How to make friends and Alienate people

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Dorian Warwick

Active Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Hello there, I am just getting the hang of how this whole system works on this website but I thought I would just make a small topic and see if anyone was interested in RP with my ideas :)

Dorian is my only character on here and I have ideas for him, I was thinking he could start of a nice kid and be kind and helpful however with time he will perhaps grow bitter and find it increasingly hard to trust people.
However, to do this I need someone for him to perhaps be friends with but eventually grow in to enemies, this opens up the possibility of someone causing this (Love triangle? Who knows xD) Or just through the two characters growing apart or sick of each other.

Dorian is a open little boy who will happily talk to anyone but he is still a bit nervous and shy at times, unless he is having fun with people he trusts, then he is a funny person who loves to make jokes. He is defensive of friends and loves company. Study wise he has ambitions, perhaps not the skill required yet but he will get there!.

I have done years of RP and plotting on other websites before so I am not unexperienced and you can trust me to try make things as interesting and dramatic as possible :p

So if anyone is interested in making a plot along this line, or requires an extra hand in any others please feel free to just say on this or PM me! :woot:

Thanks! Alastair

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