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Romaine Snow

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OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Romaine sat pressed up against the wall, his head bobbing ever so gently as he mentally thought of a song suitable enough to help him get through this assignment. Instead of choosing to do his homework in the Common room or library, Romaine decided to just go ahead and get his work done in the hall of the dungeons. Yes the dungeons were creepy and sometimes dreary, but Romaine didn't think it was too bad down here. He'd seen worse places before. The common room was always really crowded and filled with students who had issues with respect for keeping the drama on the down-low, so Romaine avoided associating with them all he could. There was no need for people to be like that but the majority of them felt like it was okay. It was the way they were raised and there was no use changing that. Romaine wished they would just keep to themselves and not bother everyone else with their negative attitude's. A few students passed by Romaine but he didn't pay any mind to who it was, he was halfway through the needed assignment and he wanted to get it done as soon as possible. It wasn't due for a few days but if it wasn't done now it was likely never going to get done. Romaine wasn't a procrastinator but if he didn't want to do something then he wasn't going to do it. He didn't find any need for lying to himself saying he was going to do it. An hour later when it still wasn't done, still telling himself that he was going to do it. So Romaine did it when he could and made himself no promises. 'I hate homework though.' Romaine finished up the paper he was working on and tucked it away into the book. It wasn't even that far into the year and they were already getting homework. Romaine wondered if Kendra did all of her homework. She seemed like the type. Sometimes he thought Kendra was too much of an overachiever. He didn't know who she was trying to impress. He thought dealing with her was just about as close of a pain was as difficult as it was dealing with Aphrodite. Both were overachieving butt-kissing divas. Not to mention he failed to see how anyone thought they were as adorable as they were called. Sisters. Who needed em? Surely not Romaine.

Romaine remained sitting against the wall. His fingers tapped against his leg loudly. He knew he should probably get up soon and go get something to eat. His homework was all done and he was completely caught up. The feeling of accomplishment took over him. He loved having nothing to do but laze around and relax. Romaine was about to pick his book back up when he felt something crawl against his arm. Pale blue eyes drifted down to his arm and saw a small black spider crawling upon his arm. Boy or not, Romaine did not like spiders! "AHHH!" Romaine swatted at his arm madly and bolted away from the area leaving his book aside. Romaine dashed down the hallway as quickly as his tall legs could carry him. Spiders were so gross and scary. Romaine went around the corner at such a high speed, he didn't take notice to someone also rounding the corner. At least not until he smacked into that person. Romaine fell over onto the floor and looked up at the person he had run into. It was another guy. Not one he knew by name but he could register that the guy was a Slytherin. "Whoa, sorry about that. I wouldn't go back there, there's a huge spider!" Romaine kind of forgot that not everyone was afraid of spiders so this guy might think he was a geek. But oh well. Romaine lifted his tall body off of the ground and wiped his pants free of any dust or dirt. He felt bad for knocking into the stranger like he had but, it couldn't be helped.​
Zayne Baros was not looking so well, but that was because he managed to have a few nightmares the previous night. He tried to not have it affect him as him, but sometimes things could not be helped, not even in the least bit. Now that he was staying with Leilani, things had gotten easier for him. Though he was still as cautious around others, and all around just as unsocial. However he had come clean about his blood status, which was pure-blood, but he still did not wear it with pride. Others might have, but not him. He did not see the point yet, but after Suzanne, he started to hate muggle-borns. They were all treacherous of people like him, making him feel like he was unworthy to be taught at this great school. Being in Slytherin had not eased his case with his evil step-mother. He brushed her out of his thoughts, deeming that she was unworthy to even think about as he entered the dungeons on the way to his common room. He sort of wanted to talk to his Head of House to clear up something, to help him figure out some things about muggle-borns and pure-bloods, why they hated one another. See if there was any bad blood between them now, or if the muggle-borns were still mad at the Dark Lord or something. He did not see why he would have to pay for the mistakes that those like him had done, and did not want to suffer through it anymore. Zayne let out a sigh as he turned the corner, heading even deeper into the dungeons. The dungeons, as dark and dreary as they were, they felt like home to him. The place could send chills up one's spine, but it never bothered him. He was rather apathetic upon such things. Zayne could not wait until he went home though. He wanted to see Leilani some more, before he would end up calling her his mother and whatnot. Zayne though started to feel a little hungry. After his talk with his professor, he would go to the kitchens and get something.

