Closed Hugs

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava had noticed her friend seemed sad sometimes lately and she didn't like it, so she had slipped him a note through Vader asking him to meet her up on the towers tonight for stargazing. That always made people feel better! She had a small bed set up, with some pillows and a nice fluffy blanket to lay on. Now all she needed was for Zephyr to show up. She sat crossed-legged on the blanket, watching the stars.
Elio had been a mess for most of the year, and he had thought the first six months were the worst part but he’d been wrong. Now it the was. After the chat he’d had with Rowan on the cliffs, something else had changed and it made the prefect incredibly nervous. Sure, his words had effectively done what he meant to say at the time, but the reality of it was much different. After receiving a note from Ava to meet, he headed up to the towers to find that she’d made a spread, and was sat on the blanket. He did his best to hide a heavy sigh, the scene close to home. He appreciated Avas efforts though more than she would realise, and took a seat beside the Ravenclaw. They’d been friends since their first year, and in all honesty he’d missed seeing her around as much as he had once, “I got your note,” he said, as though that was obvious already.
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Ava looked over as her friend sat down. "Zephyr!" She chirped brightly, leaning into his side. She looked back up to the skies. "I thought you looked sad," she told him before pointing up, "Stars are really pretty, I thought it might cheer you up," she turned back and gave him a smile.
Elio smiled at her energy, it had always been infectious. “You’re not wrong there,” he agreed, taking a seat and briefly wrapping one arm over her shoulder before lightly planting a kiss on her cheek in greeting. “You know I’ve never met anyone quite as sweet as you,” he admitted, surprised that someone had not only noticed that he wasn’t himself but also went out of their way to cheer him up. He lay back on the blanket looking up at the stars, wondering who else was looking at the exactly the same thing. “You did all this for me?” He queried, getting comfortable.
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Ava giggled as Elio kissed her cheek before laying back with him. "You haven't met my cousin Lily, then," She teased lightly. "I actually brought some of her muffins, if you wanted a snack later." She stretched before relaxing and looking up to the skies. "Of course I did," She responded. "You're one of my closest friends, why wouldn't I?" She turned to smile at him.
“Don’t think I have to,” he mused with a smile, it wasn’t about the competition so much as having someone who knew him well. “Oh amazing. Do you.. bake now?” He asked, realising just how our touch he’d managed to get with Ava. The prefect shrugged a little, “It’s just considerate of you, although, what’s it for?” He asked, still not really understanding why she’d wanted to meet in the first place.
Ava giggled as he asked if she baked. "No, I don't bake. Lily does." She turned to look at him, rolling so she was propped up on an arm. "I already told you, silly," She brushed his hair out of his eyes. "You looked sad. I thought coming out to watch the stars might make you smile, at least for a little bit." She smiled, bopping his nose before laying back down. "Everyone needs to get away sometimes,"

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