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Pixie sat on Takarokaro Park bench, wither Fyre slying on her lap. "Should I go home Fyre? But if I do, they'll blame Jake. Maybe just another week." she said while stroking the German Shepherd's ears. Fyre wimpered with pleasure as Pixie tickled her tickle spot. She stood up and decided to make her way back to her Aunt's house, where, to be honest, she perferred to stay. Even though Aunty Jo and Aunty Holly weren't her real and true family, they treated her all the same. They were Carly's sisters. Her adoptive mum's family.
She gave Fyre a biscuit before picking up all her journals, all 4 of them and walking, until someone ran into her and knocked her to the floor.
She gave Fyre a biscuit before picking up all her journals, all 4 of them and walking, until someone ran into her and knocked her to the floor.