds.

"Nothings up, nothing at all," she said in the same tone. Arisa felt like she was falling apart. She never saw her friends anymore. Sern had abandoned her. Her mother was spending all her time eaither with Remus or Kida. She felt like she had spent the whole year under a rock. "Whats up with you?" she asked not wanting to be rude.

Something was up but we'll see if Arisa will allow Derrik to press.

"Arisa...I don't even know. A lot has been going on with a few people....and I mean a lot. But something seems to be bothering you..." This is it. The chance to see if she'd open to Derrik.

"Nothings bothering me" she said her voice cracking a little. It was an obvious lie. She sat there and looked down at her shoes. Arisa's green eyes were spakling a litte with tears and she didn't want him to notice.

Well that was plainly a lie. Derrik could see a little sparkle in Arisa's eyes. He got closer to give her a hug.

"Come on Arisa. You and I both know something is bothering you. Are you able to trust me and let me know what's on your mind?" Derrik would hate to see anything bad happen if things got worse for Arisa.

"Its nothing I'm being stupid and emotional" Arisa said leaning into Derriks hug. "I just feel like everyone I've cared about is abandoning me" she finally said. "I think I've seen Viv and Ari once this year, Kida twice, Aeon and Sern never" Arisa said, "my mom dosn't care, shes to busy with her new boyfriend and his god daughter" she added. "And the last time I saw you didn't work out to well eaither"

Derrik listened to Arisa. The feelings she describe where ones that he once felt.

"Well...listen here. Everyone is school is busy. Not only that they have their own social lives as well. If they don't have time to sit and chat well then its their loss. It's a given fact that we won't see all of our friends even if we wish to..."

Derrik took a breath and thought about Tala for a few seconds but went back to Arisa.

"Things that happen with your mom, that's something I can't put a word on. If she's found someone new to be with, she'll probably give all her time to be with him. And as for me, you've got nothing to worry about. I'm always around when you need me. Just have good luck finding me." Derrik smiled with his last sentence.

Arisa listened to Derrik speak. It didn't help she just felt even more stupid and self centered. She got angry when Derrik said it was normal for her to want to spend as much time as possiable with Remus, "you don't understand. Shes dating Professor Firn, Kida is his god daughter. Kida is spending more time with my mom then I am" she said in an icy voice. She smiled to herself, it was nice that she would have Derrik here for her.

It kind of hurt to hear such a thing. It seemed as if Arisa's mom was trying to replace her.

"Well that it looks like to me is that she's trying to replace you. But she can't do that. No matter what she'll have you. Its just she's trying to get to know the both of them more ." Derrik wasn't sure if he said the right thing but it felt right.

"great, I wasn't even thinking that before" she snapped. "my mother is trying to replace me and someone had to point it out to me!" she said before tears fell out of her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, "god why do I cry so much, its horrible how emotional I am" Arisa said defeated. "Sern should have just let me get emotionless last valentines day. Buuut nooo, apperntly I need emotions, tell him that. God he never shows any emotion. How could I have been so stupid to think he actualy liked me" Arisa cried. "and no hes gone, I may never see him again"

Derrik listened as Arisa poured herself out. Who knew so much could be troubling one person. He still sat next to her, keep her close.

"You can't help how emotional you are. Its just built in everyone. And what about Sern? If he hurt you that bad then forget about him. He's no good to you if that's all he did." Derrik afraid that he was pushing across more lines than he could cross.

"I can't just forget about Sern, I love him, even if he dosn't love me" she whispered. "He played his part so well, all those times we kissed and hugged, I actually believed there was something there" she added. She put her head in her hands, "Maybe if he had actually broken up with me, and not just left I would be taking this better" she said before grabing her potions book again. She began fliping through the book. Just then a pressed blue flower with silver swirls around it fell out. She caught her breath. It was the flower Sern had given her. The silver was so much like his eyes. His beautiful eyes. She noticed a lump in the flower, and picked up the flower and opening the blue petals. A silver ring was inside. The ring he had given her for her birhtday. Ingraved in the ring with vines wraping around it was Arisa and Sern forever. Arisa couldn't hold it in any longer. Sobs exploded from her. No one was out on the lawn today anyways. The weather was cold and wet. Storm weather.

Derrik had to tell her to move on in some way. But he couldn't. He didn't have the strength to say it. Instead, he still sat next to her and did all he could to comfort her. He noticed also that the weather was changing. Looked like a storm might be heading by.

Arisa eventually finished crying. It had started raining with thunder and lightning. Sern would have loved this storm. "Thank-you" she said to Derrik in a calm voice. She had begun silently looking out at the lake again. "Thank-you for always being there for me" she added. The rain pelted down on her plastering her hair to her head and getting her clothes soaking wet. She didn't care.

Derrik smiled a bit. He felt happy that he was helping out once again. Sadly it started to rain a bit.

"Hey, I think we should go inside before this storm gets worse." he said as he looked at her.

"oh, you go inside. I want to watch the storm" she said in an emotionless tone. Just then a crack of lightning came down apon the lake lighting up the whole sky and thunder erupted from the heavens. It was a perfect storm. "could you maybe take my books in?" Arisa asked picking up her flower and ring and placing them in her lap. "I don't want them to get wet"

Derrik didn't like that idea.

"Come on Arisa. Let's watch it from the castle doors. I feel safer over there so if anything happens we can run back inside." Derrik said as he picked up her books. He watched as a strike of lighting hit somewhere in the lake.

"I'll be fine, I promis" she said still looking out onto the lake. "If anything happens to me you have permision to punish me later" she added. She picked up the ring and and played with it in her hands before putting it on. She would wear it. at least until Sern came back to break up with her.

Derrik still didn't like the idea. He moved to lay his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure you want to be alone right but please? Do it for me...don't want to see you get struck by one of those things." It was kind of the worse thing that could happen but it had to be pointed out.

"No, I don't care if one of those things hits me or not, and its not like I'll be in the forest or anything with all those trees. That, and lightning only strikes the tallest thing it can find, there are plenty of trees around that are taller then me" She said in a reasuring voice. "thank-you though for caring so much about me, its nice to know" she added.

Derrik was getting mad. Arisa was being stubborn but how could Derrik blame her? She was out of it right now.

"Alright....I'll see you later." With her books in hand, Derrik walked up to the castle.


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