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- Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

<SIZE size="150">Hikari Izumi
(Hikari meaning Radiance, and Izumi meaning Spring)
<i></i>(Hikari meaning Radiance, and Izumi meaning Spring)
Date of Birth:
- December 24
Current Age:
- 15
Basic Appearance:
Hair: Long, wavy, auburn
Height:Hikari is a bit small for her age, she's really petite.
Skin Color: Fair
Eyes: Hikari has heterochromia, a condition which result to her eyes having two different colors; her left eye is blue, while the right one is green.
- Hikari is known for her extremely demanding and aggressive attitude towards boys. She relentlessly attempts to reform them to live up to what she considers are acceptable standards of behavior. She has exceptional academic ability and great athletic skill. Hikari is always driven to do her best regardless of the endeavor, and has a strong sense of justice, though she also has a tendency to forget her own well being in the process of helping others. She has a generally tomboyish nature.
Yumiko Yukimura Izumi
Yumiko is Hikari's mother and she is very sickly. She is very understanding of Hikari's circumstances, knowing that Hikari does not particularly enjoy being a werewolf, and is perceptive of other people's feelings.
Aoi ChevalierIzumi
Aoi Izumi is Hikari's father. He is generally short-tempered and has little patience. He becomes embarrassed after doing something kind or showing affection for someone; then he would also suddenly become angry for he can't show his true feelings very well. Hikari is under the impression that he hates her as he frequently scolds her for her poor fashion sense and unfeminine strength.
Nagisa Izumi (9 years old)
Nagisa is Hikari's younger sister, she is very friendly and cheerful and she frequently relies on Hikari for protection. She is very much attached to her older sister.
Naoya Izumi (17 years old)
Naoya is Hikari's older brother. His androgynous features can easily pass him off as a girl. He seems sweet and kind to his friends but in reality he is very arrogant, rude and insensitive to others feelings. It is due to his attitude that Hikari dislikes him.
- Hikari has a pet dog which she got from her mother. Her dog's name was Saki.
Area of Residence:
- Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
Blood Status:
- Half-blood
- Japanese, part-French
Special Abilities:
- Hikari is a werewolf
Interests or Hobbies:
Hikari loves to read books as well as write poems. She's also onto sports.
Additional Skills:
- Hikari can fluently speak French.
- Hikari is very athletic. She is also very calm and is very determined to achieve everything that she sets her mind into.
- Hikari is pretty much very sensitive when it comes to boys, she's very aggressive towards them.
Describe your character in three words:
- Smart, athletic, kind
Favourite place to be:
- anywhere secluded, or anywhere where she can read.
Hogwarts House:
She's attending Durmstrang
Best school subjects:
Defense against Dark Arts
Worst school subjects:
Plans for your future:
- Hikari is planning to be an auror, or if not, she planning to be a healer.
Your Patronus:
- Wolf
Your Patronus memory:
- When her younger sister was born
Your Boggart:
- Full moon
Mirror of Erised:
- Her family being happy together.
A page from your diary:
It's nearing the full moon once again. I'm afraid. I don't want to turn into that creature once again. But I do know that it cannot be helped. My potions were running out of supplies once again. I need to ask my professor for one.