Hmph, boys

Ariah Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Poculi Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Ariah had made plans to go swimming at the Lakefront with Kamaria and her newly made friend Damian. It was a really nice summer day outside and she couldn't wait to get outside and into the water. It was rare for days to be completely nice like this when she could actually get out and enjoy the weather without having a load of homework to do or there being something that kept her indoors. Plus it had been awhile since she had spent time with Kara too, they were both older students now so they didn't have as much time. Plus the Slytherin Prefect didn't think that Leviathan would appreciate always having his sister around, and she spent a lot of her free time with him too. But he wasn't going to be there today. She would have invited him but she didn't think that he would enjoy being out here and he would be a complete bum and wouldn't get in the water at all. Plus Ariah told Damian that they could hang out today and she knew Levi hated Damian, he'd probably throw a fit if he even saw him here so she hoped that Leviathan stayed in the castle today. At least until she came back later to hang out with him and get some studying done. The mint eyed beauty did prefer to spend time with him but she didn't want to crowd him with her presence and she also didn't want to make him feel like she was crowding him and give him some space while she hung out with her friends. But she didn't seem to take his extreme jealousy into hand either, him being jealous of Damian was not even a possibility. Walking alongside her friends to the lake she grinned when she finally saw it up ahead. Pretty soon she'd be completely cooled off and she wouldn't have to worry about being all hot and sweaty. Maybe a nice cool swim would make it so she could concentrate better later on. The Dungeons were fairly cool anyways so maybe she didn't have to worry. Once she reached the Lakefront she waited for the two slackers to catch up with her, even though they were less than a step or two behind and everything. Her swimsuit was already on underneath her clothes so she was all ready to go anyways. Dropping her dark purple towel on the ground she embraced the fact that the sand beneath her feet was quite warm.

Ariah took of her regular clothing so that she could be in her swimsuit and wouldn't have to worry about messing up her brand new clothes. "Come on guys, I have been waiting all day to go swimming." Ariah told them as she stood on her tippy toes and tried to keep in her excitement. She had to adjusted the bottom of her bathing suit a little so she could make sure that her tattoo wasn't as visible. Ariah wasn't exactly sure why she was trying to hide it but she figured that was because she wasn't even allowed to have it. Her mother would kill her, she had no idea what Colton would think, and She couldn't even begin to wonder if Leviathan would be okay with it. Ariah waited for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders and turned to bound into the lake. However life could not hand her a break at all, at least not from her clumsy endeavors. Not even four steps into the lake she tripped over some large rock or something and fell face flat into the water. A moment later she lifted herself up from the water and breathed out, well now she was all wet and not to mentioned embarrassed. "Can you guys pretend that you didn't see that?" She asked as she cocked her head to the side and three the pair of sunglasses that she left on the top of her head next to her towel and started to wring out her hair a little bit. They probably wouldn't forget and she would hear about it later on when they were tying to embarrass her.
--Kamaria Zhefarovich had very little to really worry about right now. She had made plans with Ariah Rowan and Damian Metzger to go swimming today, and that meant something because Kara rarely went and made plans with anyone. She made sure to have a summer dress with her that covered her almost naked body with a bikini on to go over the the dress. She wore flip flops as well. Hurrying down from the Ravenclaw Towers, she was looking forward to meeting with the two Prefects from completely different houses. She had seen and heard some nasty things from Slytherin and she wondered just how Ariah got mixed up with that crowd. Then again, she knew better than to really ask actually. Kara moved from the corridors, moving smoothly from person to person, and ignoring the stares that she was receiving. Sure, she was a fifteen-year-old, but one had to take into consideration that she was tall enough to be a seventh year anyway. And she looked and acted a lot older than she should anyway. The only thing she was missing was a few tattoos and proof that she was older. Kara thought about having tattoos when she was old enough, well, one that would not cover her entire back anyway. That one was a must. She would need to get one on the front of her body but she had no idea what she would get though. That was the only thing. Maybe she would talk to someone about it. Kara finally felt the rays of sunshine on her shoulders as she smiled and headed out toward the lakeside. She wanted some time alone with Ariah first, before Damian Metzger arrived. Kara glanced around and she ignored the stares once more. She walked in the grass, and she ignored the tickles that the grass gave to the sides of her feet. She hated it when the grass did this to her, but she did not really have to worry that much anyway.

