I Changed. How About You?

Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
It was a day without classes for Hufflepuff student Ai Edogawa, but still, she managed to wake up and get out of bed early. Slowly, she had been used to staying up late yet getting up early, it may have become a habit for her after needing to catch up on all her lessons. She had a lot during her first semester, and she was missing even more during her second semester. Not only was she lacking sleep, but she was also lacking nutrition, since she couldn't eat much lately. Her stomach wouldn't allow her to intake some food and even if she did try, she would end up throwing up the food she just ate. But, she was grateful on some days that she could eat peacefully. All in all, Ai was not having the best year of her life with her health condition.

Deciding that fresh air would do her at least a little good, the young girl got dressed and grabbed a basket so she could just eat outside. Or at least try to. In a little while, Ai came out of the kitchens after thanking the elves for the food they had given her and then made her way to the Lakefront for a nice picnic. When she got there, the young girl made a place for herself near the lake and on the grassy lands. It was such a nice view indeed. She sat down and put the basket beside her whilst trying to recall the memories that she had spent in the place. There were just to many good memories stored there that she wished that it would continue on and on in her mind. After a few minutes, Ai opened her basket and got out to try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She hoped that her stomach would allow her this meal as she took a bite. But the heavens seemed to like playing tricks on her as she quickly put her food down, grabbed a water bottle and ran to the nearest hidden area to throw up. "I'm hungry," she said with a sigh as she began to clean up the mess she made with the water she had brought. After that, she returned to her basket and took a seat. Looking at her hands which had grown a lot thinner than it used to be, she wondered if she would ever be alright once again.

The past months had been nothing but busy for Ryuuji. Being a sixth year student at Hogwarts is not really that easy as some make it seem to be. On top of tons of school works, he had other things to worry about. What would he do once he graduate? Work for the ministry or be a professional quidditch player like he had always wanted, or just follow his father's orders. He's still torn between what he wanted to do, and what he needed to do. Thus, what he had thought to be a joyous year had turned out to be exhausting. Definitely not what he had hoped for. Sighing, the raven haired Ravenclaw turned on his bed again, hugging his pillows as he closed his eyes shut, trying, to no avail, to block the sunlight that was slowly creeping up in his room. He wanted to get more sleep, but even that was being not given to him. With a frown on his face, the usually cheerful sixteen year old throw his blanket off of him, lazily, he dragged his body off his bed. "Jeez I look horrible." He muttered as he saw himself on his mirror. Messy black hair, pale complexion and dark brown eyes staring blankly on his own. "Kaa-san would be really angry should she see me on this state." He added again as he run a hand on his hair, trying to tame his stubborn locks.

Finally coming into terms with the reality that he would never have the chance to catch up on his sleep again, The Ravenclaw decided to leave the confines of his room. If he can't get any sleep, then he should just try to find something to entertain him. He didn't want to spend the day reading books and doing school works again. If he would meet his younger self right now, he was sure that the younger Ryuuji would be greatly disappointed seeing how he's been spending his days lately. Changing into a more decent attire than his previous one, the boy started his way down the grounds. Before he realized it, his feet had already taken him to that same place that he seemed to always wander into whenever he wanted to think and just relax. He was at the lakefront again, the place which holds so many precious memories for him. Humming a little song under his breath, he started to walk around, occasionally stopping to take in the beauty of the place that he had long forgotten with all the worries occupying his mind. After a few minutes of just walking aimlessly, his keen eyes had caught sight of someone that he hadn't been able to talk with for quite some time. It was Ai again, the young hufflepuff that he had always considered as a part of his own family. Though he would often see her down the halls, he never really got the chance to have a proper conversation with the younger girl. They're both too busy it seemed. The last time they talked, it was about her twin, Conan. As he remembered about it, he began to frown once again. Ryuuji's not really someone who would just explode due to anger. But Conan had managed to make him do just that. Conan's really special for him too, just like how Ai is. But he's not going to lie, right now, he's still annoyed at how the younger boy had treated his twin sister. Shaking his head as if it would help him to get rid of those negative thoughts, the Ravenclaw ran towards the place where the younger girl is. "Ai-chan." He said, catching his breath as he finally reached her. It's been quite some time since he had run like that.
Ai was lost in her own train of thoughts. She wondered what was wrong with her. She questioned on why she was undergoing this difficulty. She wanted to know if she would ever be alright again. She wondered if she could ever catch up on her lessons again. She wondered if she would ever make up with Conan again. The young girl wondered about many things, she wanted to know a lot of answers, but even if she kept thinking of them, she just could find the answers she sought. Just then, her train of thoughts were brought to a halt as she heard a familiar voice calling out her name. She turned her head and sure enough saw her older brother figure catching his breath.

