Horus Chalthoum

Horus Chalthoum

Active Member
OOC First Name
Acacia 15 3/5" Sphinx Remains
Horus Chalthoum



Full Name: Horus Asseth Chalthoum

Etymology: The first name Horus means falcon. The name is derived from the falcon-headed god of the skies, Horus. The patron god of Egypt. Additional meanings are thought to have been "the distant one" or "the one who is above, over". The middle name Asseth has no specific meaning. It was once the name of an all-mighty pharaoh. The last name, Chalthoum has no meaning but denotes from which tribe his family originates.

Nicknames: Orus is commonly used by his older brother and by people that know him. On the street is also known as "the chameleon".

Alliances: Horus doesn't really have stable alliances. He's rather opportunistic so he finds himself aligned with different people depending on his goals and what he's planning to achieve.
Horus is aligned to amorality which defines an indifference or disbelief towards any set of moral standards or principles.

Birthday: Horus was born on December 21st, 2015.

Age: He is currently nineteen years old.

Gender: Male.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, he is attracted only to women.

Dialects: Horus' first language is Arabic along with Egyptian Coptic but he can also speak English and Hebrew pretty fluently. He can understand a little bit of Greek when someone speaks them but he can't speak them himself. He can also read hieroglyphs.

Hometown: Horus was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt also known as the Pearl of the Mediterranean.

Residency: Horus has no permanent residence. He enjoys travelling a lot so he doesn't stay stationary for a long period of time.

Heritage: Egyptian.

Blood Status: Horus is a muggle-born, both his parents were muggles.
Wand: Horus wand is an Acacia 15 3/5" with core of Sphinx Remains.

Occupation: Horus doesn't have a sheer job description. He merchandizes anything he can. Among others, dangerous creatures such as dragon eggs, dark objects as well as artefacts. The last one includes looting and theft making him also an illicit dealer of antiquities. He trades whatever it can adduce profit to him. To survive, he had done other jobs as well.

Marital Status: He's single.

Health Status: Healthy.

Pet: Horus has a male Egyptian vulture as a pet named Djet.


Five Words: Opportunistic, Intelligent, Adventurer, Secretive, Observant

Personality: Horus is quite the mysterious person that keeps a distance and observes from the background. He's the quiet type, not really talkative and expresses himself always with a few words to the point. He looks serious and he doesn't open up to others easily but if he feels safe enough he can socialize surprisingly well. He isn't expressive or revealing with his emotions and feelings. He has a talent of keeping a straight face, making hard for others to distinguish what he's feeling or thinking. He is a down to earth guy, he knows where he stands and he is not hasty when he has to take an important decision. Only a few people have earned his loyalty and it wasn't an easy task for them to achieve that. He's more relaxed and laid-back when he's around people he trusts but he always has in a corner of his mind that backstabbing doesn't discriminate relationship statuses. He's a really vengeful character although he doesn't seem like. He can act completely composed until he'll find the right moment to unleash his fury.

Beliefs: His greatest belief in life? "You can either do or get done."

Boggart: Be cornered by Aurors.

Likes: Money, gems, travelling, flying carpets, a good Quidditch game to watch, ancient Egyptian magic, the dark arts, ancient temples that he can loot, the desert, hot weather, be in a good physical condition, the outdoors, sleeping in the nature.

Dislikes: Aurors, the law, weaknesses, be restricted, cold, be stalked, fall in love because he considers it a form of weakness, ignorance.

Goals: Make enough money to fount an institute about young wizards and witches that have been abandoned or not accepted by their muggle parents. An institute that would train them how to take from the rich people and give to the poor.

Magical Talents: Horus is good in healing arts and dark arts, quite the controversy. He specializes on wide-range spells, vanishing spells and spells that can immobilize or confine the opponent.

Other Talents: Except from being a multilingual, Horus is stealthy and can blend easily with his environment. He’s exceptional in pickpocketing and in creating diversions. He can study easily other people by reading their body language. His acute senses and his reflexes have saved him from countless, narrow escapes.

Patronus Form: A jackal

Zodiac Sign: Horus is a Capricorn.

Element: Despite his zodiac sign, his closer aligned to fire and earth elements.


Hair: Jet black buzz cut hair.

Eyes: Jade, green eyes.

Height: 6'2''

180 lb.

Complexion: Light olive complexion.

Scars: Horus has some claw slashes on his right arm. While looting an Egyptian temple he came across a sphinx which was protecting the treasures. Horus had a narrow escape after giving the wrong answer to the sphinx’s riddle but acquired some permanent scars.

Horus has no birthmarks.

Smile: Horus gives smiles very rarely but when he does it is a true smile that is also reflected in his eyes. He usually smirks rather than smiling. His smirks are usually accompanied with a jerked eyebrow and a sense of mischievousness.

Body Build: Well-built. He has toned muscles but he's not bulky.
Dominant Hand: Horus is right-handed.

Style: Horus style adapts accordingly. When travelling he prefers travel cloaks of earthy colors. When meeting with customers he prefers dressing formally with suits. His favourite outfit however is the desert one. Loose trousers of brown or khaki colour, white cotton sweatshirts and desert scarfs.


School: Horus attended Imhotep Academy of Magic for six years. He dropped school to never return for his last year of education.

House: Horus was sorted in the house of Khentj, the house of the crafty people. The mascot of the house was the Nile crocodile with the petrol color.

Special Titles and Awards: No special awards or titles for Horus. He had the reputation of the trouble-maker who was stealing his classmates' possessions. He was acting without being noticed that's why he was given the name 'chameleon'.

Extracurricular Activities: He had signed-up for the Healing Arts Society but he dropped it shortly after he discovered that the popular students of the school had privileges. He had formed however a brotherhood consisting of underdog students.

Favourite Subjects: Dark Arts & Healing Arts

Least Favourite Subjects: Necromancy & Divination

Average Grade: Exceeding Expectations


Father: Akhoum Chalthoum
Blood: Muggle
Occupation: Carpenter
Status: Deceased

Mother: Ipek Chalthoum
Blood: Muggle
Occupation: Childminder
Status: Deceased

Brother: Set Chalthoum
Age: 27
Blood: Muggle-born
Occupation: Merchant
Status: Alive

Background: Chalthoum family was a poor one, living in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Alexandria. Horus' parents were both muggles knowing nothing about magic. They both had meager salaries but they were fair people. When their first-born son showed signs of special abilities they didn't know how to cope with it. Being both religious, they believed that it was god's punishment and that their son was evil. Fortunately for their first son, a group of magical people took over him and paid all the expenses to attend at a magic school. Horus was their second son and to their disappointment he was also a wizard. They turned their back on their sons and pretty soon Horus joined the magic school that his older brother was already attending. He was grateful to his sponsors for helping him with his education although he met them in person later in his life. Horus has to see his biological parents since he was five years old. He doesn't know if they are dead or alive but for him they just don't exist.

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