Closed how dare

Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • finding my footing • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hina sent a letter off and waved to Theo as they passed each other in the Owlery.
Theodore had been putting this off. He also knew he wouldn't be able to put it off for much longer. He might actually just die if he did - he knew Althea would find a way to kill him all the way from Scotland. Archer would join her after. He'd left after all when Theo had said they would give whatever was starting between them a shot. He was so dead. He was a dead man walking if the howlers he'd received were any indication.

Althea Nightray said:
Heeey sis,

Surprise! Please don't eat all my jelly cups.

And I swear I was gonna write! But your howler kind of got here before I could? And I said hey maybe it's better to let her cool off you know? Let the hormones die down a little? I counted the days! You'll be calmer today! I even included a bunch of treats with the letter see?


PS - Julian's here. Which is weird. But you know, thought you'd like to know.
Archer Chase said:

You're mad, and I'm a horrible person.

I swear I'm sorry. Who would have thought I'd really get accepted into the exchange program? Admit it, you would have never thought I would!

Would it help if I said I missed you?

Please write back? I'll take a howler.

Makaria Styx said:

Found an interesting person here last week. Your brother Loki is such a charmer. So scary.

Heard he'd left you in Hogwarts Scotland. Which is a shame. I would have not applied for the exchange program otherwise.

But hey, hope your studies are going well.
My dearest brother.

Go f*ck yourself.

*included in the letter is a crude drawing she's clearly taken time to stylise.

Loki returned for some reason, but I have no idea why. But he has been sending me updates. It seems like you found more than one interesting person there.

It is fine. If you were here, you wouldn't be allowed to flirt with anyone else. Enjoy your little freedom while it lasts, Teddy.

With affection,
Althea Nightray said:
Maybe I should just stay here for the Holidays.

See you after the school year?

Love, love, love,
Theo (the prettier twin)

Archer Chase said:
Are you still mad at me? Please write.

Makaria Styx said:

Hogwarts New Zealand has been an... interesting experience, and the students here could be quite silly, but yes, interesting is a fitting choice to describe them. But of course, no one here will compare to you (and my dearest Archer).

Me?! Flirt?! Never darling. I do so look forward to seeing you both again.

Counting the days,

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