Open Hey, Watch It!

Aerin Park

Sarcastic / Abrasive / Blind
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
12 (Jan 7 2041)
Aerin stood, leaning on her white cane. She was waiting for her parents to come back from a shop as she told them more than many times that she didn’t really want to go shopping. Boa lay beside Aerin, wearing it’s vest that read “service dog” on the side. Aerin was thinking of hogwarts, the letter had arrived a few days ago, welcoming her to hogwarts. Her father had read it for her multiple times, and Aerin had already memorised most of it’s contents. Aerin hoped that in hogwarts she could do more of what she wanted and could imagine a more independent and less restrictive life in hogwarts. Though, she could do without the studying. But she lost her thought, as she felt her cane being kicked and the bottom side being pushed away, making Aerin lose her balance. Luckily she had caught her footing right on time and the cane had caught a groove on the pathway. “Hey! Watch it!” She shouted at the general direction of where the can had tilted.
Jordie had been running through the streets after his new cat, Salem, annoyed that the kitten had escaped so easily. He had just caught him, but in his haste, hadn't noticed the girl standing there until he'd nearly knocked over her cane. "Hi! Sorry," he apologized quickly. "I was chasing my cat and didn't see you there. I'm Jordan." He held out his hand.
Aerin propped her cane back into it’s previous position.”Maybe watch where you’re going before you try and tackle someone.” Aerin exaggerated. She could feel Boa had stand up beside her, alert. She didn’t know exactly where he was, but could feel Boa slighlty pulling against her leash towards the front, so she had assumed the boy who hit her cane was there. Aerin softened at the sound of a cat meowing. She always had a love for animals. “It’s fine.. I guess.” She sighed and introduced herself. “I’m Aerin. What’s your cat’s name?”
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((I am soooo sorry it didn't notify me that you had replied))

Jordie looked curiously between the girl and her dog, realizing rather sheepishly that she couldn't see him. "Sorry, I just got this new kitten and the little bugger ran off first chance he had," He apologized. He stroked the soft black fur, moving to lean against the wall next to her. "His name is Salem. He's a sarcastic little guy," He smiled a bit.
(That's alright!)

"You should probably be more careful with him." Aerin said. She didn't think most kittens could run too fast but she couldn't be the judge of that. "Salem's a nice name. This is Boa, my service dog, but she's still in training. " She loosened her hold of the leash when Boa sat down again.
Jordie smiled, rubbing behind Salem's ears and relaxing against the wall. "I like Boa, that's a good name," He returned. "Are you guys going to school too?" He asked, trying to memorize her face. She was really pretty, he liked her hair. Of course, he didn't want to say that, she looked like she would have no trouble hitting him.
"Yeah, Hogwarts right?" She said, more like a statement rather than a question. She wasn't too used to talking to people who were not girls. An all girls school would do that to you. The closest thing would be her cousins or her baby brother, but they were all much younger than her. "Are you out shopping for school?" She asked in the general direction of the boy.
Jordie smiled, nodding at her question then remembering she wouldn't see that. "Yeah, I actually live near the school so it'll be fun." He mused. He almost nodded again at her question but stopped himself. "Yeah, my big brother brought me out for the day. Are you?" He asked. "We can shop together!" He decided suddenly, standing a little straighter and smiling brightly. "That would be fun,"
“Uh, cool.” Aerin said, not too sure what to say to that. “Yeah, but I’m waiting for my parents. “ She said. Her parents were in the robe shop, whatever that was called. She didn’t care to remember. For all all she knew, they could actually be halfway across the country and she wouldn’t know. But of course they wouldn’t just leave her there. She was kind of surprised by the sudden invite, but it couldn’t hurt to go right? “Sure, wait a moment. ” She said, smiling a bit.” Aerin felt behind her for the door to the robe shop and opened it. “엄마, 아빠. 잠깐 도라다닐깨.” She said a bit louder than needed.
Jordie smiled when she agreed, pleased that he had made another new friend already. waiting as she told him. He was intrigued when she spoke another language, not really catching what it was. His brother and uncle had always had a knack for languages, but Jordie had never been able to pick it up. He rocked on his feet, waiting for her to be ready.

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