Hey, I remember you...

Cameron Moriarty

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
It was a fine day in Brightstone as Cameron Freedman proceeded to walk around the shops. Ever since his Neice and Nephew had left Cam had been feeling alittle lonely. Of course Austiin and Abby were still around, so was Tommy, but he was nine now, so it wasn't like it used to be. Things had just changed so much since the last time he had actually been to anywhere with magical folk in it. He was so used to living in and working around the muggle community, that sometimes he was even sure he would forget how to use his magic. Though with Austiin, that would be either impossible or it would happen and Austiin would make him remember. He shook his head. It was reasons like that one as to why Cam liked to be a bartender, he didn't have to think too much, and besides, the twins were going to be back soon enough, so it didn't make sense for him to be moaping about. He pushed his hand through his already messy hair before stopping and pulling his phone out of his pocket. He was going to message Abby and ask her to come and join him for a drink in the three broom sticks, but he didn't know if he wanted that right now. So instead he turned his phone off and sat on a bench in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the streets. Yeah, benches were good.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry about the size, my Cameron starts are usually dismal.
Cyndi Kingsley was taking advantage of some unexpected free time to get some shopping done. Although she had a list of items that she was supposed to buy and stick to, the woman had of course made some additional purchases. She had spent an incredible amount of time in a shop looking at baby clothing before finally settling on an outfit for her niece and nephew. She would have to stop by Kiera's one of these days to give the outfits to her and to see the babies. They were growing so quickly and Cyndi couldn't help but wonder what a child of her and Cam's would like like. Surely, their child would have some similarities with Kiera and James's children. They would be cousins after all.

Heading out of the final shop with several bags in hand, Cyndi decided to sit and catch her breath for a minute. That and she wanted to see if her husband was home so she could drop off her bags and quickly say hello and goodbye to him. She would take whatever time she could get with her husband. As she reached the benches, Cyndi saw that a man was sitting at one end. The other end was empty and she hoped she'd be able to use it for her bags. "Hey...do you mind if I put...I know you" she smiled, interrupting herself as she recognized the man before her. She even remembered his name. "Cameron, right?" she said, sure that she could recall that name since it was her husband's name as well.
Cameron sighed as he watched the people walking around. It really was quite crowded. He supposed people were getting lots of late Christmas presents, or even early easter, which to be honest was more of a muggle holiday than a magical one. He remembered how he had felt when Steph and Speed had told him that they didn't celebrate easter. He'd died that day, until of course he had showed them what easter was all about. Chocolates, then they had seen fit to celebrate with him. From then on, they had always celebrated easter in the apartment, everyone buying chocolate, taking the day off work, going out for a nice movie afterwards. It was no wonder he had started to miss them. He had already missed Valentine's Day. He smiled as he remembered how Steph had gone to such great lengths to buy him a rose, whilst Speed had bought him chocolates. It had been the first year he was without a partner on Valentine's and the twins had felt bad for him. He shook his head, they felt like such distant memories now. He really did wish they would hurry and get back to New Zealand.

Cam began to chip at his nail polish. He was getting bored just waiting there and was about to leave when he heard someone talking. He looked up and smiled when he saw the owner of the voice. It was someone he had not seen in a long time, someone he had met only once, but would never forget. "Cyndi, my dear. How are you?" He asked as he stood to hug her. "It is certainly wonderful to see you. What have you been doing these past, oh what is it, three years?" He actually couldn't believe that she remembered him. Cam never forgot anyone he met, because he didn't meet many people, but he would have thought that Cyndi met hundreds. "A spot of shopping I see?" He asked as he looked at the bags she had once carried.
Cyndi stop near the bench off to the side of the guy she was addressing. His wasn't a face she could easily forget. He had a look that was unlike most of the people she hung around with. Cameron was clearly a rocker and if Cyndi knew more about rock music, it might be possible for her to point out a particular era that identified her acquaintance. Cyndi wouldn't dare to call the man before her a friend. She didn't know him well enough for that title nor did he know her. Still, Cyndi knee that if given the opportunity, Cameron could easily become a close friend of hers. He had helped her during a very rough spot in her life when she'd dramatically thought her life to be over. It was back when she'd stupidly broken up with Cameron out of jealousy over a girl he only considered a friend. It had been a good lesson for Cyndi to learn, but it had definitely been a painful lesson. Pouring her heart out to a complete stranger who'd shared nothing in common with her husband except for a name and Y chromosome had been eye opening for the heartbroken woman.

The woman smiled at the gentleman before her. "Yes...a bit more than a spot of shopping unfortunately" she replied sheepishly. "It's mostly clothing for my niece and nephew so I suppose it's ok" she added, hoping her husband would accept the explanation. "I've been keeping busy with work. I'm still at the school teaching." She looked down at her hand and spotted her ring. "And, I got married...almost two years ago" she added, a grin on her face. She couldn't believe she'd been married that long. "How have you been?" she asked as she took a seat on the bench beside the man.
Cameron smiled and nodded as he listened to what Cyndi had to say. She was a very nice person, and even only having met her once, Cameron was a good judge of character, so he was able to tell, even now. He could remember their first meeting like it was yesterday. She had been sitting alone at a table at the ice cream shop, an icecream ofcourse in front of her. When Cameron saw her, being a friendly sort of guy, he walked over and offered his company. It had been nice to have a little chat with someone he had just met. And he had sort of given her some advice, he was usually pretty good at it, considering he was a bartender, it was kind of his job when you thought about it.