--The moment that Kara reached the lakefront, her silver eyes swarmed over her surroundings and then she saw Ariah Rowan in the distance. She waved her arm, and called out to get her attention, "Hey, Ariah!" She dropped her summer dress and she folded her sapphire blue towel on the rocks. She glanced back though, and Damian Metzger was on his way. Looking as happy as ever. Kara rose her eyebrows when Ariah said that she wanted to go swimming, and then Ariah took four steps, if that, into the water and tripped right on in. That would not what Kara would call 'diving in' but it worked somewhat. Kara smirked and she put her elegant hands on her hips. She shook her head and sighed. Kara laughed a bit before she shook her head and said, "No way, not pretending against that, Ariah. Try not to fall in this time." Kara stepped into the water, until she was waist deep, and she sank into the water as she sat down on a rock in the water. She did not mind getting her hair wet like some other girls. Kara glanced over at Damian who was waiting it seemed like. She turned her eyes over to Kara and she inquired, "Ever think of making my brother you know, have fun?" But she did not think that Leviathan would ever come anyway. Leviathan was a stick in the mud, and he did not think the best things about people at all. But then again, she did not know just how serious things were really between like, his thoughts on pure-bloods and half-breeds which the latter was Damian. Damian was hanging around a bunch of pure-bloods. Kara did not really see the point in being prejudice. She just lived day by day. She allowed her skin to absorb the rays of the sun on her shoulders.
--Damian Metzger was always the happy go lucky type of guy. He had friends, many friends really, but they were mostly girls. Damian befriended girls the most, and maybe that was why he seemed to know more about girls than most other boys his age because he knew what they liked, and how they dressed. And now, even though he has a girlfriend, he made plans with two other girls to go swimming. Of course he told Ostensia Romanes that. He had yet to even kiss the girl properly. He was just so nervous and afraid he would screw it up was all. Damian knew that Ostensia would love a kiss from him, because well, she kind of kissed him that one time and he freaked out. Damian was planning it though, a special moment so that they could cherish it and remember it forever. Yeah, he was still fantasizing about it really. He had been for the past few months. In fact, he was still thinking about it as he grabbed his trunks and slipped them over his legs. He put on his flip flops and then a white and blue American Eagle shirt. He was ready to go! Well, he had to fix his hair too. As he was brushing his pin straight hair, he realized that he was going swimming, and would get his hair wet anyway. So, the Gryffindor Prefect tied it into a black hair holder, yet he did not know what they were called anyway. There were too many names for the bands. He rushed out of the Gryffindor House just to meet up with his good Prefect friends. He was completely unaware that Leviathan did not want him hanging around Ariah. Once outside, the Prefect sped out onto the lawn, his towel thrown around his shoulder and his black hair waving in the breeze. The grass under his feet did not stand a chance as they pounded them flat onto the earth. It was a good thing that he did not have much weight under him as he sped toward the Lakefront.

--The Lakefront looked great, and he had met with Ariah and Kamaria. How he was happy to see them, and not because he got to hang out with two teenage girls wearing practically nothing. Though any boy would really love to be in his place right now anyway. Damian called out to the girls, "Hey girls, looking great!" He laughed happily before he got out his sunscreen. He started rubbing down his pale skin from the lack of sun from the Winter. He wanted to make sure that he was covered, so he had to remove his shirt as well. He started covering his chest, his arms and soon his back from as far as he could reach, which he was sure that he covered anyway. As he was using it on his legs, he glanced up to see Ariah falling face first into the lake. Damian laughed a bit, before putting his sunscreen away. However, instead of teasing Ariah over falling, Damian said, "I saw nothing!" He shook his head and wondered how Ariah did not break a bone a day. He stood up and slipped off his flips before he stepped into the water. He immediately ducked beneath the surface so that he could get used to the water and then get his hair wet as well. Once he popped out of the water, he realized that the band holding his hair up had fallen from the top of his head and sank to the bottom of the lake. Damian turned over to Kara and he shook his head. There was no point in getting that grumpy-pants out to have fun anyway. "So like," Damian said as he moved his hair from his sparkling teal eyes, "anyone else worried about exams this year? I am shaking in my boots over Herbology!" His eyes turned to Ariah and he wondered if she had taken Professor Styx's OWL. That OWL would have the Minister shaking. At least that was how he felt about it.