Out of plain instinct, Ai instantly stood up and jumped to hug her Ryuuji-niisan. She hoped that her older brother could hold her weight, since she figured that she would have most probably knocked them both down to the ground if she hadn't lost so much of her weight. "Nii-san!" she said gleefully before looking at the Ravenclaw's face. "I missed you! How have you been?!" she asked as cheerfully and as energetic as she could. The young girl hadn't seen the older boy for a long time now since they had both been busy, well at least she thinks that the older boy had been busy since she had mostly been stuck in bed. "Want something to eat, Nii-san?" Ai curiously asked him as she showed him the basket she had brought with her with food, juice and water in it. Of course, she hoped that her older brother would have time to spend with her today.
It had been long since the last time someone hugged Ryuuji. The feeling was foreign yet familiar at the same time. He can't really remember the last time that he felt like that. Lately, he had been losing his grasp on his self. He didn't like it, but sometimes, that thought that he had changed so much would cross his mind. It wasn't a really good change too. He wanted to revert back to the old him. The old Ryuuji would only laugh at his troubles. The old him would just be carefree and do the things that he wanted to do. But alas, fate had other plans for him. Even though he wanted to, he can't turn back time. He's growing older, and though still far from being an adult, he was more aware now of what was happening around him. He was more aware now of the things that he needed to do. He didn't like it at all. Ignorance was something that he'd gladly welcome now. He didn't like all the responsibilities that he had to face in the future. even his family members had been starting to notice that change in him. Though he didn't want to, he could only fake a smile in order to assure them that he was doing fine.

He was brought back into reality when he heard Ai's voice. He really missed her. She was the only thing reminding him of the old him. A genuine smile made its way into the Ravenclaw's face as he pat the younger girl's head. It's already a habit of his. Memories of the days that he spent with the twins began flooding back to him. He realized that he missed the other half of the twins too. "I've been doing great Ai-chan. How about you?" He told her. She didn't need to know that he was having a hard time lately. It'd be better to keep those all to himself. He need not worry her about something so trivial for he knew that the younger girl had her own troubles to worry about. It should be him, after all, who'll look after her. Not the other way around.

"I'm not going to refuse that Ai-chan. Now that you mentioned it, I'm starving." Ryuuji then settled himself next to the younger girl. Slowly, he was feeling a lot better than earlier. Ai had that effect on him. She's like a little ray of sunshine. She probably didn't know it, but Ryuuji was really glad to have met the twins. They're like his family already. He didn't want to leave them. "What are you doing here by yourself?" He raised a question as he looked at the younger girl. Worry was evident in his eyes. He didn't want to think that the girl had no one to accompany her. He had already failed to be their big brother when he left the twins to fight. He didn't want to think that during the time that he hadn't been with her, she had been all by herself again.
Ai had instantly noticed something was wrong. Her nii-san was not acting like his usual self. In fact, Ai always thought that Ryuuji had never been the same after Conan changed. It was sad that it wasn't only she and Conan who changed but Ryuuji had too. She slowly pulled away and took a good look at her older brother figure. A smile not so genuine on his face until her own voice seemingly brought him back to the world. She closed her eyes with a gentle smile as she felt a pat on her head, a pat she surely misses every time.

Ai wished that she couldn't tell when people lie, especially when she can't control it. She couldn't stand it anymore, knowing that her nii-san was lying to her about being fine. The young Hufflepuff sighed as she said silently and sighed, "I won't lie to Ryuuji-niisan, so please, tell me again... How are you, Onii-san?" she asked nearly begging him to tell her the truth. It was killing her that Ryuuji was lying just for her not to worry, but in fact, she was worrying even more, trying to guess what the problem was.

The young Hufflepuff giggled at the Ravenclaw's response as she slowly took out the food and beverages present in the basket. She was glad the elves packed a lot, even though she told them that she probably couldn't eat half of what they gave, they still kindly offered it to her and she couldn't bring to decline them any more. "Breakfast," she said a one-word response to his question. Ai didn't mind having breakfast by herself, it gave her time to herself which made her think of a few things. "I came out here to get some fresh air and have breakfast," she told the older boy more clearly this time with a huge grin on her face. She was glad Ryuuji was beside her right now and she was not alone.
Ryuuji had forgotten that Ai had a knack of knowing whether he's lying or not. How could he forget about that? He knew he can't wear a mask when she'd around. It would only prove to be useless as the girl could tell whether he's telling the truth or not anyway. Defeated, the boy could only sigh. He didn't want to worry her. However, as he looked at her, he can't bring himself to lie anymore. "Not so good I guess.", He said with finality, his voice in a low whisper. "But forget about that, tell me how have you been." He followed up more quickly that he intended to. He wanted her to forget about his previous statement. He didn't want to discuss how he had been after all. He'd rather spend the day listening to her talk about herself than to spend it relaying his story to her. There would be a better time to do that. Right now, he would rather forget his worries by spending the day with his little sister.

