I Don't Know You But You Look Cool

Tracey Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Tracey lay back on the grass with a grin on her face. She was loving school so far and she had only been here a week. She saw exactly why Teddy loved it here so much. It was definitely magical, in more than one way. She smiled wider and rolled over. Life was pretty darn good.

Tracey stood up and picked up her jumper before tying it around her waist. She decided to go for a walk, properly explore the grounds or, at least, find a new friend.

So far Tracey had just really spoken to Marcus and she could tell he wasn't too pleased with her house choice. He was trying to convince her that Ravenclaw would be good. Slytherins' didn't mind Ravenclaws apparently, at least she wasn't a Gryffindor though.

Tracey looked around and saw a girl on her own. Why not? The blonde girl made her way over and smiled shyly at her. This is where her and her brother differed. Tracey was a lot shyer when meeting new people. "Hello."
The red dye headed girl was still confuse of her new school but the classes are very awesome and can not wait for more of it. Aqua was a muggle born and even though her parents knew about her having magic, she was not neglected by them because she is an only kid of them. She is on the other hand called by her parents special and been loved more, but the problem is, they do not know how they can contact each other. Some Professors said that owl is the best way and that is what she is going to do today.

But first, Aqua went at the lakefront to write her letter to her parents before sending it via owl, she loves water and it calms her. She went at the bay and sunk her feet at the water while she wrote the letter, when someone approached her to say hello. "Oh, hi." Aqua greeted her merrily and placed her papers back at her bag pack. "I saw you at the sorting but I never have the chance to talk to you." She said to the girl with blond hair and cute face.
Tracy kept her smile and sat by the red headed girl. She seemed nice so why not talk to her. "I'm Tracey." The blonde took a daisy off the ground and began to fiddle with it between her fingers. She liked twirling it around one finger until it looked like a ring. She often didn't know what to say at the beginning of a Conversation. Then agin, she rarely started one.

"Do you like it here?" Tracey started with the school, it was one thing she knew they had in common. She knew she had seen this girl around somewhere, possibly in the common room, so she assumed she was a Hufflepuff too. They could've even shared a dorm, Tracey wasn't that perceptive. She didn't know anyone that shared her dorm.

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