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Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth


Donavon Howard

((Future Deatheater))
Role Player: Saly

Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin.

Donavon is very mean and cunning, he dislike muggleborns as much as his parents. He's never around; he's rarely at home. He spends most of his time, wandering in the dark alleys. Donavon keeps his younger siblings away from danger or trouble and loves them more than anyone else. He's also very strong and isn't afraid of hurting other people.


Dakota Howard (click)

((Future Deatheater))
Role player: Domino

Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin.

Dakota places herself above everyone else. She's very brave and isn't afraid of anything. Back then in school, she was one of the bullies and one of the top student. She takes care of her siblings very well. Unlike Donavon who is almost never home, Dakota is always home in the morning and late night to check on her siblings. Dakota is very beautiful, and is very perfectionist. So sometimes, she's driven crazy by her younger siblings who fights all the time and scream or yell whenever they want.


Devlin Howard (click)

Role player: Raze

Ex Slytherin (Hogwarts Scotland), currently in Durmstrang.

Devlins was transferred to Durmstrang on his fifth year. The main reason is that he wants to learn the dark arts.
Just like Dakota, Devlin very smart as well, he's a quick learner and is one of the top student. He's very quiet but very dangerous, if anyone annoys him, he'll blast and will be casting spells at whatever's in front of him. Devlin is also one of the psychopaths in Durmstrang, he often lose his temper and he often bully other students not caring if they're older than him or younger or even on the same age.


Danielle Howard (click)

Slytherin Hogwarts Scotland/ Durmstrang (pls PM Kate for more info :p )

Danielle is arrogant and loudmouthed. Danielle is the natural arguer, she attacks other people verbally more than
physically. She's bossier than her twin brother Danton. She is intelligent but finds learning boring, would rather be
bullying young kids or as she sees it 'educating them in the way magic should be taught.' She loves quidditch and has
a passion for sport, but is selfish and wouldn't like to work in a team with other students who don't see eye to eye
with her.


Danton Howard:

Role Player: Maia

Slytherin, Hogwarts Scotland

Danton is strong-willed and ambitious. He wishes for all people to live in his memory. However-he is intelligent and knows that these ideas are unpopular, and keeps them to himself. He is closest to his twin Danielle and his cousin Hayley. He wants to manipulate people into following his ways and striving to be more like Lord Voldemort. He realises that his family has slipped on the social status-as his family have made a disgrace of themselves. He wants to redeem this and knows that his pureblood, millionaire family will benefit from this. He cares about his family, but wants to move forward on his own-leading the dark revolution. He will lash out in violence, but only when he thinks it necessary and when he knows he can't be caught.


Dancel Howard (click)

Role Player: Rui

Future Slytherin, Hogwarts New Zealand

Dancel is cold, cruel and cynical. He can be quite arrogant at times, but is usually able to back up his statements with his intelligence and his own abilities. He is usually distrustful of others outside of his family and he often provokes anyone that he would happen to have some interest on. Dancel views everyone as his toys, so when he gets bored of someone, he'll leave without a word, as harsh as it sounds, that's just the way that he is.Though extremely arrogant, Dancel had equally impressive intelligence, and was shown to be very wise. He was exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand, as he was rarely surprised or caught off guard. He also displayed great intuition, as he was almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realized the truth. But as intelligent as he was, he hated studying. He would often ditch his classes and he is often suspicious of the intentions of adults.


Dorothy Howard (click)

Role Player: Sally

Future Slytherin, Hogwarts New Zealand

Dorothy has no interest in muggle borns, at all. She thinks that it's unfair that they get to learn magic. The girl underestimates them and bullies them. She calls each of them mudblood, not caring if they're offended or not. She is also mean and cold toward people that she doesn't like. Even sometimes to her siblings, she fights a lot with them but had never got into a serious one (at least not yet). She can be a pain in the @ss and is not ashamed of admitting it. She only likes those who is one of a kind. But everytime she meet anyone new, she'll be very cold toward them and think of them as her enemies. She has an anger management problem and is not afraid of crying and shouting when she's mad. Dorothy is also very strong for a girl on her age especially when she's mad. And when she's mad, she'll scream and even cry, she's pretty much a cry baby and a brat. A noisy little brat.

If you're up to dramas then please post here...


Evil Boyfriend/ Girlfriend



anything ;)
I have Noah here. He is normally a quiet boy who sits and reads as long as no one bugs him. When someone does, however, he is a monster. He is deceptively strong and has practice with fighting. He supports the general death eater idea but cannot stand fully behind it as he doesn't know if he is pureblood himself.

He is sixteen years old and, once a friend of him, he is very good for protection and logical thinking. He doesn't bother with emotions and dramas, if he sees a way out of a situation he will take it unless there are larger ramifications.

I can see him being friends with one or both of the twins, up to you really. What do you think? :)
I have Sanja Petrovic who could be a friend for Donavon that can turn into a love interest if you wish. She's around his age as well ( can't quite remember :p ) I think that she's 21. But she can be quite a dark person if she really wants to be. Unlike her twin Sanja is the more outgoing and social character, she can strike up a conversation with anyone. She was always interested in the dark arts but never told anyone in her family because they're reserved and caught up with the Ministry. Sanja was also in Slyterin in Hogwarts Scotland, so maybe they could even be friends from there?
Hey everyone :hug:

So, for Danielle here, im looking for friends preferably. Going with Danielle's character, these
will probably have to be purebloods or halfbloods. Sorry, but no muggle borns.

Enemies. So everyone has enemies, and im sure Maia will agree with me when i say that it would
be good for Danielle and Danton to have some people to bully etc.... these would probably be
muggle borns. If you are happy to let your character be an enemy, please be aware that Danielle
isn't looking for a smart @rsed kid to come up and make a fool of her. It would probably need to
be someone quiet and timid, who would probably be afraid of her and not stand up to her.

Love interest. So Danielle is quite young for now, and isn't really interested in the whole love idea
but perhaps a guy who becomes her close friend - would need to be a pureblood sorry - and then
later they get together. Her age (13) or over preferably.

So thanks, and please reply because i could do with some good plots going :D



That would be fine with me for him to be friends with Danielle. Perhaps he could be a possible love
interest later in life maybe??? He doesn't need to be pureblooded in the sense that as long as her family
approve of him, they could get together. He seems the sort of boy to impress Danielle so they would
get on nicely. They could meet when Danielle finishes tormenting a younger student perhaps??

Tell me what you think,

Sounds good to me :)
Say she's tormenting children and one bangs into him by accident? He's not good with physical contact with people he doesn't know.
If they get along well enough then sure, he could be a love interest later. So far he doesn't understand the whole concept of dating yet. Just generally being like that with someone is confusing.
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