He could only smile as he heard the younger girl giggle. It sounded like bells in his ears. It had been a long time since he talked to someone like this which only made him realize how he wasted his time worrying. He tried to dismiss those negative thoughts though as he focused his attention to his companion. "I see. I haven't had my breakfast too." He didn't mean to say those words though. He's usually the type to wake up early. Normally, he would have eaten his breakfast already during this time. "But anyway," He started, a sheepish smile on his face as he reached out for a sandwich, "Did you prepare these?" He remembered having the younger girl teach him how to cook. It was such a disaster to say the least. Ryuuji had never been good at cooking. Until now, no matter how he tried, he's still as clumsy as ever.
"Arigato for telling me the truth, Nii-san," Ai told Ryuuji as he admitted the he indeed hasn't been so good lately. And for sure, Ai was too. Although, she was quite taken aback at how quickly her older brother wanted her to forget about him being not so good. But, as she promised, Ai would admit how she was doing. "Worse than you, I bet," she said with a small smile. It was nothing to smile about in reality, but she had no one to talk to about it. With Kate being Head Girl, she was busy and she couldn't find Casey or Roxan either. And she didn't even want to think of what her muggle friends would think of her if they knew her problems. The only ones she could talk to were Ryuuji and Heath, but she was just too embarrassed to approach the Hufflepuff. But nonetheless, she was glad that she was talking with her nii-san now.

"Then Nii-san should eat a lot!" Ai exclaimed with a gleeful smile pushing nearly everything towards Ryuuji, leaving herself with the beverages, which she knew would probably the only things she could intake without getting sick and throwing up. Ryuuji's question had made Ai look back into the past when she would always bake and cook for her brothers, but she was rarely near any kitchen now, after being sick for a while. The younger girl shook her head in response, "The elves made it," she said with a small smile. "So, has Ryuuji-niisan been cooking slash baking recently?" she asked both curiously and teasingly.
Ryuuji could only frown at the girl's statement. He should have expected that answer. He's not gonna lie. He had hoped that everything had been starting to get better for her. He had hoped that somehow, though a little impossible, Conan was starting to talk to his sister again. But alas, not everything's going to work the way he wanted them to. He should have expected that already. After all, his life hadn't been that good lately too. His plans hadn't ended up the way he wanted them to too. "I'm sorry to hear about that." He told her. He was worried about her. His own worries forgotten, he wondered how he could help the younger girl. His own troubles could wait, Ai's were more important. "It's Conan, isn't it?" He continued, an image of the younger boy flashing on his mind. He really liked Conan. He reminded him of himself. He greatly adore the younger boy and had enjoyed his presence. Yet, with the way things turned out, he can't help but to get annoyed at the younger boy too. He still thought of him as a younger brother, but Ryuuji won't forget the way the boy treated Ai too.

"You should eat a lot too Ai-chan!" Ryuuji cannot help but to laugh a little as Ai pushed her foods toward him. He can't possibly finish everything. Besides, Ai looked thinner than before. He hadn't notice it earlier, but it sure looked like she lost some weight. This only worried the Ravenclaw further. "Let's share everything Aic-ahn." He repeated, handing the younger girl some sandwich. He can't bear to see her look so sickly. "I would love to say that I do." He started when asked whether he continued trying to learn how to cook, or bake to be more specific. "But I'm afraid I can't lie to you Ai-chan, the kitchen hadn't been that welcoming to me. Nii-san's still an awkward cook." He continued, laughing at his own shortcomings. Ai had tried with all her might to teach him how to cook. Yet, there he was, his cooking slash baking skills were still the same as they were before. He usually prided himself as someone who can learn things easily, but it seemed that cooking was one thing that he would never ever learn.
"Nii-san shouldn't be sorry at all... Ai-chan's not frowning at it so neither should Ryuuji-niisan," Ai told him with a teasing face, pulling her lower eyelid down using her index finger and sticking her tongue out at him. As much as Ai didn't want to worry him anymore, she couldn't help but tell the truth as she had promised him. But she certainly didn't like the idea of the Ravenclaw brooding over it all day long. It was enough that she had to worry about it, she didn't need to pull others into the mess. Ai shook her head at the Ravenclaw's question. It wasn't Conan who bothered her the most, lately it had been Heath, for positive reasons, and Liam, for negative reasons. "Well, there's that too, I mean. But mostly it's just academics, health, bullies, relationships, things like that," she said with a smile until what she said crept into her mind and a blush made it's way into her face. "I did not say relationships," she said quickly.

