Hogwarts Monthly: Recruiting

Dimitri Blaze

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey everyone!

Myself, alongside Brittany, run the Hogwarts Monthly, and even though we have a super fantastic team of reporters, we think it will be helpful to bring a few new members onto the team! :) I have no year limit to my reporters, I don't care if you're seventh year, or first year.

Please remember that the Hogwarts Monthly is an In Character magazine, and, therefore, the character you apply with must be a student, and must be a keen writer/have a great interest in the magazine. Please do not put forward a character that hates writing/Hogwarts/anything involving the magazine.

Don't panic that you'll have no idea what to do when you join; I'm always willing to help my reporters; cause without them I would have a fail of a newspaper :o that wouldn't be good, now, would it? :p

Just fill out the form below, and PM it to Dimitri Blaze. I'll be recruiting two or three people.

Good luck to everyone. :)

Form said:
Character's Name:
Characters Year:
Characters Interests:

Why do you think your character is suited for this position?

Submit a sample article about something relating to Hogwarts. Word limit doesn't matter.

~ Zach
Editor In-Chief

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