The moment as he rounded another corner, something tall, like a wall, bumped into him so hard, Zayne ended up staggering before he reached out and used the wall to balance him. With playing Quidditch and winning the match, he had managed to gain muscle, and also quick reflexes. He needed them, and he was the one that made that werewolf break her nose. Zayne was inwardly proud about that. His eyes drifted down to look at the boy that had bumped into him, and it was one of the Snow twins. He had not known his name, but he knew that he was Kendra's twin. Younger or older, Zayne did not know. Zayne raised an eyebrow when the boy told him that he was sorry, but there was a huge spider and would not go back there. Zayne had no issues with spiders. He was about to hold out his hand to help the fourth year up, but it seemed like he had it handled. Zayne put his hands into his pockets on his black hoodie, and he looked at the fourth year before he questioned, "You are afraid of spiders?" Zayne was sort of amazed. A boy was afraid of spiders. He whipped out his wand, lit up the area with a verbal Lumos before he could see it crawling across the dungeon floors, crawling away before with a new spell he learned, also used a verbal Incendio to kill it. Whether or not this was the same one, or another one, he did not know. Zayne put his wand away and slipped his hand back into his pockets. He looked back at the boy, but he was without words by this point. The guy was taller than him, that was for sure. Zayne had yet to really have a growth spurt. Zayne was due for them soon, but for now, he was just as average as any other third year that walked the corridors.
Romaine furrowed his brows at the other boy. Wasn’t everyone afraid of spiders? Romaine failed to see how anyone couldn’t be afraid of them. They were so ugly and unnatural. Anything with eight legs and more than two eyes wasn’t acceprable in Romaine’s book. ”Yeah dude, aren’t you?” Romaine asked finally as he eyed the corridor. Luckily for him, it wasn’t one of those Acromantula’s or something. Now they were ugly. Big too. They could easily eat one one of the students here. Maybe that should become a punishment for them? Feed the bad students to the acromantula’s. That would efinitely keep everyone in order. Especially anyone who valued their life or habored hatred against the eight legged….things. Romaine prayed that one day he would never take over the school. He’d be a horrible Headmaster. It kind of reminded him of that Deputy Headmaster that was relieved of his duties some time ago. Man was that guy a joke. ’He’s the reason people don’t want to come to schools these days. If our father was around he’d never let us attend school with that fool running it.’ Romaine figuered either way, he wouldn’t have cared where he ended up. Hogwarts was cool. But if he couldn’t feell like he was going to be safe or actually learn anything here, why bother coming? ”Thanks.” Romaine told the boy. Hopefully he wasn’t made fun of for running from a spider. It wasn’t like he could help it that they were so ugly and scary looking. Not to mention he was pretty sure it was trying to eat him. Why else would it be crawling on him? Romaine used Accio to summon his abandoned book to him. Once he had it in his grasp he had to check a few times to make sure no other creepy crawly spiders were hanging around on it. If there had been, he would have made the other guy take care of them too. He seemed like he wasn't going to let a spider bother him. So he was know considered to be a designated spider killer. Romaine wasn't going to tell him that either. That way, there was no way he could say no to his new 'job' given to him.

