Hey you

Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Teddy say back in the sun. He was pretty happy for now. He was getting along with Skyle, they were writing to each other, and he was managing to keep calm and not flip out any more. He was even friends with Angela still, she was comfortable around him, at leat he thought so, and he was managing to forget their horrible past and start a fresh. So far it was all working.

Teddy let his thoughts return to Skyle. She was gorgeous and he couldn't stop thinking about her. They had gotten closer in their letters and he had half a mind to ask her out. The only problem was Angela. Skyle didn't ever want to upset her and he had a feeling them dating would hurt her. Not to mention he still liked Angela, just no where near as much as he loved Skyle. Hopefully she would tell Angela about them before he had to. He promised not to hurt her any more and he wasn't sure if thiscounted or not.
Angela was in the mood to cool down. Lately hot flashes had been giving her hell, and not to mention the thousands of headaches she got a day. Most recently though was the pain in her teeth. She was sure she was just getting her twelve year molars, because she hadn't had any new ones in a while. She felt miserable, but, as soon as she reached the lakefront, her cover dress flowing, she saw something that cheered her up. "Teddy?"

Teddy wasn't always what cheered her up, he had made her upset, scared her; even made her cry. But, she didn't care now, she liked him a lot. She may even like him more then what she liked Adam, and that was saying something. She had been sure she loved Adam, now, he meant nothing. "Whatcha doing out here by your lonesome?" She asked in a cheery tone.
Teddy opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Angela's face. He leant up onto his elbows and motioned for her to sit next to him. "Hey Ange. How're you?" He sat up properly and stretched his arms and back. Running his hand through his hair he turned to his friend, still smiling. Of course he liked Angela still, he just liked Skyle more.

"I'm considering going for a swim. Hows about you?" He laughed as he remembered the last time they had gone 'swimming' together. He had thrown her into the lake. He had, of course, then had to save her because she couldn't swim. They had then had fun in the shallow outer part of the lake.
Angela walked over and sat down also. "Sure!" She said with a big grin. "And this time, I don't have to worry about Prince Charming having to save me!" She said with a little bit of a smile. She had learned well enough over the summer how to swim, and if worst came to worst, she'd float on her back. She backed up a bit, just so that she could set her bag down, and unstrap her sandals. "You first." She said, a bit self conscience about taking off her cover.
Teddy laughed but removed his shirt. "So, you learnt to swim?" He asked her as he removed his black converses. Of course he had his trunks on underneath his ripped jeans but it still felt odd undressing in front of Angela. He wasn't sure why, thy had been swimming together before. Eventually he just bit the bullet and stood up, letting his too big jeans fall to the ground.

"Come on slow poke." Teddy laughed to the younger girl as he placed his stuff in a neat pile and made his way to the lake. Of course he didn't look while she changed, that would just be perverted and weird. He swam around for a bit, getting used to the lovely cold water before yelling back to Angela. "You going to swim before I graduate?" He joked.
She smiled and made sure she had her towel, glad that she had worn water-proof eyeliner. Her eyes popped, the aqua color on her waterline brought out her eyes more, and emphasized that they were there. She really had trouble now getting boys to look at her eyes. They were more focused on the necklaces that she wore, it didn't make any sense. She smiled and even admired him a little bit. She tore off the over dress that she was wearing, revealing the beautiful swimsuit that Skyle had made her buy. She said that it would make her look better, and Angela had to agree. She felt very sure of herself, her hourglass body curving in the right places. The only thing she didn't like was the scars on her shoulders, and the small one on her stomach.

"Ha, This what you were waiting for?' She asked, going out and diving into the water, coming up beside him with wet hair. She smiled a little bit, and poked him in the chest. "Tag, you're it!"
Teddy turned just in time to see Angela enter the water in her swimming costume. His eyes were stuck on her. Yes, he liked Skyle more but he was a boy and Angela was wearing, well, that. He couldn't help but stare, especially with her figure and her long red hair flowing down past her shoulders. It really was a sight he didn't mind seeing and wouldn't object to if she stayed like that.

