i don't need no plotz LOL JK hellz yeah i do!

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Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Okay folks, so I'm finished my exams! :woot: Ah, the freedom! But yeah so I'm posting up one of these mega - posts for my characters, so please get stuck in here if at all possible. The more RP's the better! I'll love you for it, I really will :wub: I haven't RP'd in so long! GAH!
oh and btw i'm feeling all lazy today so i'm not really bothered to post those little mini-bios on each of my characters but please feel free to ask any questions on any of them if you're interested, i'll gladly answer them!

Okay so for Sammy boy I'm not looking for a lot. I'm really just looking for one or two friends, people outside his normal social group. Preferably a girl and a guy, in his year too. Sam needs a guy friend, not to replace Scorpius or anything ( :cry: ) but he needs some guy time. And the girl, I don't want anything romantic to happen between them, Sam is pretty much sorted for romance :lol: . Also, I'd also love to have another few RP's with his besties (you know who you are :wub: ) And I think thats all for him for now :)

Again I'm looking for a friend for Jessica. Someone who is laid-back like her, kinda chilled, someone that should would get along with. Oh and again someone in her year (6th Year), guy or girl I have no preference. Also, I think an enemy would be great! I love rping fights and really b*tchy fights aswell ;r , so I think a girl would be needed for that....maybe like some sort of glammie? But whatever really. I'm sorted for romance plots for now, so thats all taken care of.

andreaKALLOS; (see bottom of post also)
For Andrea I'm looking for a girl best friend. I was going to start writing, "a tomboy like her" but now that I think about it I think a that girly girl would be really cool to RP with and it would be really funny because their such opposites but they'll be like bffs! :lol: So basically, just some sort of girly girl who can handle Andie :r I'd also love some sort of enemy for Andie one of those really obnoxious glammies would be nice but y'know in her year too, so they can be enemies right through their education. Although if you have any other ideas please shoot 'em at me, because I wanna hear 'em! (and that goes for all of my characters btw)

I don't really know what I want for Ava, so I'm just going to leave it up to you guys. If you want to RP with Ava or have any ideas please let me know, because I do really enjoy RPing with Ava and I'm very open to ideas for her!

update; bensonThacker
For Benson, I'm looking for a girlfriend for this IC year. There is currently a plot made with Clarice Herrington where she crushes on Benson (they are like best friends btw) but Benson asks another girl to the Yule Ball and Clara becomes very jealous. Its your typical Ron/Hermione plotline but its awesome, and myself and Alexis would really love for you to take part. So basically, a third year girl who'll go out with Benson Thacker is needed :wub:

Yeah thats right you heard me, no objections, ye hear?

Annnnnyways, okay so after the sad depature of Emzies :cry: Brittany took over the account of Oscar Fossil. We (me and Emzies) had a plot made between Oscar and Andie and Brittany has so awesomely agreed to continue with it in her stead :wub: Although another person was involved but I don't think thats working out anymore. So basically what we're looking for is someone who will become best friends with both Andrea and Oscar, so that group will be pretty tight. But then at some point (I'm not to sure which year) Oscar will then go out with this girl and Andie gets all insanely jealous and schtuff...which causes tension between the whole group etc etc. It'll just be fun to RP! So if you're interested please, please, please post! Oh also, the girl will have to be a first year! ;)

So I think thats pretty much it....oh yeah and like I said before please shoot any plots you think might work my way, no matter how wacky they are! I'm always up for plots! Thanks again guys! I love you all! :wub:
I know who I am! We need us some Sam & Taylor RP! :r :lol:
Also for Ava, I feel like we organised something for her and Charlie to become friends or something, but I can't for the life of me remember what we said. :erm: Exams fried my brain. xD
I'm loving the Facebook title of this thread as well. Haha! =))

Yay! People! :hug:

I've been itching for a Sam/Taylor RP! Thats definitely first up! :r
Yeah I think exams were frying my brain aswell...I think we planned on Charlie and Ava becoming closer and then they were supposed to have a crush type thing on each other eventually? Is that still happening? I honestly don't mind! ;) And xD yeah the facebook title had to be done!

Oooh that'd be great! Although it won't be the same without Abby :( :cry:
There's a new member?

Okay is this for the Andie/Oscar plot? Because that could actually work, maybe Andie would eventually get all jealous because Sureya is part veela! Well in the end Andie and Oscar are finals ( i think ) so its not a problem that Sureya has a final organised! ;)

Thanks Guys! :wub:
The Glam Squad should totally get together for a roleplay! Now that Abbey and Aly are teh leaders (I kinda just assumed, Jessye) it'd be so sweet!

Jenna and Sam MUST roleplay.

I think you should add in a bit about Benson and Clarice, looking for a girl for him, eh?
I've been thinking about those four characters, and I have a sixth year in Slytherin that could get along with Jessica. Hadan Johnson. She is calmed down a lot from her younger years and is a pleasant person. ^_^ I think they could be friends.
Sam Prince said:
Okay is this for the Andie/Oscar plot? Because that could actually work, maybe Andie would eventually get all jealous because Sureya is part veela! Well in the end Andie and Oscar are finals ( i think ) so its not a problem that Sureya has a final organised! ;)
When you want to start rping them give me a holler or we can iron out details here ;) think it could be funny xD
Ooooh I love his character! :wub: And thanks for starting it up!


Oooh I'm totally up for a Sam/Jenny RP! Would you like me to start it up, or do you want to?
And yeah I just updated it ;)


Oh that'd be great! I'd love that for Jessica! :wub: :woot: Do you want to start it or will I?

Great thanks, I'll shoot you a PM! ;)
Well whenever you're up for Sam/Taylor let me know. I've got a lot going on at the moment, so I might possibly be a bit slow to reply sometimes, but I'll get there. :p ^_^
And if you're still up for Charlie/Ava then that's cool with me, but if you other plans, I don't mind. :)
Another two that MUST rp are Hoshi and Sam. She misses her best friend :cry:
Hey there, I have Ryker Henrick, Gryffindor fifth year. He's pretty cool, flirty and jokey but is good for a serious chat as well. He could be a good mate for Sam?
Yay! Well I can start one as soon as I get back from dinner tonight...or perhaps in the morning tommorow! Oh and there's never any pressure in replying to my RP's, I don't mind honestly ;) Yeah I'd love to have a whole Charlie/Ava thing, I think we should leave that plot until later in the IC year? What do you think?

Well Sam misses Hoshi too! :cry: Would you like to set that up or shall I?


That sounds great! :woot: Thanks so much! :hug: Do you mind if we leave that RP until a little later in the IC year..just until I get control of all the other RPs. But it's still a definite plan!

This is super! :woot: Any chance of a girly girl bff for Andie?
Can you set it up please?
I'll start it and PM the link on Jessica's account. :)
That sounds good to me Louise! ^_^ I have a lot going on with Charlie now anyway, so I'll look forward to it later in the year. :D
I've got the RP started, and the PM sent. xD
I kinda forgot where I put the RP. Imagine that. :r
Oh Linda already offered Sureya Eidos and we're definitely doing that. But if Harriet is girly she can be that bff for Andie outside those two friends. She could be the one that Andie comes crying too? :p :r
Okay I know that the two of us had tried to do a Sam/Lola thread before and I had to end up flaking because of school and my state boards :erm: buuuuut, now that all that monstrosity is over and done with I could still offer up Lola as a friend if you'd like. Just let me know what you think and I swear on my left big toe that I won't flake this time. :D
:woot: Yeah that'd be awesome for Sam! ^_^ And don't worry about flaking, if it wasn't you it would've been me :r
Alrighty then :D Would you like for me to start up a thread?
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