
"Basically, but its more of her actual name no one really calls her Lily anymore," Aiden said with a small frown as he thought of the way his Uncle treated her.
"She sorta ran away and wont tell me anything because she's afraid I'll tell Gaspard and Uncle." Aiden said so only Hollie could hear him.
"Well Gaspard is my father and Uncle is a..." Aiden paused to think of anyway else to word it, "He has a bit of an anger issue...to say the least." Aiden said all of this quietly.
Hollie's eyes widened.
"Oh, so you call your father by his real name, then? Not dad, father, or... well, you know?" she tried to hide her surprise, but there was no point, especially as Aiden was also holding back.
"Anger issue? Does he get drunk a lot then?" She bit her lip, because she knew that wasn't the case. She had heard rumours of his uncle... well, she would wait for Aiden to offer that information.
"You're surprised by this, why?" Aiden asked curiously.

Aiden fought back laughter and said, "No, he doesn't drink very much, and he is just a bad guy...he's pretty abusive and there are a few other things..."
"I dunno," Hollie said, shrugging."I would have thought you'd have called him dad... do you not get on?"

She listened to him tell her more about his uncle, and knew he was holding back the worst.
"Oh, ok," she said, blandly, as she listened to his cover-up. "There is more though, isn't there? I mean, you can be honest with me, you know. I'm not gonna tell anyone." She knew she was being slightly nosy, but also wanted to see how much Aiden trusted her... or not. After all, she was not the kind of girl to spill secrets, or even spread facts. How much was Aiden gonna tell her?
"Oh, we have never gotten along," Aiden said truthfully.

Aiden bit his lip as he thought of a way to word all of this and said, "There is more, tons more, but I don't think that I should be spreading it around, Uncle wouldn't be happy and he will find out, some how he has a set of eyes and ears where ever one of the family is."
Kate smiled at Aiden and Hollie and looked at her watch. It was 8:10 pm. She blushed at having to have to interup their conversation but ended up doing it anyway.

She gasped and quickly dismissed herself, "Bye Hollie, bye Aiden, bye James!" Looking at them she quickly explained, "I have to be back in the common room to meet someone, come on James, we both have to go! Bye!!" She opened the door and skipped down the steps.
Aiden gave them a light hearted wave and looked over at Hollie and said, "We probably should be returning to the common room to."
Hollie listened to Aiden and smiled. Fair enough. She could completely understand - well, she thought she could. She had secrets she wouldn't tell a soul.

Smiling, Hollie waved as Kate disappeared, and turned to Aiden.
"Yeah, we should," she said, nodding at his comment. Turning towards the door, she paused with her hand on the handle.
Aiden nodded his head and followed her out of the Owlrey and back into the common room where they parted and Aiden went to his dorm.

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