Teddy was brought out of his trance by a poke in the chest and her voice penetrating his thoughts. "No fair, I wasn't ready." He laughed and tackled her, finding her ticklish spots. While he had been at Durmstrang his figure had improved as well as hers, he had started his training again, more for fitness than sports this time, and had got his muscled chest back. When he had finished tickling her, Teddy leant back and floated along in the water. "So, you excited for the ball?" It was just a general conversation starter, it didn't mean anything.
Angela giggled and then let out a high pitched squeak when he tackled her. She wrestled with his hands, he had gotten strong. She remember vaguely, when he left, that he had been in need of a tune up. And he must have gotten it, because he did look good. She smiled slightly and rolled in the water laughing slightly. when he finally got off of her, she had to adjust her top back up into the proper place. She smiled and floated next to him, closing her eyes. "Ball?" She questioned.

She hadn't thought about it very much, dancing wasn't the biggest thing she thought about anymore. She frowned. "I'm not going." She answered. it sounded sad to her, because she really did want to go. But, she wouldn't go alone, she didn't have a date; and that was embarrassing.
Teddy stood up immediately. "You're not going? Why not?" He was definitely going, even if he couldn't find formal wear to go in. It would be fun, even if he didn't have a date. He hadn't had a date last year but he still had fun and danced with lots of girls, maybe even a guy he wasn't sure. "It'll be fun, you should go." Teddy poked her as she floated close to him and watched with a smile on his face as she floated away from him. He leant back again and resumed his floating, it was fun and he could feel the ripples of the water beneath him.
She turned her head a giggled a little bit when he poked her. "I don't know, I feel kind of lame... not having a date. I haven't gone to a single one of these things, and I don't have a dress." She said with a slight frown, diving under and coming up beside him, poking him and then rolling onto her back and floating away from him a bit. She looked up at the clouds. She almost hoped he'd ask her.
Teddy laughed as she returned the poke. "So, I haven't got a date, I'm still going." He stopped his floating to go and poke her back, right where he knew she was ticklish. He knew really almost everything there was to know about the red head girl. Even a few things she didn't know he knew, like how she was getting properly adopted.

Skyle had told him some stuff she probably shouldn't have. It didn't matter though, Angela would probably tell him soon enough. "How about htis, I'll tickle you until you say you'll go to the ball." He laughed and began to tickle her, ignoring the memories of when he had crushed her chest instead of tickling it, he was a different person then.
She rolled her eyes. "You're a guy, you can dance with everyone and not be accused of anything. I can't. Not with my reputation." It was true. She had a bad reputation from last year, and none of it, save for the Teddy incedent, was her fault. She jumped a bit and moved away from him. Finally she couldn't take anymore. "Fine, I give!" She yelled. "I'll only go if you go with me!" She laughed more, her face turning pink.

((Sorry, mom's rushing me!))
Teddy smiled and stopped the tickling. "Sure, alright then." It would be fine, those two going together as friends, it could even be fun. Teddy considered maybe slipping Skyle in during the conversation at the ball. Of course, naturally, he wanted Angela's opinion on the whole thing. She would know the best ways to win over the beautiful blonde anyway. Teddy was sure he was getting there but he was also sure a little help wouldn't hurt. However, it could hurt Angela and he didn't want to do that any more. Teddy decided to just think about it later and return to his leisurely float for now. "That means you have to get a dress." He said with a smirk, if her taste in dresses was anywhere like her taste in swim wear then he would definitely enjoy the night.
She smiled and did a little flip in the water. She was so happy that he wanted to go with her. She felt butterflies in her stomach that were going crazy. She was going nuts for him she knew it. He made the comment about a dress, and then laughed a bit. "i think I know the perfect dress." She almost asked if she should dye her hair again,maybe blond this time. But, she decided that she wouldn't, She couldn't do it. She already missed her black hair, and she just dind't want to kill it completely. "You'll love th dress I hope." She said, and then she splashed him.

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