Hiding from a scary brother

Peyton Ó Ruairc

Gryffindor Graduate | CEO
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Once her brother finished his try out, Peyton hurried up to the castle before Hunter got a chance to corner her. She had talked, beg and did everything for his brother not to try out for the Hufflepuff team but that last act with the bludger was not her work, Peyton couldn't possibly jinx the bugger to come toward her. What if Hunter wasn't that good and failed to redirect the bludger away from her? But, of course, that's not what he's thinking right now. It was like she had just run a marathon when she got to the second floor, Peyton had to reach five more floors to get to the Gryffindor common room but her wits are nowhere. Potions was the only thing she's good at and she's not a sporty type as well, hence her distaste with the popular wizarding sport.

Can't take another step further, she huff her way to an abandon classroom she had never went into but know it was there. A good hiding place for a while, Peyton went in and barely closed the door. The room was envelope with darkness. Peyton took out her wand and summoned a candle if one was in the room. When she had one on her hand, the Gryffindor cast incendio on the tip of the candle and it lit with fire. The room revealed some broken work desk and a Professor's work desk. Peyton levitated the candle in the middle of the room and sat on top of the Professor's desk with a sigh. Though, with an angry groaned, she laid down on the table and started cursing at her brother.

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