Ariah still felt a little embarrassed that she had fallen on her face right in front of Kamaria and Damian. Sure nether one of them liked to pick on her like other did but she felt that as an older student she needed to act like she was more mature so they would respect her and look up to her. Then again Ariah was scarcely the type of person that anyone should look up to. Her decisions weren't at all perfect nor were they something that should be copied by people younger than her. Her eyes playfully narrowed at Kamaria as she said that she was not pretend that she hadn't seen that, and that Ariah needed to be more careful not to fall in next time. Then she lifted up her hand and splashed Kara with a small giggle. "Gee thanks. You know I can't help how clumsy I am." Ariah stuck her lower lip out and stared at Kara through her dark mint green eyes. For the most part she was just playing around but sometimes it really did get to her that she was a complete and utter clutz who had trouble doing even the smallest of things without falling over or getting injured. Though she had learn to adjust to it by now, it still made it hard for kids not to laugh at her. Ariah hated being laughed at but she would probably have to get over that in time to come. Being clumsy didn't seem to be a genetic trait either because none of her siblings seemed to have it. Ariah started to dig around in the sand with her feet when she heard Kara mentioned something about her brother have fun. This made Ariah lift her head and stare at the Ravenclaw Prefect for a moment. Then her lips curled up into a shy smile, Kara knew how her brother was so it made Ariah wonder what made her question it at all. "Well of course. But your brother's idea of fun consists of nothing like this at all. Sometimes I think your brother doesn't like spending time with me in general. But eh, thats life." Ariah shrugged and her her hands on her hips as she continued to dig with her feet through the sand. It was a sad fact but she never tried to let anything bother her. Because if she did then she'd make herself look like such a mope. Ariah could not force Levi to have fun and she could not force him to want to spend time with her either. Ariah would have said more but she heard Damian's comment about her and Kara looking great. She blushed and scratched her cheek. No one had really complimented her on her body before, wasn't Damian into guys though? No wait, he had a girlfriend didn't he?

Ariah lifted her foot up and brushed all of the sand back before she leaned back and wet her hair softly. Finally Damian entered the water and the blonde bit her lip while watching him, he was such a goofball. "Damian sorry for asking this but, you have a girlfriend now right? Cause I um..kind of thought you were into guys." She admitted as she continued to bite her lip. Hopefully he did not get upset and leave but she was curious about his personal life and when he started getting into girls and stuff. This entire time she thought he was gay and would be finding himself a nice boy sooner or later. But nope, he now had a girlfriend. This small little Hufflepuff in her Third Year. Ariah recalled the little girl being quite the timid little thing. They were extremely cute together though so Ariah totally supported the cuteness factor. The conversation quickly changed to exams and how worried Damian was over them. For a moment she had no idea why. But then she remembered that Damian and Kara were both younger than her. They had to take their OWL's this year while she had already passed those long ago. "I'm not, sixth year exams are supposed to be easy. But the OWL's aren't so bad if you actually study for them. Make sure you absolutely study for Herbology. It isn't so bad as long as you don't mess around." Ariah offered from what she remembered while taking it. She had gotten an O on it but oh boy did she study for the exam too. Like an entire day was dedicated to just studying that subject. Damian seemed like he'd be smart enough to study. And Kara was too smart not to get a good grade on anything.​
--Kara was a little more than shocked that Damian complimented them, which made her duck her body even more into the water. Kara, for the longest time, was under the impression that Damian was into boys like the rest of the girls, but had not realized that he was straighter than a pin. This kind of cleared things up a lot. However, Ariah splashed Kara which made her flinch a bit, and she laughed once more, before she splashed Ariah in retort. "Yeah, we all know that you can't help being clumsy." Kara wanted to be a little mean and ask if she had a lot of scars, but she chose not to. One could only take so much teasing at one time. With being clumsy, sometimes Kara knew how that feel, and she was a little clumsy herself, but not as much as Ariah, as she just topped them all. Kara moved her blonde hair from her silver eyes as her eyes went from Ariah to Damian, who was all shaken up by exams coming. Kara was too, just in her own way and she was handling it much differently. Herbology was an OWL that she knew that she would not pass with flying colors, probably just get an Acceptable. Kara would have preferred just not going onto the NEWT with that anyway. She did not want to really pursue any career that needed Herbology. Or Potions that is. Because she was not good with either at all. Most of the time, Kara just got a lot of the plants mixed up and ended up making a lethal potion.