Ai just shook her head a little as the older boy exclaimed that she should eat a lot too. Well, as much as the Hufflepuff wanted to, her stomach doesn't accept it. She was hungry but throwing up while Ryuuji was nearby wouldn't be good. She didn't want to worry him anymore than he already is. "E-eh?! I.. I don't want to Nii-san! Ai-chan already ate," she explained which wasn't entirely false except that she didn't get to digest what she ate. Ai couldn't help but laugh at her senpai and older brother's confession. The young girl wasn't surprised, only amused and finding it funny. "Then I guess I have to try and teach you some time, ne, Onii-san?" she said in between her fits of laughter.
Even though Ai had told him not to worry, Ryuui still was. He couldn't just ignore the fact that there was something bothering the younger girl. He could handle his own problems and pretend that they didn't exist, but for him to pretend that the girl was doing great, that's a different thing. He knew that he might be overstepping the line, that he might be poking his nose on the younger girl's business unnecessarily. However, he can't help it. He was worried. At that, he couldn't help but to feel a little relieved too. If he was still worrying about other's businesses, then it just meant that there was still even just a tiny hint of the old Ryuuji in him. "I know Ai-chan. However, I'd prefer that you share your problems with me. Don't worry about worrying me, you're never a burden, ne?" He told the younger girl, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched her make those faces. She could certainly brighten up his day. That too, never changed.

At the mention of the word 'relationship', Ryuuji's ears perked up. Now that was something new. Ai had never talked to him about it. He had always thought that she was still too young to worry about such thing, but if she was already thinking about it, it meant that she was growing up. Did that mean that he was getting older too? that couldn't be. "You just did Ai-chan." He said, smiling playfully at the younger girl. He would really love to hear about that aspect of the younger girl's life. Since the twins' fight, they never really got the chance to actually talk about 'happy' or just 'normal' things. "You look like a tomato right now, care to share why?" He added, his head tilted a little to the side, his eyes seemingly close from his smiling.

"No. You should eat. Even just a little. I interrupted you earlier and I doubt that you were already full. You should take care of yourself more Ai-chan." Ryuuji argued, his lips pursed into a thin line as he once again, pushed some of the foods towards her. In his opinion, Ai should really put some weight. Being that thin wasn't good. "Mou, but should we do that, I'm quite sure that the house elves would ban us from the kitchen. I think I got worse Ai-chan." The girl's laughter was contagious, and before he knew it, he too was already laughing with her.
Ai was getting more and more worried by the minute about her 'older brother' by the minute. He was certainly acting weird in her own opinion. And when the older boy told her to not worry about worrying him, Ai had a frown on her face. "No way Ai-chan's telling!" the younger girl whined and complained like she was still a six-year-old child. The Hufflepuff kept thinking about things and she came up with a quite crazy idea she knew will never work, "Unless," she said with a playful smile, and teasing tone, "Nii-san tells me his problems," she said her eyes closed, smile wide. She knew it won't work but it was worth a shot.

Ai was sure that her face were growing different shades in every minute that passed as she noticed the expression on his nii-san change. He was going to tease her about it! But now she realized that they last thought about these things when she was only a first year, and now, she was already a fourth year. The same age Ryuuji was when they met. "Am I busted?" Ai asked shyly against the boy's playful smile. "T-There's a boy I like," Ai admitted, her face growing a deep shade of red as her gaze flew from one object to another.

Ai gulped slightly. She knew her secret would be discovered very soon as she couldn't deny the Ravenclaw any longer. "W-well, if you insist," she said as she took a sandwich and began to eat it all up. She ate it all in a short while because of her hunger as she gulped down a bit of the fruit juice the elves gave her. A few minutes passed and Ai began fits of laughter again because of Ryuuji's statement. "I don't think they'll ban us... They'll only ban you, Ryuuji-niisan," she joked at him, laughing in the process and sticking her tongue out. It was then at that moment that Ai felt that familiar twist in her stomach as she quickly stood up and ran to the nearest bush. At that moment, the young Hufflepuff regretted eating that sandwich as she threw up. As soon as she thought her stomach was done, she brought out her wand and cleaned the place. "Scourgify," she said softly and swiftly as she had done many times before.
At the girl's statement, Ryuuji couldn't help but to laugh. It was probably an inappropriate thing to do at such time, but he wasn't able to stop himself. Since when did Ai learned how to negotiate like that? Since when did she learned to put up conditions before she do something? She was indeed growing up, she was changing. Ryuuji wasn't really a big fan of change. He loved the consistency that his life once offered. This change, however, wasn't bad at all. In fact, he found it rather amusing for he to do such thing as that. "Nah, that sounded like a fair trade-" The Ravenclaw started, mirroring the smile on the girl's face, "However, I think my own worries were small in comparison to yours. Nii-san can handle them. You need not carry those burdens on your shoulder too. However, yours would be an entirely different thing." He continued. It was the truth. The girl need not worry about him. He could solve his problems on his own. They were probably not problems at all if he would just look at them on a different perspective. The younger girl need not know them.

