Honey Bee

Honey Bee

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OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone
Honey Althea Bee
꿀 벌


I. Identity

Full Name: Honey Althea Bee
Behind Her Name: Althea is an English female personal name, originally a variation of the Greek name Althaea. Althea means ‘healer’. You can conclude that Honey Althea Bee means a girl with a power of healing, just like the way single honey bee do.
Nickname: Honey (must people do), Althea (family and relatives), Ha Ni-eonni (Mum)
Blood Status: Halfblood
Address: London, UK
Place, DoB: London, July 20th 2020
Pet: Snowy Owl named Buzz

II. Appearance

<B>Eyes: Black
Hair: Long brownie hair
Weight: 45 kg
Height: 150 cm
Appearance: Honey has a long brownie hair, black narrow eyes, pointe-nose, and fair skinned. She weighed as normal as another child at her age, but her height is a little lower. Honey Bee looks so Asiatic, like her Mum. She usually wear a hairbands, hairpins, or got her hair braided.
<B>III. Personality

Personality (in general): Being the only child, she grew up into a spoiled little brat. All the things that she needs should be granted. She hates process, so that her parents employed some nannys to simplify her will. Honey is a really, really ambitious. But then, her parents divorced. Her Dad went to somewhere where Honey didn’t even know about this place before. She stayed with her Mum, until a couple years later her Mum married with British guy. As time goes by, Honey had never be a mean anymore. She find herself better; act as if she were a princess, kinda ladylike, speak politely to others, and more independent.

Now, she is an energetic, full-spirited, and brave. Yet sometimes still can be mean, self-judged, or even ill-tempered. Basically, Honey has a great sense of humor. She will be happy of someone’s happiness. Friendly, enjoying make friends, and caring. And well, she’s stubborn too. She doesn’t really like studying, or reading books, or something related to ‘learning’, but she would try her best for everything she did.

Hobby: Collecting Chocolate-Frog cards, sleeping, listening music under the trees, or doing some sports.
Phobia: Snake-phobia, and also Acrophobia. Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of heights
Boggart: Big snake
Habit: Call her friends with another nicknames. Always bring her teddy bear.
Strenght: Remembering something, keeping the secrets, sports and dances
Weakness: Somehow fussy, bossy, and a bit sucks on numerical things. She isn’t brilliant, bookworm-type or even smart as if you compared to another child. But she tends to learn gradually.
IV. Family Backgrounds

Father's Name: James Bee—divorced with Delillah
Mother's Name: Delillah Bee (nee Portman)
Stepfather: Thomas Liverich
Stepbrother: Seth Liverich (Big Bro)
Family Background: Half-British and Half-Korean. Her Korean bloods inherited from her mother. As her parents got divorced, Honey lived in a modern house in London with her new family. Liverich family is Muggle. All is Muggles. Honey had a trouble with them, because whenever she do something magical—they seems to be doubtful about Honey and her mother. So then, in order to keep the relationships harmonic, they tried to tolerate it.
Hi. I've got some questions about Honey. Hope you don't mind :)

1. You say that Honey can be mean, judgmental and ill-tempered. Does she enjoy being this way?
2. What does Honey think about her appearance? Is there something she would want to change about her looks?
3. Does Honey ever see her dad? Does she miss him?
4. Is Honey glad to be an only child?
5. Which is her favorite chocolate-frog card?

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