--"My brother adores you, I can tell by the look in his eyes. I know, cause well, he is my twin. His type of fun isn't what you would call 'good natured'," eyes rolled from the Ravenclaw, and her tone was almost cold. She had no idea how Leviathan could be so inconsiderate half the time. He never had any regard for the rules, had bad attendance, and just was overall lazy. Ariah asked something from Damian, and her silver eyes went onto the Gryffindor Prefect, and she wondered this as well. Kara too thought that he was into guys, and Kara was just interested. Kara was just a little curious. Who was Damian dating? Everyone that she knew said that he was dating someone, but no one she really knew, just a third year. But no one told her if it was a boy or a girl. "Damian, exams are just what they are, exams. They are meant to frighten, that is all." Kara was just saying this because she knew that Damian was nervous over them, and well, this would give him some confidence, well it should anyway. Kara was not really good at exams, because she sometimes went blank right before the exams.
--Damian shrugged lightly, and he murmured, "One would think that watching where you were going would help with that?" Damian did not know how clumsiness worked, but he knew that Kamaria could not really talk because sometimes, even she had her moments. Damian also had his moments, where he would be flying, and then get distracted and crash. Many times he had done this, and he was amazed that sometimes, even though it has been made and done, he was the Quidditch Captain. He owned the Gryffindor team pretty much which was just amazing. Damian cocked his head slightly to the at Ariah and Kamaria. As beautiful as both blondes were, Damian never took up an interest really in either of them. His interest was just in one, and that was Ostensia. Damian was even more amazed when Kamaria and Ariah were talking about Leviathan, and Damian dove under the water at that point, because Leviathan had shamefully made him cry many a time before. He couldn't really do anything about it either. He could not help the blood he had in him. If he could, he would be just a simple boy without any Veela genetics in him. But it was just impossible. He did not want to have this blood if it just made him cry because someone bullied him so much.

--Emerging from under the water, Damian's teal eyes saw that their eyes were on him. He heard the question, and he bit his lip. So, they were asking him about his girlfriend, before he smiled and burst into laughter. Someone just accused him of being gay once more, and he shook his head. Damian murmured, "No way, so not into guys. That is my older brother, Dietrich. He is always on the front page around here, with Michael. Anyway, Ostensia Romanes is my girlfriend. She is so cute, and well, I like her a lot. She makes butterflies come around in my stomach. She is!" Damian really liked Ostensia and would do anything for her. Damian flicked his wet, black hair out of his forehead, and he smirked over at his friends. They reassured him over exams and he was feeling so much better. He studied for the OWLs every day so that he would be in good shape anyway. Damian suddenly pointed out, "Hey Ariah, I thought I saw something on your hip, was that a bug or something?" But what he had seen was really, the Slytherin's new tattoo.