The way that the younger girl was blushing amused the Ravenclaw. It was entertaining to see her so flustered. "You are." He answered her playfully, poking the younger's cheeks with his index finger. She looked really adorable like that. "And who might the lucky boy be? Nii-san should know him you know." Ryuuji said in a matter-of-factly tone. He wasn't an expert when it comes to things such as relationship. However, he wouldn't just let any boy hurt his 'sister's' feelings. He had to make sure that this boy deserved Ai.

When the younger followed what he told her and ate, Ryuuji felt relieved. He then pat her head the way that his mother would do whenever he accomplished something. "I can't believe that you'll leave me alone Ai-chan! If I'm banned, you should be too, after all, you're my sensei, ne?" Ryuuji faked a hurt voice as he withdrew his hand from the girl's crown and folded them on his lap. It felt refreshing to joke around with her like this. However, that relief was only short lived as the girl suddenly stood up. He didn't really know why but when he watched her threw up, that's when he understood. Worried, he hurriedly went to where she was, rubbing his hand on her back to calm the younger girl down. "Ai-chan, are you alright?" Worry was laced in his tone. He then reached for his pocket to pull out a handkerchief and offered it to the girl.
Ai's eyes widened at the sight of her older brother laughing. At least he was slowly getting back to normal, but she knew that there were still more. Although, she was quite clueless at why the Ravenclaw was laughing and it was confusing her to no end but her smile widened all the more when the older boy proclaimed that she was asking for a fair trade. "No problem is small or big in my eyes! A problem is still a problem!" she declared, like it was for the whole world to hear. It was certainly true and every problem needs to be solved, and she was sure as hell that her older brother was having trouble solving them. "And why can't I carry other's burdens but Nii-san can?" she asked, her head tilting a bit, clearly reflecting the curiosity and confusion circling her mind.

Ai was blushing non-stop and she was sure that she could die any minute from embarrassment or she could lose all the blood in her body as all of them were heading straight to her face giving it a shade of bright red. "S-someone in my year," she shyly said, squirming a bit from her confession. "The one I came with during last year's Ball," and with that said, Ai covered her face with her hands. If Ryuuji were to know more she was sure she'd die.

"I won't be leaving you, but you will surely be the one setting the kitchen on fire," Ai said her tone clearly teasing the boy of being unable to cook or bake and instead able to set the kitchen on fire or make something explode. It was something that never failed to amuse Ai. "And besides, they'll think you're the sensei since you're older and I'm younger and smaller," the young girl gave the older boy a wide toothy grin as she continued to tease him to no end.

Ai was really glad for that cleansing spell that she could instantly clean up every heck of a mess she would make. And the young girl felt like an idiot for eating the sandwich knowing fully well what might happen. She accepted her older brother's handkerchief and began to wipe herself. "Hai, daijobudayo, Ryuuji-niisan. Shinpai Shinaide. Arigato," she told him softly before cleaning up the boy's handkerchief with the spell again before keeping her wand once again.

Hai, daijobudayo, Ryuuji-niisan. Shinpai shinaide. Arigato.
Yes, I'm fine, Ryuuji-niisan. Don't worry. Thank you.
[th colspan="2"]Translation[/th]
Ryuuji shook his head at what he had heard, but a smile was still playing on his lips. He knew that Ai was smart. It shouldn't be a surprise should she caught on on the things that he didn't want to tell her. It seemed like no matter what he say, Ai wouldn't bulged. "That's bad Ai-chan, you shouldn't view everything as a problem. If you worry about all of them, you'd just make everything difficult for yourself. And besides, too much worrying will make you older faster." He told her, the last bit coming off as a joke. He, however, could understand what the girl was saying. He shouldn't really ignore his worries and work on solving them too. Ai's stubbornness made the Ravenclaw give up. There'd be no use denying anything now. Besides, he realized that it wouldn't be fair for her if he won't share a part of his life to her too when she had been truthful to him all along. "I guess you're right. Nii-san's being a hypocrite. I'm sorry, Ai-chan." He told her, his smile turning into a sheepish one.

