Hexia Grimm

Hexia Grimm

OOC First Name
10 1/3" hawthorn with mermaid hair core
Full Name: Hexia Amarise Grimm
Date of Birth: February 6th 2003
Current Age: 33 years old
Basic Appearance: Very slender, extremely feminine, sallow skinned.
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: amber with dark green rim.
Weight: 122lbs
Height: 5' 5"

Blood Status: Pending Pureblood Approval

Wand: Wand: Phoenix feather, Hawthorn, 11 1/2
Core: Phoenix feather
wood: Hawthorn
Length: 11 1/2

Phoenix feather
This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.
Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners.

Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic but they are also adept at curses, and it has been generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and one should only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous. Hawthorn wands have a notable peculiarity: their spells can, when badly handled, backfire

She is quietly intelligent, intrigued by everything academic and determined to save the wizarding world from itself.

Quiet though will speak her mind when it is necessary and when it comes to defending those who cannot defend themselves or speak for themselves, she does so with will and clarity. For all her fragility of appearance, Hexia is a keen observant and a proficient and excellent charm castor.

Brother: unidentical twin Hector Caius Grimm - currently living on the South Island, NZ running a plantation.
Father: Priam Grimm - wealthy landowner - leased many properties around London and Cornwall - deceased
Mother: Rosaline Prince - woman of substance - deceased


At the age of seven, her family were holidaying in the east. Books and images of the old gods fascinated her. She learned of Hathor and Isis and on her return home to England asked her parents to take her to the wizarding library in London. There she discovered druids and the old Celtic gods, of Mother goddess, of Danu, of Dea Matrona. She became enthralled with the Mother Goddess and her parents allowed it, amused by their young daughter. She began by the age of ten to tell them that she would be a priestess when she was older, giving her life to serve the Mother. Again her parents indulged her, finding her positively adorable.

It was only when she was 14 years old and her parents had begun looking for suitable future husbands among the purebloods, that she made them finally believe that she had no intention of marrying. Her life would be dedicated to the Mother Goddess and no one else. She prayed daily and studied hard, believing that her intelligence was a gift from the goddess herself. She sat her OWLs and like her twin brother, did very well. On attending Hogwarts, she was viewed as eccentric and slightly odd, though none could deny how clever she was.

It was at Hogwarts that she discovered her compassion to those in need, when bullies were picking on a singular student, she could not be step into the breach to assist, no matter the consequence to herself. She refused to join the duel club believing that all life had a purpose and disfiguring it, harming it in any way through magic or otherwise was not in accordance with the great mother goddess. When she graduated she had planned to move to a remote part of the country and live her life as a hermit, helping those that needed her assistance.

With a tragic incident killing her parents, Hexia decided that living alone in England was simply not far enough away and with her twin brother Hector moved to the other side of the world entirely. They both believed it was a new beginning for them, there was still bad blood in England regarding purebloods and the families that had sided with Voldemort . Harry Potter and his auror team seemed to be waging all sorts of quests in their glory to stamp out any minor threat to the tentative peace.

The twins saw the move to New Zealand as a fresh start, a break from where everyone knew them and knew who their family was. Hector moved to a busy town in the south island, while Hexia felt she was needed somehow in the North Island, chose to move there a few kms outside of Obsidian Harbour. Here she found a small rather quaint cottage for herself. It was an easy traverse to the busy town where she would go daily to try to do good works. After organising a soup kitchen and a homeless shelter, Hexia was called upon by a minister for the confederation of wizards to put herself to better use and not only do good for the poor and destitute of one area but many. She eventually saw the truth in his argument that more needed to be done and yet she felt that sitting in a room with other witches and wizards taking votes on various bills and policies put before them, was not for her. She wanted to be on the front line, doing all she could.

She set up her own charity organisation and opened another homeless shelter on the other side of Obsidian. She pushed for improvement in the running of wizarding orphanages and better standards for children in foster care. She became a thorn in many politicians side as she fought for cleaner streets, better and more employment, training programmes for those out of work a considerable time; improved childcare for working witches and wizards, better housing standards for those witches and wizards on social benefits.