Ariah kept quiet about the whole clumsiness thing because she didn't think there was much she could say that would help her case. Ever since she was a kid she had been tripping and falling over stuff so there was probably nothing that could be done to help her. But telling anyone wasn't worth it because they always assumed there was a way for them to change the unchangeable. Just as she was about to go back to swimming Kamaria started to talk about her brother, and Ariah's future husband and currently her boyfriend. Him being mentioned was always enough to make the Slytherin Prefect pause and listen. Especially when it was possibly advice from the one person that probably knew him better than Ariah did. As his twin and someone who had known him since birth, it would be obvious to understand how she knew so much about him. Ariah wish she knew all that Kara did, it would probably save her a lot of hassle when it came to trying to understand his motives. Vaguely noticing that Damian seemed to drift away at the mention of the younger Slytherin. But her thoughts didn't stay on Damian for long because Kara told her that she could tell that Leviathan adored Ariah, apparently it was easy to tell by the look in his eyes. Ariah had never really looked into his eyes to see if they looked any different than they usually did. Sometimes she was afraid of what she would see if she looked inside his eyes. Would there be anger and disgust our fear and worry? People's eyes often reflected a lot about them and to Ariah she hated looking into them because it reflected the things she sometimes didn't want to see. "Your know your brother better than even I do, so you're probably right, he just doesn't have an easy time showing it. I wish I could spend more time with him without actually be afraid to though." What was she afraid of? Well there was a lot of things but the biggest was setting of his temper on accident or something. That was her biggest fear when it came to him and even though he was usually calm and he claimed he would never harm her, he had his moments where his temper went over the top. It scared her because she was afraid he was going to get like her mother, or he was going to hurt her. He easily could if he wanted to. Ariah couldn't help feeling that way, he just scared her a lot when he got angry or upset. Sometimes she found it cute, it was just when he lost control of it that she grew fearful.

Damian provided a distraction to her thoughts on Leviathan by confirming that he was indeed not gay, that was his brother, and he truly did have a girlfriend. It made Ariah giggle softly. He was adorable to the point where she found it hard to resist not laughing and being all giddy. "Well thank you for confirming that for us. Awwwh that is so cute, you and your little girlfriend are adorable. Sadly though I have never really met her, she seems a little shy." Ariah had seen her once or twice in the hallway, she was probably taller than her but one could tell that she was still pretty young. The young Hufflepuff girl still had a look of innocence on her from what Ariah could remember. But Ariah was never one to judge, maybe she just didn't like talking to everyone like Ariah did. A lot of people were like that actually. Ariah started to swim around again but once again paused when Damian asked what was on her hips. Her eyes quickly darted down when he asked if it was a bug. There had better not be a bug! Ariah tried to swat at whatever it was away, but when she looked around she noticed that he had been talking about her tattoo. A light blushed dusted her cheeks before she motioned the two closer to her. This wasn't exactly something she wanted everyone knowing that she had. Once they were close enough she moved the bottoms of her swim suit a little bit so they could see that it was only three little stars. "Don't go around telling everyone, because I'm trying my best to make sure that my brother's don't find out, but I got this tattoo a little bit before vacation started. Isn't it cute?" This wasn't the first thing her family would have considered vulgar was done otherwise by her. Ariah also had her navel pierced and boy did she think her mom was going to lose it during that one. So now she had to marks of imperfection, she felt like such a rebel. Though she wanted to keep it from Colton mostly as he was her guardian for now, he'd probably blow a fuse if he saw.​
Having a day off from classes should be a relief for the fifth year Slytherin. Leviathan Zhefarovich was in his Slytherin robes, and he was not in the most pleasant mood in the world, and when he dropped his things off in his dorm, he wondered through the Slytherin House, wondering what he could do right now. He figured that a walk outside would do him some good at least. So, Levi made sure that his robes were left behind, wearing the dress pants and the button up white shirt and tie. He walked out to the lawn after leaving the dungeons. He thought that he head a few others try to point him in the direction of the lake front where his girlfriend may have gone. Levi shrugged and he would see what was going on there at least. The moment the sun bathed his pale body, his silver eyes were blinded for a moment. He raised his hand to shield himself from the violent rays of the sun. He was put into a sour mood already because he hated the sunlight for the most part well the sun really made him warmer than he liked. He liked his weather colder than others and he would enjoy the winter here a lot more than summer. And to his luck, New Zealand was not his piece of cake when it came to weather and geography. Levi was so going back to Bulgaria or England once he graduated or something. He wanted to get out of here as soon as he could.