Ryuuji didn't really understand relationships that much. However, with the way that the girl was blushing, he'd assume that this person was indeed really special to her. It's quite entertaining really. He had never seen the younger girl as flustered as she was now. "Do I know him? Mou, Ai-chan.. Nii-san's a little jealous." He told her, feigning a hurt look before he burst into a series of laughter. He's really love to hear more about this boy. Surely, if Ai valued him this much, he's interesting.

"That's true. I'd probably have the house elves skin me alive. However, you don't have to remind me that I'm getting old Ai-chan." He flicked the younger girl's forehead gently, smiling fondly at the younger girl. It was at times like this when he feels at ease. It's different from the other times that they met. He couldn't remember clearly when it was that they last talked like this. It would have been better if Conan was there. Then perhaps, they'd return to the way they were before. He surely hoped that everything would be fine before he had to leave them.

The Ravenclaw just watched the girl as she tried to clean herself up. There was definitely something wrong there. Was he at fault? Maybe he shouldn't have forced her to eat. If he didn't, she wouldn't have thrown up everything that she had eaten so far. "I'm sorry Ai-chan." He muttered, feeling a little guilty for what had happened. "Are you sure you're fine?" He then asked, looking intently at the younger.
Ai listened to what the Ravenclaw had to say. Since when did they have these kinds of conversations? They were... serious conversations instead of the usual joking they had. But, the Hufflepuff could easily pick-up what Ryuuji was trying to tell her, but she had her own opinions too. "Well, we do have to solve them at some point, so it's easier to solve them earlier so you got less time to worry," she said in a matter-of-factly tone. Well, at least that was how she tries to solve her problems, but in Conan's case, it never seemed to work. "But I don't want to get old so fast!" Ai whined and whined. She was stubborn and naive and impulsive, but around the older Ravenclaw, she was also childish. "I don't mind, but Nii-san should really tell me when he has a problem," the Hufflepuff said with a smile looking at the Ravenclaw before her.

"I... I don't think so," Ai was sure she was as red as a tomato by now, or even worse maybe. She gulped a little as the boy declared that he was jealous of the boy she was liking, mainly her housemate and friend, Heath. "I... I've known him since my first year," the young girl confessed as she couldn't help but be more embarrassed and if possible, get even redder because of the older boy's laughter as she continued to cover her face with her hands.

"Nah! House elves are too kind to skin you alive, Nii-san," Ai said sticking out her tongue on the boy before her. As far as she knew, house elves were too kind to scold someone. It wasn't the house elves who scolded her when she made a mess out of the kitchen. In fact, they even helped her clean the pies she had thrown. "Nii-san's getting old, nii-san's getting old," Ai chanted just to tease her older brother. He had flicked her forehead! And he will pay as she continued to chant the said phrase.

Ai knew that her older brother was already blaming himself for what had happened, especially after he had let out an apology. "It's okay, Ryuuji-niisan," she assured him with a smile. The young girl wasn't quite sure if she needed to tell the Ravenclaw her health problems but she knew that he didn't need more troubles at the moment. "I'm sure, so don't worry!" the younger girl exclaimed as gleefully as she possibly could.
"Then you shouldn't worry too much. Ai-chan, you're strong. I'm sure that you would find a way to make everything work out," Ryuuji said, laughing a little. It was amazing how he could easily shift his emotions when around Ai. It was easy for him to feel better and not brood around so much. Perhaps it was because he knew that he needed to be strong for her and that he couldn't possibly break down when he had things to do, Or perhaps it was because it was Ai, a family member, a close friend. It was probably that that made it easier for him to get over his worries and focus on what's at hand. "I promise." Ryuuji raised his right hand before he placed it on right chest, just above where his heart is. "I promise to tell Ai-chan. However, you should also promise not not keep anything from me, ne?" He then finished, holding out his hand for a pinky swear.

Ai was flustered and that just amused the Ravenclaw further. The somewhat sadistic and playful side of the old him was resurfacing once again. His eyes twinkled in amusement. Now, he's really itching to meet this mysterious boy. "Then could it be that-" He started, letting the words hang in the air as a mischievous smile replaced the gentle one. "Could it be that you are what they called.. soul mates?" He finished innocently, his head tilted as his eyes appeared to be close again from his smile. How he wanted to really talk to the boy. He would like to thank him for somewhat giving Ai some happy memories despite the arguments that she was having with Conan. "But then, you just said that you were having some troubles with your relationship, why is that?"