Work History:
[li]Since graduating 2021, Hexia has worked with those less fortunate than herself.</LI>
[li]2026 moved to NZ and opened her first soup kitchen and built a homeless shelter in Obsidian - over saw the daily running of both, employing two on a full time basis and others voluntary to help run them.
[li]2027 - applied to the ministry for grants and began fundraising campaigns to build another homeless shelter and to bring the plight of badly run orphanages to the attention of the public
[li]2028 -
February --applying to the ministry for improved childcare conditions and better childcare standards to be made mandatory.
August -- organising a rally to improve the conditions of foster children in care.
October -- set up her own charity organisation employing five to assist in running it.
[li]2029 - Helped to organise training programmes for witches and wizards who had been unemployed for a considerable time - spent the year applying to various ministers to propose legislation to make such return to work training programmes mandatory.
[li]2030 - After discovering the appaling living conditions of some of the poorest wizarding families, Hexia organised rallies to garner attention to improving their standard of living.
[li]2031 - She pushed for the legislation of improved social benefits.
[li]2033 - Pushed for the legislation of improved health benefits
[li]2034 - organised the Brooms for Brightstone, with over 120,000 people volunteering their old brooms to students who could not afford one.
[li]2035 - continued fundraising for updating and renovating of soup kitchens - organises four smaller fundraising drives throughout the year in order to pay for food, refreshments, etc
[li]2036 - approached and asked to consider to run for MoM by a friend in the ministry


Hexia is vastly different from the rest of her family, as is her brother Hector. He broods and prefers his quiet time much like his sister but where he has bursts of anger and frustration that he allows the world to see; Hexia prefers to remain calm in the face of adversity. There were plenty of times growing up that those that threatened her thinking her incapable or stupid, were surprised by her manner and wit. Both twins had been sorted into Ravenclaw house, though the sorting hat had pondered for a moment regarding Hexia and whether or not she would be best suited to Slytherin. It is something she has never told anyone.
Her parents adored both their children and completely indulged their every whim. A tragic incident killing them both meant that Hexia and Hector inherited a vast fortune. They closed up the family mansion before moving, Hexia was happy enough to sell it but Hector would not dream of it. Someday he was certain he would return.

Every family has skeletons in their closet, some infamous scandals that were spread like fiend fyre and others hushed up for particular reasons. It was no different in the Grimm family tree their most vicious family members being Aticus Grimm and Grendor Prince, who were lauded much to Hexia's chagrin. During the English Witch trials c1600s - it was not simply muggles accusing other muggles of witchcraft but Grendor Aticus used the time to purge muggleborns and blood traitors. They were accused of this crime against other wizards but no evidence was ever found and so they were released. It is said that over 24 muggleborns were hung as a consequence of this 'purge'.

Throughout the history of the Grimm family, many despicable and deplorable acts were committed against fellow wizards and muggles alike but all in the name of pureblood extremists. Hexia and Hectors parents were not of the same ilk but still carried their names with pride, teaching their children what it meant to be a pureblood (to them) this of course became the very reason that both twins balked at their family history and wished to distance themselves from it all. Unfortunately a name like theirs and a name linked with so many other infamous English pureblood families, is not one that is likely to be forgotten or unheard of, no matter how far they try to go or how much she tries to help..

Pets: White cat named Gaia

Area of Residence:
Ptah Shu, a small but comfortable lodge a few kilometres outside of Obsidian.

family tree:

Special Abilities:
[*]Patronus - dove
[*]Apparition licence
[*]Excels in charms and potions
Interests or Hobbies: Reading, drawing, painting, sewing

[*]Quietly intelligent and reserved in manner
[*]Believes in the greater good
[*]Can work long hours helping others much to her own detriment
<LI>[*]Does not like saying no to those in need
Favourite place to be:
At prayer, surrounded by books, or helping those less fortunate.

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw alumni
Best school subjects: Charms / potions
Worst school subjects: Astronomy
Graduation: 2021 Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland
Boggart: Unable to do anything to help while people are hurting around her

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