Arriving at the lake front, he noticed that there was Kamaria's towel as well as others' clothing and towels laying around. He thought that his sister would be swimming with friends, maybe with Ariah too, but his eyes landed on Ariah's form, to see that she was showing off something that she had to move something else down a little bit. If that was not disturbing enough, Damian Metzger - a disgusting half-breed was there as well, looking at it and standing just a little too close for Levi's comfort. Kamaria was a little horrified to have Levi show up, and then he lost it when he thought that Damian was getting too close to his girlfriend, and then anger continued to rise, when he remembered that he had told Ariah that he did not want her hanging around him because he was a disgusting bird. Levi let out a roar as he charged into the water, right for Damian, "Get away from her you disgusting excuse for a human!" Levi let his fist fly, and then tackled the Gryffindor Prefect straight to the ground. Despite the shouts around, the fight lasted and lasted. Levi and the half-breed were soon separated, and Levi stumbled backward, with a gash on his neck, but the Prefect looked a lot worse. Levi folded his arms across his chest, and he felt that the prefect put up a good fight, but there was something else that he had to worry about. He glared over at his sister for a moment, before he let out a sigh. He did not even want to hear what Ariah would have to say. She was a Prefect, he attacked one, and well, he won the fight overall.
Ariah's blood froze when she heard Leviathan's voice, only because she recognized his tone. It was filled anger and pure contempt. The blonde whirled her head in the direction of the voice and immediately jumped and returned to covering up her tattoo. Her exposing herself like that and being close to Damian was probably what had set him up to be in such a foul mood in the first place. The petite blonde also made sure to back away as her boyfriend and future husband approached her Gryffindor friend even further. Soon he started swinging fists and the fight between the two of them had begun. They didn't even care about how foolish they looked in the water while hitting and attacking one another for no reason other than manly pride. Even her and Kamaria calling out for them to stop and trying to step between the two boys to bring them apart didn't do much to stop them from trying to harm one another. Ariah was never much help with breaking up fights anyways. When Adrian and Yvo got into their little fights at home she was never able to stop them from taking a whack or two at one another. The fast lasted and lasted and Ariah was starting to wonder if she should go get a Professor or Azerail to stop the fight form getting any worse than it already was. She cared for Levi so she didn't want him to get hurt and Damian was her friend so she didn't want him to get hurt either. It took awhile but not long after Ariah started to feel sick with herself for letting this go on, they soon separated, and Levi stumbled backward, with a gash on his neck and Damian looking even worse than Levi did. Now everyone was just quiet. There was no movement and for a moment Ariah felt like she was going to faint. Finally she decided that she had enough of it. Asking Kara if she would make sure that Damian was okay she shot him an apologetic look before she took a hold of Leviathan's hand and drug his larger body out of the water with her.

It wasn't until she picked up her clothes and her towel and was at least halfway to the castle that she turned towards the taller Slytherin and narrowed her eyes ever so softly. She still hadn't put her clothes on and stood in her bathing suit, she was still soaked from playing in the lake plus she was a little too mad at Leviathan. "What in the world was what for Levi?! I know your don't like him but that gave you no reason at all to go over there and hit him!" Ariah thumped him on the arm lightly as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared up at him. Her went honey blonde locks fell into her face but her mint green eyes weren't being blocked at all by them. He didn't have any reason to go over there and hurt poor little Damian like he did. Once she pulled back her arm she started to feel like she wanted to cry. Was Leviathan mad at her for not listening to him? Ariah was just hanging out with him and Kara so she saw little harm in it. Damian was a good friend to her but a part of her wanted to impress Levi more. Perhaps it was that Levi would be in her life a lot longer than her newfound Gryffindor friend would ever be. Her hands went to brush away the hair from her cheeks and she breathed out, trying so hard not to cry in front of him like that. "Are you mad at me?" She asked. Her voice was soft and meek and she sounded like she was almost a big helpless. She wasn't really but Ariah didn't know what to do anymore. Being as old and privileged as she was, one would think that she could handle herself. But she would be seventeen soon and there was still a lot she needed to figure out for herself.​
Leviathan sneered of pure disgust the moment his darkened silver eyes were seeing Kamaria help Damian out, who looked pretty bad as well. Levi was not going to stand for that, and he was definitely going to contact Axel over this. She had gained too much compassion for lesser beings, and those that were not worthy to walk this earth. The fight had lasted a while, but he did not care because his blood was still raging, and it surprised the Slytherin fifth year that Damian Metzger even fought back. Azerail would probably question him, but he could care less right now. Why should he care? Damian started this whole mess by befriending beings that were obviously better than him. Hell, he was dating a pureblood from what he had heard. He felt a hand grasping his own, and then leading him out of the water, which Levi really did not care. He knew that it was Ariah because in his eye sight right now was Damian and Kamaria, and it was just sickening that she was helping him, and making sure that Levi did not break any bones. Oh Levi wanted to ensure that his pretty little face was damaged because then that boy would not be as beautiful as every claimed him to be. Would anyone like it if he had a scar or a crooked nose? Levi hoped that he had broken that at least. Most of the blood was Damian's, but the blood seeping from his cheek and neck were hefty too, and soaking and staining his clothing. Levi wiped some of the excess blood from his pale cheek with the back of his hand, and was glad that he was out of the water not. But the cheek was not that bad, not as bad as the gash on his neck. A band-aid would not cover that up, and left Levi wondering how in the world did that little twerp manage that. With nails? Either way, it would scar up pretty nasty, and then he would have it on him forever. The sounds of dry land against his wet shoes was almost relieving that he was out of the water and away from that half-breed.

