Hogwarts, A History

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Aramis Gatton

Active Member
Yew Wood, 14" Kelpie Hair Core, Sturdy
Aramis was in a long term relationship with a muggle girl named Emily. At the start of January 2030, she was hit by a car (I am in the process of writing a story about what happened in the last couple of months). Aramis, naturally, is grief stricken and desperately trying to find purpose in his life. He works as an author, however, his cold hearted publisher dropped him after he failed to submit more pages, so now he is a jobbing author in the muggle world. He spends a lot of his time sitting in pubs or standing in the street, smoking.

Aramis could use some help at this time, so any people who could have been at school with him (he went to Hogwarts Scotland as a Hufflepuff) would be great use if they decided to come out of the woodwork and support him.
I am not currently looking for any love interests. In fact, I will never actively be seeking love interests for him. I am far more interested in seeing if anything develops along the way. I don't really want to plan anything. And I doubt he will be looking for anything romantic for some time.
I would love to have muggle friends for him (he used to live in London, but moved to New Zealand a few years back, if that helps).

If interested, please respond either via this topic or PM.
Thank you.
I have Luvesha James here that could be a friend of Aramis. She's a pastry chef and is a real sweet heart. She reads a lot of books when she is not in the kitchen, but most of the time she is working. She is trying to stay on her two feet right now, so she is not trying to find a boyfriend or anything. Or I have Victor Dodge. He is a chaser for the Quibberon Quafflepunchers, and he has a 16 year old sister. He is a pretty laid back and chill person.Tell me what you think.

It would be good for Aramis and Luvesha to be friends. Maybe they already know each other from a library, or something? She sounds like a really sweet girl. I'm sure they would get on well.
I'm not sure how he would know Victor (on a more personal level) but I'm sure they'd get on well.
If you can think of any way they might know each other, please do share. But I definitely like Luvesha's character ^_^
Okay. I think them having already met in a library is nice. Maybe Aramis could pay her a visit at work one day to see how she's doing. Never mind about Victor. I failed to read what you were looking for thoroughly enough.
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