I ain't a showoff!

Matteo Lim

Active Member
Matteo was looking for a nice place to practice his b-boying. Ever since he'd gotten here two weeks ago, he hadn't found a good time for it, nor had he found anyone who was interested in dancing at all. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and marched his way over to a sunny spot near the lake. He sorta hoped someone would take notice of him, but he wasn't sure if he was any good now.

He began with a bit of fancy footwork and spins on his head. He frowned. Definitely not as good as before. Screw that, he thought angrily. I have to get as good as before. Otherwise the guys back home will own me. He did a flare, but it was a bit difficult on the grass. They didn’t have grass back in NYC, so it was unusual for him, but he’d have to suck it up. After a few more moves, he looked around to see if anyone had been watching him.
Rory had been walking along the lakefront trying to distract herself. So far, Hogwarts had been nothing like she expected. She sighed, casting her eyes up and catching sight of a boy who seemed about her age. He was doing..... well, to be quite honest, she had no idea what he was doing, but she was pretty sure he was doing some sort of dance. Either that, or he was having very intricate coordinated seizures that caused him to do some fancy moves. Rory thought the first seemed more lekely, but this was the magical world after all. She watched for awhile, unable to look away as it was like nothing she'd ever seen. After a few moments, she saw the boy stop and look around, and she knew she'd soon be spotted. Biting the bullet and decided to be friendly (though so far, it had mostly gotten her in trouble) she stepped forward into view saying, "Hey, I'm Rory. What do you call that.... dance thing you were doing? It looked really neat." She smiled, hoping that her efforts would not be in vain
Matteo tilted and fell over after a failed freeze pose, right when a girl walked up to him. He scolded himself for looking bad in front of her. Standing, he brushed off the seat of his jeans and gave her his flashy smile. “Yo Rory. I’m Matteo. But you can call me Matt if you want, but Matteo’s fine too.” He laughed, a loud but tinkling sort of laugh. “It’s breakdancing. It’s pretty intense. Do you come from the city anywhere? Pretty popular in those areas.” He didn’t know about this part of the world, but if you lived anywhere near a city in the United States, it was likely that you knew what breakdancing a.k.a b-boying was. He looked past her a bit more to see a few people watching him, but when he met their gazes, they turned back to their own business. He grinned at himself. Still got the charm, he thought.
Rory laughed at Matt's question, answering, "I'm about as far away from a city as you can get. I come from a tiny little town in the middle of nowhere Ireland. Breakdancing isn't really popular there." Rory saw the boy glance past her and confusing it as him looking for someone, immediately realized her error, "Oh! Im so sorry, are you waiting for somebody? I can be on my way if you'd like, just thought I'd introduce myself and ask what that breakdancing thing was."
“Wow,” Matteo said. “Ireland. I like Irish food.” He nodded. “Good stuff!” Then he shook his head vigorously. “Oh no, I ain’t waiting for anyone. Just practicing my stuff. I saw people watching so I stared them all down.” Okay, not entirely true, but whatever. He liked talking and audiences, and since Rory seemed to be interested, that was cool with him. “So do Irish people dance? Like…the Irish jig or something?” He laughed, and then realized how rude his comment could’ve sounded to Rory. He shrugged if off; politeness didn’t exactly come naturally to him.
Rory laughed at Matt's comments, not one to take offense to anything. "You'd love my mum then, she makes the best food." Rory said, smiling fondly when she thought of her mother. "Yeah, dancing is actually kind of popular in Ireland, least where I'm from. We have that traditional Irish dance stuff, it's kind of like river dance. I've been doing that since I was three, but thats not something I usually share with people. It tends to tarnish my "tomboy rep" so it'll have to be our secret, from one dancer to another. And yeah, we do actually have jigs, and these things called reels, people usually do them at parties and weddings and stuff. It's really fun, but its nothing like what you were doing." Rory smiled lighting up her whole face, eyes sparkling, getting slightly homesixk talking about Ireland, but enjoying it none the less.
Matteo could see Rory’s eyes lighting up as she talked about her homeland. “I gotta visit someday,” he replied, grinning. “And try some of your mom’s food. And try some of those dances of course.” He ran a hand through his hair. He hoped there were barber shops here; otherwise his hair would be a jungle by the time he got back to New York. “So, are you any good with dancing? I’d suppose you are, since you been doing it since you were three. That’s longer than me actually.”
Bridget had been watching a boy breakdance down by the lake she'd always thought that sort of thing was cool when a girl approched him she decided she'd go over and talk to them she really thought the dance moves he was doing were pretty cool, she walked over to them and introduced herself "I saw you breakdanceing just now, your really good, im Bridget by the was Bridget Black," she said first facing the boy then turning to face the girl who had come over and was talking to him, "just thought i'd come over and tell you that and all, i can leave now if i intureped something,"

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