Hmm... This could be...interesting.

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah walked up to the cliffs and sat by a tree. She always liked sitting here. When she was here, it usually meant she didn't want company and anyone who tried to talk to her would quickly find out so everyone just steered clear of this area when they realised she was there. That was the sort of reputation she'd been upholding in the last few months. Before that, she'd only really hurt anyone if they annoyed her, got her in a bad mood or had done something to her in the past. Back then she'd had Sydney or Teddy or any of her friends to hold her back when she was doing things that went to far. Now she was a lone wolf. She had no friends and her only family was in azkaban until 2043.

Shay sighed and leant back on her hands as she crossed her legs and looked across the horizon. She kind of wanted to go out and do something unthinkable so she could join him in azkaban. It had be over three years since she'd last seen him and that was the reason she was how she was. In Shay's first year at Hogwarts, the only people she didn't talk to were mudbloods. Now she spoke to no one. It was he way she liked it. No one deserved to have her to talk to. Why should they??

Shay cringed slightly when a strong wind blew straight into the side of her face. The bruise was taking ages to die down. It was now a horrible yellow and purple colour and looked disgusting. It was from where Markov had hit her. She was never going to forgive him for that. All she'd said was that he had friends that he couldn't trust. The bruise started on her cheek bone and spread out. The pain was less than it used to be but it was still there.
It was a day like no other, the wind blew stronger than the usual. Milena decided to head to the cliffs to somehow relax and hopefully finish her song inside her mind. Along with her is her songbook and a green pen. Walking towards the place she started to think and ask herself about her mother. It's been almost a year that Milena din't came home for the holidays, she stayed at some random hotels. Alone as always. Milena was used to the cold weather in Paris feeling the sunshine was unusual. She was wearing a electric blue cardigan, plain skinny jeans, white t-shirt with a text saying "dead",some black boots and a black beanie.Holding her book tightly under her arms, she noticed a girl seated under a tree.

