i can see clearly now, the rain has gone

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Eliska Barnard

Active Member
OOC First Name



This here is Eliska. She's a beauxbatons 6th year, and a twin to the 6th year
Durmstrang girl called Connor. Anyway, so she's new and I need to get her out
there, on to the field as such.
Eliska is a very polite girl. She's got a soft touch and is friendly. She is easy to
get along with and has a friendly personality. She tries hard when making friends
and has a lot of female friends. She enjoys being girly and going shopping. She likes
talking and dating boys. She is a nice person and is protective over people. She is
protective over her sister, but since they go to different schools it's not apparent
and most people don't even know she has a sister. Eliska is fairly honest, but not
always. She chooses when to be honest and when to not.
Friends, Enemies, Boyfriend/Final. Is everything she needs.

[color=53bfb1]BY APPLE OF CAUTION 2.0[/color]
Banner made by me. Like it, Request from Emzies to get one
<COLOR color="deeppink">Hey Emzies :hug:

I can offer Amelia Johnson.

6th year Beauxbatons.
Amy is a clever and very rich girl. But she is also very independent in life. She doesn't like to be told what to do or where to go,
but prefers to do things on her own choice. When she was 13, she ran away from home, feeling unloved by her parents
and not appreciated for who she is. She feels like she isn't loved any more but is instead used as a model for her good looks
and natural charms.

I think that they could make good friends seeing as they are quite alike...

Also, Steph mentioned that Connor was going to have a plot with Jack and begin to like him. She also suggested that maybe Jack
likes Eliska and goes out with her, oblivious to Connor's emotions. I don't mind whether this goes ahead or not, it was Steph's
suggestion but at the end of the day, it is up to you...

a little about Jack:

7th year Durmstrang. Half Veela
Jack is Amy's cousin and is very protective of her. He cares about her a lot and would get very annoyed with anyone who crossed
Amy. He is very protective of girls in general and despises them being mistreated. He lives with his family still and loves them
but doesn't think that the way that they treated Amy was fair. He is a big flirt, but wouldn't mistreat a girl on his life. However,
below all the lovely gentleman act, is a dark streak. He is probably going to become a deatheater when he is older and is temper
is dangerous. He would easily tackle down anyone who he mistrusted or didn't like in general. When his anger takes control of him,
he isn't accountable for what happened with it all.

I hope this is of help to you, please let me know what you think :D

Connor is here to be her sister's friend ;)
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