The Slytherin was continuously led up to the castle, and it seemed like it took forever and a half. He did not even notice that Ariah had picked up her clothing and then she had turned her eyes to him. If Levi was not as mad as he was, he would have liked seeing Ariah without that much clothing on, but right now, he was just too pissed off to see past what others would see. And now she was yelling at him, which just made the matters worse. Levi finally stated, his voice strained and full of just anger, "I told you not to hang around with that type, and then the next thing I find, is you hardly dressed, and him coming toward you, now what am I supposed to do, clap at that sight? Ariah, he is a half-breed, and people like him and hanging around the likes of that will have you killed in my family!" Levi's face was flushing a red hue as well, because he told her not to do something, and she went and did something that he never expected to see in his life. She was half naked around Damian, and that was just not what he wanted to witness ever in his life. Levi was glad that he beat the little snot in. Levi then realized that Ariah thumped him earlier so he was still a little mad about that and about her taking up for someone like that too. How could she take up for him? Levi groaned and he answered bluntly, "Yes, not just because you did not listen to me, but also because you are taking up for him. I would not have done any of that if you just listened to your damn boyfriend! I care a lot about you, and don't want his grimy hands and eyes all over my girlfriend." Levi was hoping that maybe something could be done to make her at least see things the way he saw them, and make her understand her heritage, and how she was better than Damian and those like him. At least Theodore was regretting that he is what he is, and Damian prances around all happy that he was an abomination.
Ariah refused to look at Leviathan the entire time he lectured her about the whole Damian thing that just went on. It was hard for anyone to see why he was upset about her and Kamaria hanging out with Damian dressed like she was. He really disliked people like the Gryffindor Prefect and to see someone he was dating not only hanging around the guy but practically wearing nothing either. But at the same time it wasn't like he was the boss of her and controlled everything she did and didn't do with her life. That was probably the only reason Ariah was upset about this other than the fact that he had to choose fighting to get his point across. The short blonde crossed her arms over her chest and sighed heavily once Leviathan was finished with the first part of his lecture. "Okay I see why your mad and everything. But I don't think it's right for you to go around hitting people, even if you are upset. I was only showing him my tattoo and that's the only reason he was close. Otherwise he didn't try anything. He was my friend but I guess if it means that much to you, I won't hang out with him anymore." Ariah felt like she had been smacked upside the face. She had just lost a friend in a matter of moments and it was all because he didn't have the right blood status for her future husband's family to be comfortable with her hanging around. It was all too weird for her realizing that to some she was a better blood than other's were. Ariah never really made a connection to it until recently so she wasn't sure who she needed to be prejudice against and who she didn't. Ariah noticed that Leviathan's face was blushing a red hue and she knew he was really upset with her. A part of her wished he would just calm down with the whole situation. She had forgotten that Leviathan didn't know that she had gotten a tattoo, he knew about her navel piercing but she didn't remind herself to tell him about the other thing. During the time she did want to tell him she was worried her brother would catch on so she had forgotten to tell him at a later time. Hopefully he didn't want to see it right now or anything because she was just a little bit upset with him and his reaction to this whole thing.