That was Milena's spot since she last week to be exact, she didn't wanted any argument or anything loud to happen. Still she really wanted to be there. Milena looked at the girl and sat beside her without any permission. "I'm not gonna stay long" she blurted out. She did somehow recognized the girl around the school, perhaps she was older than her. The last time she saw her was during lunch at the great hall, she was seating at the Slytherin table. She knew somehow that the girl would ignore her and so she got her book, opened it and started to scan for the page she used a while back. Bringing out her pen out of her pocket as she started to think of what to write next..
Shay was disgusted when a girl suddenly came and sat next to her without even asking. She recognised the girl as a Slytherin. Maybe from the common room or something. She didn't know. To be honest she didn't really care. She just wanted her time alone to think. Shay had been about to get up and tell the girl to f**k off when she realised what was in her book. She grinned slightly. This girl obviously didn't care about other peoples' opinions like Shay and she like music, also like Shay. "You compose??" She had a half smile on her face. This girl might be decent. There was only one way to find out. Plus, Shay needed a friend at the moment. She had no one except her pets and house elf and they couldn't exactly comfort her when she was upset. Especially seeing as the dog stayed at the Half Mile House with the house elf/
Milena knew the girl wouldn't talk to her or even close to that. Sitting at the edge, she started to hum a song inside her mind. Upon hearing the girl's voice she was a bit suprised, still she tried to play it cool. "Yes" she said responding to the question. Milena knew English very well although she was fond of using her own language and that is french. She didn't know what to say or rather to do next and so she decided to continue thinking. Taking down word by word as she started to reflect about her life.
Shaylah rolled her eyes. She hated it when younger, more naive Slytherins thought they were better than her. They were obviously wrong. There was nothing to younger students. They barely knew the school. "At least give me a proper answer." She sighed. "Ugh. I try and make conversation and all you can do is say yes. You're soooo smart. I can't believe how much intelligence you have." Shaylah had always been thought of as a very sarcastic person and she enjoyed it.
The girl was obviously fond of sarcasm. Milena glanced at her, hearing all her words made her wated to throw up. What do you expect for me to say to a girl as rude as you?. She was like the other Slytherin girls, selfish and very annoying.Glancing back at her, "Oooh, I do apologize....." she replied back with a hint of sarcasm. She wasn't fond of meeting new people. Milena's been a loner since she arrived at Hogwarts, people insisted for her to transfer to Beauxbatons which was much nearer. Still she hesitated and tried to ignore everyone. It's been months since she last saw her mother. Milena didn't cared about the students who would whisper things about or and most especially she doesn't care about the girl who seems to be ruining her day.
Shaylah rolled her eyes then grinned smugly. "You better do." She shrugged and leant against the tree, still looking over the girl's shoulder at the lyrics she was writing. Shay hadn't written any lyrics in ages. She couldn't. It had always been something she'd do in her room then take downstairs to get the first opinion from her dad. "So, are you going to be decent enough to answer me or not??" She sat staring at the girl as she waited for an answer.
Milena smile for no reason, she was staring at the girl who seems to be rude yet okay for her. She wanted to go away and leave the girl. Ignoring her will not change anything. So she took a deep breath and answered her back. "Ye, Fine. she said in response. Milena gave a deep sigh as she started to arrange and match her song word by word.
Shaylah was starting to get annoyed. She had a bad reputation at the school but this girl obviously didn't know her so had no reason to to think badly of her and yet Shay still couldn't make friends with her. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, everyone hated her. She saw no point in even trying. "'Ye, fine' does not answer my question. I don't know why I even bother trying to make conversation with twerps like you. It's not like I'm going to get anywhere by trying." Shay was confusing herself. Usually by now she would have punched the girl for having such cheek about someone who was better than her.
The slytherin had already been feeling down that day. The weather was bleak, even though it was less chilly than it could have been. Milena was feeling the pressure to capture a girl'seye, she wanted to talk to someone at least just this once. You will."she said to her now with a smile painted on her face. She knew very well the girl doesn't like her still she wanted to be entertained by someone or anything.
OOCOut of Character:
So sorry for the lateness and shortness. :shy:
Shay frowned slightly in confusion then shook head and sighed. "What do you mean 'You will'?? That could mean anything." Shay was trying not to get angry with this girl. Anger was an emotion that Shay didn't control very well and she wanted to try and get friends. Punching someone and breaking their nose was not a way of saying 'Hi, let's be friends'. She was no genius but even she knew that much. It was, after all, the reason why she was always alone. Shay hit off any company that came within eight feet of her and it kept everyone away.

OOCOut of Character:
Hehe. No problem. :D
"You know what why don't we start again." she said to the girl as she was hiding her smile. She knew very well that the girl was partly serious and didn't wanted anything fun or something near that. Milena was used to be being alone and that made her awkward to other people when it comes to talking. Even though she tried to smile and to be friendly with others some people still doesn't believe her. The fact that she was a slytherin and who wants to be with a girl who is father-less. Others would discriminate her since she was little, her mother may be a pureblood but she was obviously an exception. Milena's mother refuses to share some information about her father that might have affect Milena's attitude towards boys.
Shay narrowed her eyes slightly as she studied the girl. She was curious as to why the girl had just suddenly flipped the coin. A minute a go she seemed to have absolutely no interest in Shay and now she was asking to start over. Shay had no friends so she saw no harm in taking a risk. It wasn't like she was going to lose anything else. She had nothing left to lose. She smiled slightly and nodded. "Okay, sure." She held her hand out to the girl, feeling slightly awkward about introducing herself so kindly. "Shaylah Rouge."
Milena tried to hide her smile as she placed her golden hair at the side of her face. "I'm Milena La Fleur" introducing herself as she started to reach out of the hand hand and gave it a shake. Who knows that the girl wasn't bad at all, she was used to be with mean people but still Milena appreciated some kindness among her fellow school mates. "I'm guessing you're quite older than me?" she asked her. Milena was aware that Shaylah was older than her but that was the only thing she could ask to the girl. She wasn't used to having a conversation with anyone mostly with a stranger.
Shaylah was kind of glad that the girl shook her hand back. Shay smiled slightly when the girl said her name was Milena. It definitely sounded very french. Shay nodded when the girl asked if she was older. "I guess so." She'd always looked very young for her age. Now, at the age of fifteen, she looked about eleven or twelve. It was a bit annoying sometimes but it had it's good side as well. "I'm in my fifth year. What about you??"

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