An image of the time when the three of them, Ryuuji, Ai and Conan, were hanging out together, flashed in Ryuuji's mind as he heard the younger tease him. He was really angry at Conan. That he must admit. However, he also missed the younger boy. He would really want to have a proper conversation with him before he had to graduate. He didn't want to leave knowing that Ai and Conan were still in bad terms. "Stop that Ai-chan. Nii-san's getting hurt you know." He told her playfully, though his expression showed that he was enjoying the conversation that they were having.

though he didn't want to doubt Ai, Ryuuji couldn't believe what she was saying. How could she say that she was fine when it was quite obvious that she was not? He didn't like that at all. A serious expression made its way to his face as he rested one hand on the younger's shoulder. "Look at me in the eyes and tell me if there's anything wrong." He told her, his tone flat, his own eyes looking at the girl. He wanted to hear the truth. No matter how inconvenient it may be, he wanted to know whether she was indeed fine or not.
"You will find the solutions to your problems to Nii-san," Ai smiled at the boy she considered her own older brother. Ever since they met, she had already considered the boy as part of her own family, not that she had much to consider as a family. And she knew that family members should help each other. Family should have trust and love, and that was part of their relationship. "I promise not to keep anything from Ryuuji-niisan when he asks," she said raising her hand and placing it on her own chest, mimicking the older boy's gesture. She held out her hand, securing the pinky swear.

With the boy's hindered words, Ai removed her hands from her face, the blush on her cheeks clearly seen. But when the Ravenclaw continued his statement, the Hufflepuff's eyes widened as she became more flustered than before. "Mou! Ryuuji-niisan's teasing!" she said playfully and lightly hitting the boy's arm. "E-eto... I'm n-not sure if I should tell him," the young girl said softly. She knew quite well that it was normal for girls in Japan to confess but she wasn't so sure if it was the same with the boy's culture. "And I'm confused cause he's kinder and sweeter than before, but I don't want to drive him away should he know that I like him," she said with a quite a sad face. Ai was afraid that Heath would stay away from her when he finds about her crush on him.

Ai looked at the Ravenclaw's eyes, and knew that she can't bring herself to lie to the boy after she had made a promise. "Ai-chan's hungry, but I get sick after I eat," the Hufflepuff admitted, tears forming in her eyes. Sure she was already a teenager, but deep inside she was also a child. She had been hungry everyday, as it was harder to throw up after a meal. Her stomach had been killing her for days and weeks, and she was getting left behind with her classes. "I've been missing an awful lot of my classes and I can only catch up with one or two," she told him softly, her watery eyes looking directly at the Ravenclaw's.

Ryuuji smiled at the younger girl, comforted by the promise that they wouldn't be hiding anything that was bothering them. He didn't like it when the girl would bottle every worry that she had. He didn't appreciate it at all. Ai was still too young. Though she's more mature than him in different aspects, and though he knew that she was strong, he also knew that she was fragile and delicate. He didn't want her to break down. He knew that the younger hurts herself. She's punch the walls until her hands would bleed. He didn't want that to happen again. He knew that he didn't have enough time, but hopefully, with that limited time that he had, he would be able to at least help her get over her worries. If he can't make the twins make up, he'd have to find a way to make sure that Ai wouldn't be alone.

The reaction that he was getting from Ai was indeed funny. He didn't mean that in a bad way. It was actually quite adorable. He remembered his older sister acting like that whenever that time of the year comes that she had to give chocolates to those that she cared for. Her sister would react the same way that the younger girl did. It's amusing. Ryuuji rubbed the spot where the younger git him. It was just a reflex action as it didn't hurt at all. He smiled fondly at the hufflepuff. "I'm not good with these stuffs, but Ai-chan, I think you should tell him." He told her softly. He hadn't confessed to a girl before nor was he confessed to. However, he believed that it would feel great to have someone think of you as special. "You're a really sweet girl. I don't think that he'd drive you away simply because you like him."

Somehow, Ryuuji was happy that Ai didn't lie to him, yet, he was also worried. He knew he was right. She's indeed sick.The problems that she had had really taken a toll on her. "That's not good Ai-chan." He told her sternly. She couldn't possibly stop eating. Where would she get the nutrition that her still developing body needed? "Have you tried asking for help from the infirmary?" He couldn't bear the sight of her crying anymore. It pained him. He didn't want that at all.
Ai smiled at the older boy's reply. "You think so?" she asked, looking for some kind of reassurance. She and Heath were only in their third year, and there was still a lot of time for them to spend together. Should she really confess to him? The Hufflepuff was tempted to but, she still had a lot of doubts both in her mind. "But what if he does? I.. I'm violent and I'm not cute or pretty either, I even fail classes," she asked the Ravenclaw, trying to hide the hint of sadness laced in her voice. She was scared that Heath would reject her right then and there and another one of her worries. "A-and what if... Conan interferes? They don't get along, Nii-san," she told him. What if it happened that Conan was nearby or passing by and tries to hurt Heath like he did with Ryuuji. Ai would blame herself for it completely.