"I am not taking up for him, I just don't like you going around and hitting people in case you get into trouble, I'm a Prefect Levi and I'm not supposed to let you get away with as much as I do!" Actually he was pretty well behaved. He was no more a troublemaker then some of the other idiots she saw within her own house. But she didn't threaten him with detentions and such as she would others, and it was because she liked him. Ariah was really being at being a pure blood and she realized that. But her father didn't raise her up to be hateful towards others like that. So it was like a whole new set of rules she needed to learn. Colton didn't seem to be that prejudice either so she wasn't sure if she should act like that with him around either. "I care about you too. But you don't need to worry, I wouldn't let some other guy touch me or anything. You need to work on your jealous issues, hun." Ariah didn't say anything else before she learned forward and wrapped her arms around him in a loving hug. Well loving for her and her boyfriend anyways. She didn't care if she was still soaking wet and was probably going to get his clothes all wet, she was just sorry and didn't want him to be mad. Ariah needed to put some clothes on too because she was pretty sure people were staring. Hopefully this calmed Levi down a little bit though because she didn't want to fight with him.​
Leviathan narrowed his eyes and wondered if she actually understand what in the world what he was going on about. She had to understand what the issue was, and he did not want her to really get her hurt. What if something happened to her? She needed to understand what associating with Half-breeds will do with someone. Levi wanted her to understand, and he did not think that she would. Levi heard her words, and narrowed his silver eyes. He hated seeing her upset, but when he was this angry, he could not help but just not care. He needed to get this point across. Levi pointed out coldly, "You said before that you wouldn't hang out with him anymore, or at least I told you to, and now you are saying it again. How can I trust you with this? This is for your own sake, Ariah. Besides, why show someone like him, and not your own bloody boyfriend?" Levi needed to start teaching her the type of person that he was, and how a proper pureblood should be. How was she ever going to learn to be a proper Zhefarovich soon because one he graduated, they had to be married. Levi wanted a cold-hearted woman to be his bride. He needed to have some children that would be raise like himself, and he wanted to make sure that he had to get Ariah's vision twisted somehow. Levi needed to make sure that she understood, and he might as well explain it now. "Look, half-breeds, stay away from. mudbloods, steer clear. Half-bloods, beware, but they are not as bad as the rest. Mixed-bloods are fine, they have more magical blood than nasty muggle." Levi really hated muggles and he was going to tell her and educate her. He needed to do the same with his sister, whom was growing soft with other races, other bloods, over that muggle course.

Silver eyes were flashing and looking more like liquid silver than anything, but at least they were not turning black which was a great sign for her case, as his anger seems to be letting up a little more now. Levi glanced down at her and was thankful that she had not gotten her clothing all wet, but he was happy that she was still not half naked as she was before. Levi rolled his eyes and he realized that she was a Prefect and all, but this was still besides the point. He mumbled, "Professor Styx would let me by with it. He has the same views as me. And hates Gryffindors to boot I believe. But one thing I do wrong, and you gripe at me. In case you haven't noticed, I have a few gashes on me from that wanna-be girl!" Levi pointed his finger at the deep gash on his neck and then one small one on his cheek. He was hurt by Damian, though he had a wave of pride wash through him when he noticed that he had gotten more out of Damian than the other way around. Levi glanced around the grounds and wanted to just get back to the cold, dark dungeons. He wanted to leave for a while now, he did not like the grounds now that trash populated it. Levi let out a groan when she said that he needed to work on his jealousy issues. Why did he need to work on them? He was not that jealous, was he? He did not think that he was anyway. And then Ariah enveloped him into a loving hug. He felt her cold body against his, and Levi was feeling that she was soaking him a little bit but he was already wet anyway. He may have been mad, but he was needing to get Ariah away from staring eyes before he killed someone. Levi muttered, "Let's just go in and get into some dry clothing, before I knock someone else's head in." Levi took her by the hand and he needed to lead her into the castle. He smirked a little bit before leading her into the castle, where they would get dressed.

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