Hikari Hitachiin

Hikari Hitachiin

Well-Known Member
The Basics
Character's Name: Hikari Hitachiin
Character's Birthdate: 20th of January, 2008
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Educated At: Beauxbatons
Country of Origin: Japan. Hikari only spent a few years in her native home. When she was the age of ten, her family moved to France where she resided until her 20th birthday.
Currently Located: New Zealand. Hikari had lived in France for a very long time, since she was a little girl. But she found the area too familiar and opted for a change, packing up her home and boyfriend, and moving to New Zealand. She loves the country and couldn't imagine leaving it for a very long time.
Hair: Long, silky and black. Hikari's main concern when it comes to her appearance is her hair. She brushes it regularly and often keeps it down so it is not damaged by elastics and other accessories.
Eyes: Honey brown. Hikari's eyes are a common family trait. Most of her family has honey brown eyes. This trait is found commonly amongst those of her mothers side.
Height: 5'9. Hikari is quite a tall woman, she gets this from her fathers side of the family.
Style: Expensive. Growing up in a rich household, Hikari has always dressed to impress. As a young girl, she was raised to make sure she was always well dressed and appealing. As she aged, this idea has still remained with her and she goes to great lengths to make sure she looks wonderful in whatever she's wearing.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Hikari is a distant person. On a good day, she can be quite warm and articulate. But when in a bad mood she can get very violent and aggressive. Usually, Hikari uses her magic to settle things, rarely resorting to words in order to get her point across. She could be described as impulsive, vain and stubborn, while others may choose to describe her as quick-thinking, well-groomed and determined.
When around family, Hikari can appear very warm and welcoming, among friends she is the same. She loves to make tea and make people feel at home in her presence, if she likes them. If given a reason to dislike or not trust someone, then she can be very harsh to them and will go to great extents to get rid of them. Hikari is prejudice against muggle borns and is not afraid to announce it to others. She gets very offended if someone questions her heritage and her pride has gotten her into some strife.

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Husband: Noah William Starr. Scitorari.
Son: Raiden Acelin Hitachiin-Starr (January 2030)
Son: Raiji Morden Hitachiin-Starr (January 2030)
Daughter: Idelle Amaterasu Hitachiin-Starr (October 2035)
Daughter: Izanami Lorraine Hitachiin-Starr (March 2039)
Son: Quinn Inari Hitachiin-Starr (August 2044)
Daughter: Josephina Benzaiten Hitachiin-Starr (June 2048)
Son Hiruko Lucas Hitachiin-Starr (March 2051)

Father: Daiki Hitachiin. 68.
Mother: Akemi Hitachiin. 66.
Older Brother: Jun Hitachiin. 43.
Older Sister: Kumiko Hitachiin Tanaka. 37, Scitorari.
Twin Sister: Emiko Hitachiin. 31. Deceased.
Younger Sister: Natsumi Hitachiin. 26.
Younger Sister: Miyusaki Hitachiin Grimm. 22
Younger Brother: Jakobe Hitachiin. 15
Younger Sister: Yuna Hitachiin. 14.

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