He smiled at Cyndi before scooting over slightly. "Shopping can be fun, if you go to the right places, ive always been partial to jeans stores." He said as he laughed slightly. His mood had lifted since he saw Cyndi, her face made him smile. When Cyndi mentioned that she still worked at the school, Cameron sighed. He had really wanted Steph and Speed to be able to go to Hogwarts, but unfortunately it had not worked out quite that way. "Still teaching Ancient Runes?" he asked, for lack of more to say. He hadn't seen her since that day, so alot must have happened, but not really with him, unless he counted his niece and nephew leaving to go back to Australia. Though when she said she was married, he had to admitt, he wasn't at all surprised. In fact he was very glad for her. "Well, good for you. Wow, two years now, really? I assume that it was the man you spoke to me about on that day?" He asked referring back to their meeting. He figured she would get back with him, she had already regretted her decision when she had spoken to him. Maybe if the twins had gone to HNZ, he would have seen her more then once. "Oh, I've had better days, but you have brightened my day right now, there isn't much more I could have hoped for." He said. He was a very friendly person and he loved meeting people. It was just a thing with him.
Cyndi nodded her head, surprised that the man remembered what class she taught. It was a small thing to remember about a person whom she'd only met once a while ago, so it touched her a bit. She listened to the man as he continued to speak, twisting her ring as she did. She nodded her head swiftly. "Yep. We got back together pretty soon after our chat" she said with smile. It was only now that she could recall that time when she'd been broken up from Cameron and she'd been miserable. That was in the past, thankfully.

The Cameron before her was simply one of the sweetest people she'd ever met. She beamed at his words. "Aw, stop it" she said, a blush crossing her cheeks. The kindness in his words brightened her day just as much as she apparently had brightened his day. Thinking back to what she could remember from her conversation with Cameron before, Cyndi realized that they had spent an awful lot of time talking about her. "If I remember correctly, you had a niece and nephew yourself, right?" she asked. "How are things going with them?" she asked, crossing her legs.
x-Yeah changed my format, sorry about that.

Cameron looked at his nails and tilted his head slightly. He had just noticed that he had been using Abby's nail polish, and he knew this because the way it sat on his nail was different. Abby's nail polish was a cheaper brand than Cameron's as he prefered elegance to colour. Though Abby liked to say that she was the same, it was obvious from her choice of five dollar make up, that she was not. Cameron, like to buy the fifty to one hundred dollar make up. Atleast that was what he told Abby. If she knew he really bought like one thousand dollars worth or make up and hair care products, she would kick him out of his own house. It was just who she was.

"Well, Im glad you were able to work out your problems, a happy ending is always a cause for enjoyment." He told her as he crossed his legs. He sometimes thought that he was too nice, but atleast it meant that he was able to make friends easily. He smiled and tapped her nose when she blushed after telling him to stop with the compliments. She was very pretty when she blushed and Cameron appreciated that in people. Some looked rather horrid when they blushed because their whole face would become a tomato, but with Cyndi it was just a slight pinking of the cheeks. It was rather cute, to be honest. If Cameron was straight, he would probably have a crush on her. Possibly. "Well, yes I do, but alas, they are no longer living with me, as they have moved back to Australia for a time being. They will be back very soon, but they never went to HNZ, so they saw no reason to stay on much longer. It is a funny story as to why they didn't go back. Well sort of." In all honesty, it probably wasn't that funny, but really it was just so ridiculous a story that Cameron had to laugh.
Cyndi nodded, pleased at his words. She'd never thought about it that way but she had found her happy ending. "Yea, I guess you're right" she mused as a soft smile spread across her face. She led a luckier life than most. Not only was she in a successful career, but she had a wonderful family and husband. It was more than she could ask for. Glancing at the odd watch she wore that didn't really tell the time, Mrs. Kingsley knew that she'd have to be heading home soon to place her bags and then get back to the school.

"Oh?" she said, wondering why the teenagers would leave their uncle. Cameron seemed like a fun-loving guy and would who would leave them wanting for nothing. Perhaps their parents had come back into their life or something. Cyndi didn't know and she knew it wasn't her place to ask. With a curious expression on her face, she waited to hear the story. She had the feeling it would only be truly hilarious to Cameron, but she still wanted to hear it. "Only sort of?"
x-Sorry I took so long Cyn.

Cameron smiled at Cyndi as she looked down at her odd watch. He knew what the time was, but her watch seemed to be telling the wrong time. What sort of watch was that anyway. I certainly looked very interesting, and Cameron soon found himself staring at the odd little watch. He shook his head, a smile on his face and looked at Cyndi. "That watch of yours, it is very... strange" He said as she looked at it again. He didn't not like it, but it was a very strange and he thought she wore it for some sort of significant reason.

Cameron nodded when she said oh. Yes they had indeed left him, but nt for a bad reason. They had only gone back to Australia to get their licence's in their home country, but they would be coming back soon, so that was okay. He did so lonve them, and he knew that while they were gone he was in danger of being killed by Austiin's little pest of a son, so he couldn't wait for the twins to get back. Infact he was not even going to sleep until they got back. "Well its not a bad reason as to why they left. They just wanted to get their licence in their home country. I don't really know why, but I also think they missed their parents. Their mother was ringing me up every hour asking for them, so eventually I just bought them a plane ticket to go back." He smiled, when she asked about the reason behind Speed and Steph not going to HNZ. He wasn't sure if she would laugh, but he had. So she was allowed to if she wanted too.

"Well, you see, one day while Speed, my nephew, yes weird name I know, his father is an idiot, was in Brightstone, for the Brightstone weekend, as he had a few friends that were already in HNZ. Well he was on a small shopping spree and he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going. He was fifteen at this time, so it was about three years ago. Just after we met actually. He was walking without paying attention and he tripped into a twelve year old girl, who then proceeded to make him cry. Because she was a Slytherin, according to Speed, he decided that he did not want to go to the school. And Steph, his twin, didn't go because she goes wherever he does." Cameron told Cyndi as he laughed slightly. It really was quite funny. The kid was a wimp.

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