"Hey...you play on the Slytherin Quidditch team right? I recognize you from the games. You have mad beater skills dude!" Romaine suddenly figured out that he had seen this boy from around somewhere. He was a Quidditch player! Romaine admired all of the Quidditch players. He had always wanted to play, but he had no talent for it whatsoever. He was barely able to survive on a broom let alone play a game on one. He always liked to go and watch the games. They were always really intense. He was happy Slytherin had won their most recent game. He had been rooting for them the entire time. Romaine really thought Zayne was a good beater. From what he had gathered, his father was a Quidditch fanatic too. Perhaps Zayne's skills were genetic instead of being merely talent? Romaine really wished he knew how to play. Teaching him was no help. He had tried to get someone to coach him. It actually made things worse in his opinion. Romaine also remembered something else that made him remember the dark haired boy. "Aren't you also friends with Kaia?" Romaine would definitely remember her. He told her she was cute and she wound up pouring some pumpkin juice onto his lap. If he really was friends with her, Romaine wondered how that kid even survived. Girls were actually quite scary these days. They weren't afraid to battle head to head with anyone. Even boys. Was it safe to be a boy anymore? Romaine was losing hope steadily.​
Zayne raised an eyebrow toward the elder Slytherin before he shook his mess of dark hair, "No. It takes more than a mere spider to scare me. Besides, they do the planet some good anyway." He gave a lighthearted shrug because he did not mind spiders at all, not like this other Slytherin did. This older Slytherin would be fun to mess with, however the pure-blood boy was not like that at all. Pranks and stuff were below him, and he would be better off just doing what he did best, which was keep to himself, except with the exception of Kaia. She was different. She was his best friend, and that was how things are going to stay. Zayne wondered if there were any more spiders roaming around. If there were, it was not like he was going to point them out so that Romaine Snow would have a freak out right in front of him. Even if it would have been entertaining for him, to see the boy run and scream like a girl from something that had four pairs of legs. Zayne nodded when the boy told him thanks. He was not the type to say 'You are welcome' after someone thanked him. Him just nodding took care of the trick easily. Plus it was better off like this too. He did not have to talk much at all. Zayne was not going to tease him either because everyone had their fears, and if he had a fear of, say, moths, he did not want anyone poking him about it. It wasn't like the spider was big or anything, but still, Zayne was not the type to tease anyone at all. It was kind of a waste. He shifted his position while standing up, and he looked at the blonde boy before he summoned his own book to him, and actually checked to see if there were any spiders on it. He smirked at that.

He tried to keep the smirk in, but it was no use. He just could not help it. When Romained said that he played on the Quidditch team, or asked, and then confirmed it, Zayne raised an eyebrow until he finished with a compliment about his beating skills. His smirk turned into a smile and he laughed softly. Yes, he remembered. "Thanks. My best move was when that bludger hit that one Gryffindor on the back, and slammed her face into the broom, breaking her nose." Yes, he took great pride in that, and he was going to keep that as a cherished moment, the moment when he was so close to getting that girl down. He sort of knew that his twin sister played on the Quidditch team, but didn't know if she would anymore after what he heard happened to her. Then again, she might too, he didn't know. Zayne didn't know Kendra well, but from what he knew, she was competitive. But he was glad that Romaine thought that he had some decent skills. Zayne sometimes thought that he did not have that many skills, but apparently he had. Zayne wondered if Romaine had any skills but then again, if he did, he would be on the team. No one would waste talent like that. When asked if he was friends with Kaia, Zayne looked over at him, and the subtle smile that he had faded before he looked somewhat suspicious, but he did not know for any reason why he would be. Kaia could have other friends, couldn't she? Zayne shrugged his shoulders, and he said, "Yeah, what of it?" Zayne was wondering why Romaine would bring that up anyhow. Was it random or something? Well it had to be since this was the first time that he had even mentioned it.
<COLOR color="#000">Romaine blinked. What useful thing could a spider ever do other than scare people? Scaring people wasn't even that useful sometimes! What in the world was this guy's deal? "What int he world could a spider possibly do that is good? Nothing that ugly can be good for the planet." Romaine stated, his eyes showing confusion but at the same time amusement. This guy was nuts if he thought spiders were okay to exist on this planet. Romaine figured that if they were less ugly, it would be easier to be kind to them. But since they were far from being ugly, Romaine just couldn't do that. The Slytherin Prefect wondered if this kid was some sort of nature lover or something. One of those people that tried to find the beauty of everything and loved all creatures. Romaine wished dearly that he could be like that. But unfortunately, he wasn't. Romaine didn't like things that looked creepy to him. He had always been that way. Perhaps it was because he was raised a certain way. A majority of the Snow men had a more finicky nature about them. They had always been this way. Romaine figured that even his nephew would be the same way when he got older too. One might blame the Veela blood, but Romaine never really was sure of why they were all like that. "Are you some sort of nature lover or something?" Clearly this guy wasn't going to help him kill of the spider. But for future reference, Romaine wanted to be sure of what that boy was capable of. Especially if he was going to freak out every time Romaine killed a spider or some other type of ugly bug that truly didn't belong hanging out Romaine.

