Hunter Alexander Robinson

Hunter Robinson

Cheerful| Talkative| Funny| Helpful
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Veela Hair Core

Hunter Alexander Robinson

The Basics:
Full Name:
Hunter Alexander Robinson
Pronunciation: HUN-ter
Nickname: None as of yet
Name Meaning:
-The name Hunter means 'One Who Hunts' and is of English origin.
Alexander-The name Alexander means 'Defender Of The People' and is of Greek origin.
Robinson-Robinson is an English name and it means 'Son of Robin'.
Gender: Male
Birthdate: June 1st 2040
Hometown: New Zealand
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Zodiac Description: Smart, passionate, and dynamic, Gemini is characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, and is known for having two different sides they can display to the world. Expert communicators, Gemini is the chameleon of the Zodiac, adept at blending into different groups based on the vibe and energy they perceive. While they're also amazing at showcasing surface traits, the Gemini well runs deep, which is why the Twins are one of the Zodiac's most emotionally intelligent signs.
Energetic and quick-witted, Gemini never gets stuck in the past and doesn't ruminate on what might have been. Instead, they move forward with glass-half-full optimism and an ability to always look on the bright side and land on their feet in nearly any situation. With a mind that's constantly racing, even when they're just quietly hanging out, the Twins never get bored. In fact, Gemini are happy keeping their own company, and can often turn their solitary daydreams into reality.
Element: Air
Elemental Description: Air Signs are also about communication. These individuals want to get the word out. They are alert, curious and perceptive. The world as seen by an Air sign will be an interesting one, as their analysis and subsequent explanation will indicate. Those influenced by Air are inventive and they see all sides of the equation and are able to glean the best approach. Balance is important to these airy folk.
While these folks are often calm and collected, they can turn cold if their equilibrium is upset.
Those influenced by Air can truly wear another’s shoes, as it were. They are objective, cooperative and really want to help make a better world. Air Signs are communicative, intellectual, clever and fair. They can blow hot and cold, though, so beware of a chilly draft!
Relationship Status: Single (Too Young to Care)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Veela Hair Core

Light Brown Hair
Eyes: Blue
Height: 55.5" (141,0 cm)
Build: Average build
Style: Mix of skater boy style with preppy style
Played By: Froy Gutierrez

Personality: Hunter is honest, and very kindhearted. He is very funny and joyful and tries to make everyone happy. He is very communicative and he can fit in every social group. He tries to live the present instead of dwelling on the past or wonder about the future. He tries to see the good in everyone. He is the typical sweetheart and his friends usually go to him for advice as he can usually offer good and insightful advices. Hunter is very responsible and reliable tto. He is an outdoorsy person and loves to be outside, full of energy and spontaneous and also like to try new foods.
Hobbies: Running, Swimming and Chess
Likes: Watching movies, try new foods, hanging with friends
Dislikes: Monotony, classical music, small spaces
Interesting Facts: Hunter has claustrophobia, fear of small spaces


Name: Charlyze Evelyn Robinson
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Profession: Worker at the Ministry of Magic
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
She is the fun mom, she is a joker and is always making 'mom jokes'. She loves cooking and makes a delicious homemade lasagne. She taught Hunter how to fly with a broom before he came to Hogwarts. As a result of being gay Charlize was always extremely open minded and alway let her son by whoever he wants because she knows how it is to grow in a family who doesn't accept you. She recently started talking with her parents again after twelve years without talking, they stopped talking once she and Olivia got married and her parents didn't accept it.

Played By: Karen Gillan


Name: Olivia Marie Robinson
Blood Status: Muggle
Profession: Lawyer

Personality: She is the rock of the family and is always there to support everyone on their dreams but also give them a reality check. As a lawyer her job is takes a lot of her time so she values family time a lot. She is the one that makes order as both Hunter and Olivia are dreamers, she is also a planner so she always tries to plan their vacations but in the end something always falls apart. She is a happy marriage with Charlyze and her family is one of her pillars.
Played By: Melissa Benoist

Adoptive Sister:


Asteria Justice Robinson
Blood Status: Unknown
Hogwarts House: TBD
Personality: Asteria is independent, strong and responsible. The thing she cares most about is her little sister. She doesn’t trust easily and can be a bit of a loner sometimes but she is also very loving towards the people she cares about. She can also be a bit stubborn and often get in arguments because of that.
Played By: Isabela Merced

Adoptive Sister:

Crimson Avery Robinson
Blood Status: Unknown
Hogwarts House: TBD
Personality: Crimson is a very reckless and cheerful girl, a lot like Hunter but twice as annoying. Unlike her sister she wasn’t really affected by being in foster care as she doesn’t remember most of it and Asteria always protected her and make sure she would grow up to be the happy, cheerful and positive person she is today.
Played By: Madisyn Shipman

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite Class: Herbology
Least Favorite Class: Potions
Year One:

Semester One ClassesGradeSemester Two ClassesGrade
History of MagicODADAO

Year Two:
Semester One ClassesGradeSemester Two ClassesGrade
DADAHistory of Magic
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