Hilde Lindstrom

Hilde Lindstrom

Wife. Mother. Triplet.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
The Basics

Character's Name: Hilde Octavia Lindstrom
Character's Birthdate: December 3, 2009
Hometown: Vallentuna Municipality, Sweden
Current Residence: Castle Hill, NSW, Australia
Blood Status: Pure
Wand: Bloodwood Wand, 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash Core
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Graduation Year: 2028
Husband: Shane Zhefarovich; February 6, 2032-
Astrid Hannah Lindstrom, May 28, 2034
Alannah Heidi Lindstrom, May 28, 2034
Johan Danail Lindstrom, July 1, 2036
Liam Chavdar Lindstrom, June 22, 2044


Hair: Medium brown in color. Usually kept longer in length. Varies between straight and wavy.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Style: Hilde is very into fashion and tries her best to keep up on the most recent styles in both the muggle and wizarding worlds. Her casual looks include jeans and sweaters with heels or boots. For more formal events
Other Distinguishing Features: Hilde is the eldest of a set of fraternal (non-identical) triplets.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Hilde has kept to herself for the most part during her time at Hogwarts New Zealand. She joined the Slytherin quidditch team during the 2023-2024 season as an alternate Seeker/Keeper, helping them to win the quidditch cup for 2024. She is finally starting to come out of her shell and interact with her classmates a bit more. Friendships are forming with other girls in Slytherin.

Hilde is rather snobbish. She was raised in a pureblooded household, where her parents looked down upon those who were not like them. Her own opinion is still forming at this point. Once you make it past her cold exterior, Hilde is a true friend who is loyal to the end. She will fight to defend anyone that she feels is being wronged.

History:The Lindstrom family comes from money, and most of her attitude stems from the family status. Stupidity irritates her as well as those who think that muggles need to be eliminated. Their family is not full of Death Eaters, but they associate with them frequently (well, her parents do). Linnea is a housewife while Bo works for the Ministry. The family moved from Sweden to Australia in 2019. Bo took a job with the New Zealand Ministry that was a step up from his position in the Scandinavian Ministry.



Father: Bo Lindstrom

Date of birth: March 19, 1984

Occupation: New Zealand Ministry, Wizengamet

Blood status: Pure

Mother: Linnea (Olm) Lindstrom

Date of birth: June 17, 1986

Occupation: Homemaker

Blood Status: Pure


Sister: Hannah Lindstrom

Date of Birth: December 3, 2009

Schooling: HNZ, Slytherin house

Graduated: 2028

Blood Status: Pure

Birth order: Youngest of the triplets


Sister: Heidi Lindstrom

Date of Birth: December 3, 2009

Schooling: Homeschooled, Was sorted Slytherin.

Blood Status: Pure

Birth order: Middle of the triplets


Quidditch Team 2023-2024; Alternate Seeker/Keeper; Team won Cup
Slytherin Quidditch Co-Captain, 2024 ; Seeker
Heta Omega, Vice-President, 2024-2025, President, 2025-2027


Angus Greenwood, Slytherin, Second Year Yule Ball date; minor flirtation; 2022
Tohoru Koshiba, Gryffindor, Fourth Year Yule Ball date; Boyfriend first term, 2024
Jared Wilson, Flirtation; 2025
Xavier Snow, Hufflepuff; Fourth Year Boyfriend second term, 2025
Sam Prince, Hufflepuff; Fifth Year Yule Ball date
Austin Zhefarovich, Ravenclaw, Boyfriend, 2026
Shane Zhefarovich, Flirtation, Crush; 2024-2026; Boyfriend 2026 -2034; Fiance April 19, 2031; Husband February 6, 2032
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Threads of Importance

Triplet's Room
~~The triplets move into the dorms their first year.

Triplet's Room part 2
~~The triplets have a loud discussion in their room.

After the ball
~~Hilde and Angus play a game of cards.

Coming out of their dorms a bit
~~Hilde hangs out in the common room and chats with Hoshi.

Watch out!
~~Hilde and some other upper year students find entertainment watching the little firsties.

Meeting Someone
~~Hilde goes to the club to meet her friends and runs into someone she hasn't seen in years.

Lions and Snakes Can Fall for Each Other
~~Hilde and Tohoru inform Eden and Lilith of their relationship.

My Blue Heaven
~~Hilde and Tohoru mess around on the pitch.

Need some Foods
~~Hilde grabs a bite to eat at the Hog's Head.

Just a bit Early
~~Hilde is early to meet Tohoru and instead finds Shane.

DJ Keep Playing that Song
~~Hilde and Tohoru meet at the club.

Boots and Boys
~~Hilde and Eden talk in the common room.

Caught in a Bad Romance
~~Hilde and JR find out they are both being played by Tohoru.

Beautiful Nightmare
~~Hilde and Xavier come to an interesting agreement.

Doing some Shopping
~~Hilde meets a new friend while out shopping at the Mall.

Playing with Fire
~~Hilde and her new friend, Jared, write letters back and forth.

It Just Sort of... Happened?
~~Hilde and Ariah discuss her relationship with Xavier at the start of the new term.

Ten Reasons plus One Why I Hate my Brother
~~Hilde and Ariah try to stop Theodore and Aleyha from exacting revenge on Xavier.

Hawaii Retreat
~~Hilde meets up with Jared over the summer and secrets are revealed.

Birthday Madness
~~Hilde goes to a birthday party for her friend, Eden.

Transfers meet
~~Hilde meets a few new transfer boys.

Must you really be so loud?
~~Hilde and Eden are studying in the common room.

The Brotherhood Auction
~~Hilde gets herself a date for the Yule Ball.

So...we have to go together?
~~Hilde and Sam lay out plans for the Yule Ball.

Here I am, Suit and All
~~The Yule Ball

~~Hilde meets with Eden and is given some news.

Bumping...and more
~~Hilde runs into Austin...literally.

~~Hilde has a chat with her new friend on the cliffs.

And What Am I Doing Here?
~~Hilde is summoned to the Zhefarovich Manor over the summer and gets a surprise.

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