"You mean the one that's always hogging the ball when she plays?" Romaine wasn't sure which Gryffindor Quidditch player the guy was talking about. One of those players was his sister too. Aphrodite. But he never really remembered anything about her nose being broken, so he figured that the boy wasn't talking about his younger sister. The only other ones he could assume it was, were the ball hogger or the one who seemed to feel like she was more attractive than she really was. Well there was that Sparkles girl too. But she was really cute and didn't even play the last game. Romaine shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. He thought it was pretty damn funny himself. But that was just because he found that sort of thing hilarious. People get hurt, of course it was funny. Especially when it was not him. The look that appeared on Zayne's face made Romaine chuckle shyly. Clearly he didn't seem that amused by Romaine's question. That alone was enough to make Romaine a little bit more nervous around the boy. "I just uh...think she's really cute is all. She'a really hard to talk to though. So it's hard to be her friend." Romaine shrugged his shoulders. He had tried being Kaia's friend, but she didn't seem like she was all that interested in being anyone's friend. Romaine was just curious as to how Zayne managed to do it. Maybe Zayne made a really loyal friend or something?​
Zayne looked over at Romaine before he smirked slightly. He shrugged and debated on being sarcastic to this guy but he changed his mind. Zayne just wanted to express his opinion, and he could respect this guy's weird fear of spiders. He just hoped that he didn't scream like a little girl. That would be embarrassing. "There's plenty but shallow people won't see it." Zayne's tone was in a soft one, and he shrugged ever so lightly. He meant no harm for what he had said, but he believed it to be true to him. Zayne looked around in the dungeons before he looked down at the floor. He was feeling not so talkative, but then again he was shy to begin with. The young Slytherin thought nothing of himself being shy, it was just something he figured he would go look into when he got older. However it seemed like this older student was more afraid than he was, which meant a lot. Zayne could hold his ground for anything and everything, but to be afraid of things like spiders, that was even bigger. Zayne shook his head when Romaine asked if he was some sort of hippy or nature lover. He simply answered, "No, I'm not. I don't really care about nature and such, but see that everything has its own purpose." Zayne was a little wiser when it came down to certain things, but not many would understand the way that he thought anyhow. Zayne didn't care what Romaine did, but he was certain that the boy was a little odd for being afraid of something as harmless as a spider. It only bit people when it felt threatened. About the same as people, well, most people and not the totally insane people.

"The ginger one, yes. Probably my favorite moment of Quidditch that day. The day I harmed a werewolf." Zayne of course had no beef with werewolves, but the girl seemed to hate on all Slytherins for some odd reason. There were a bunch of Gryffindors he could have hit the bludger at, but he didn't however. He didn't want to anyway. Zayne was not that big on violence. Quidditch was totally different though. Quidditch was a game, and everyone that went into it, they knew what they were getting into. Zayne leaned against the wall, and moved his long black hair from his eyes. Romaine's chuckle caused Zayne to narrow his eyes, and he seemed to be something. He didn't know what it was, but Romaine wasn't so collected. This was rather curious. Zayne could not help but be curious about it, but he was not going to ask or persist. Zayne shrugged, "She is rather picky. I find her easy to talk to, but maybe she just doesn't want that many friends. She's... Well, she doesn't trust others so willingly." Zayne didn't want to tell Romaine much on Kaia, since Kaia was his best friend, and whatever she goes through and tells him would be considered confidential and just between them. Zayne is the same way. He doesn't trust others so willingly after what he had gone through with Suzanne, and he was not about to change that either. There was something about Kaia that really made him connect with her, and probably vice versa.

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