"I'm scared to go to the infirmary," she said. The young girl was scared of what was wrong with her. Surely it was just stress from everything going on and a karate summer camp in Japan would clear her mind and everything, but she didn't want to know for sure what was going on with her body. "I try to eat when I can," Ai told Ryuuji in hopes of lessening his worries. She knew it wouldn't do much good but, she had to try.
Ryuuji had never been good in the romance department. As far as he knew, he had never experienced getting that heavy feeling on his heart nor did he have his heart beat faster when he sees someone. People describe such feeling as having a crush or perhaps falling in love which was quite odd. How could a word which meant squeezing something violently which results to damage be used to describe infatuation? It was confusing but he figured that he should not think about it too much. that was probably just the way it was. Perhaps he would understand it one day. "Hmm," the Ravenclaw replied with a nod. He was not good with these stuffs but he figured that should she hide her feelings from the boy, someone might show up and steal him away from her. He did not want her to regret not telling whoever it was her feelings. Besides, hiding such strong emotion must be hard.

"You're not violent Ai-chan, you're strong. Those two are different. And believe me, you are pretty. you should have more confidence, ne? I know that you're really smart too." He assured the younger girl, a smile showing in his face. Everything that he had said was true. even his mother would think that Ai was an ideal daughter. "You're a really great person Ai-chan. However, should he reject you, Nii-san would give him a piece of his mind." He added the last sentence as a joke as he winked at the younger girl, a cat like smile on his face. "Don't worry about Conan Ai-chan. even if you were fighting, he's still your brother. And just like me, I believe he'd be happy to see you happy too."

The Ravenclaw understood why the girl was not particularly fond of the infirmary. He was not a fan of it too. He remembered having to stay there once when he injured his shoulder during a quidditch match. That day was really bad. Since then, he tried to take care of himself more. However, he also knew that Ai needed medical help too. He could not just sit there knowing that she was having trouble eating. His father was engaged in the medical business and he knew enough to know that the girl's condition was bad. even a simple person would know it too. "Even so. Ai-chan, you should really visit it and have yourself examined. You can't go on like this. You can't not eat." His voice was serious. Yes, Ai might be trying to at least eat something, but from what he had seen, she would just throw up everything that she had eaten. That was definitely bad. Perhaps, starting now, he should eat with her to make sure that she was eating properly.
Ai was never good with love or romance. Her love used to be shown in crooked ways and would frequently lead to people misunderstanding her, except for her closest friends. And in the romance department, she had just let her feelings slip from the two guys she used to like, both of which were her close friends. "I am violent, Onii-san. I punch walls, I throw tantrums, I even spar with my brother!" Ai teased at the Ravenclaw. Well, she was indeed strong and she was thinking of it in a physical way along with her being violent all the time when she was mad or angry, especially in the past. Thankfully, it lessened now that she didn't want to damage her fully healed hands. The ones which used to be bleeding and full of bruises and wounds. "I lack confidence ever since the two guys who I used to like, liked somebody else at the time, or at least I think and thought so," the Hufflepuff thought, blushing a bit, remembering how she used to like a certain muggle and after some time her feelings transferred to a certain Ravenclaw she was now having a little fun banter and teasing with. "And how can I fail classes if I'm so smart Ryuuji-niisan. Nii-san's smarter than I am!"

"Can Nii-san give the person I used to like a piece of his mind too?" Ai said quietly, actually thinking of her senpai, himself. She never did get the chance to tell him that she liked him, or at least used to. After all, they were separated for a considerable span of time and a lot had happened which may have caused her to forget the romance department for a while and only come up after some time. "He had fights with Heath," the young girl confessed not realizing that she was already revealing the name of the boy she liked. "He doesn't like Heath and it goes both ways. Heath's mad at Conan because he won't make up with me," Ai would remember that Heath was mad because she and Conan were too childish to make up, but in truth, Ai just didn't know how to make up with her twin. "He even scolds me because of it!" the young girl yelled playfully until she realized that she had just told her older brother the person she likes. "Did I just-?" the young girl's blush growing more and more visible by the second. She knew that she had already introduced Ryuuji to Heath the time at the infirmary and it was too memorable of an experience to be forgotten easily.

"Nii-san, I'm scared... I don't want to," Ai shook her head violently, clearly scared of what was to come. She didn't want to go there and be checked by a doctor yet. She wanted to finish her third year first before she finds out that she might have the worst possible disease for mankind that can't be cured by magic. She would just love to finish a decent third year school life before discovering that she was dying or something. She didn't want those kinds of worries at the moment. "I promise I'll eat," she proclaimed, raising her right hand. She would do almost anything for not going to the infirmary. She just would.

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