Walking the streets at night,
Holding my hand so tight,

Walking the streets at night,
Holding my hand so tight,
[name] Hero Obasi
[etymology] Hero - Hero was a priestess of Aphrodite in Greek mythology, who lived in a tower in Sestos, on the western shores of the Hellespont. She fell in love with Leander, a young man from Abydos, which was located on the eastern shores of the strait.
Obasi - in honour of the Supreme God.
[nicknames] Hero has no nicknames as her name is already very short and she doesn't need people calling her anything else.
[alliance] The only alliance that hero has is to her brother, she is loyal to her family friends who invited her and her brother to New Zealand but that's it.
[birthdate] July 2037. Hero was born in the early hours of the morning in Lagos Nigeria. She was a tricky birth, being in the slightly wrong angle while trying to come out.
[zodiac sign] cancer
[age] twenty-one; When hero was young she got lots of bit parties, but as she grew older they grew smaller, and as adult she doesn't bother celebrating any more.
[sexual orientation] Hero is pansexual.
[dialects] english, she grew up speaking english in her house, she also speaks a little french and a little afrikkans which she learnt from friends at school.
[hometown] Lagos, Nigeria. She lived there all of her life until the death of her parents, where they had to give up the family home and moved to New Zealand
[residency] Brightstone, New Zealand; She has moved into a small two bedroom home with her young brother on the outskirts of brightstone, close to her current work.
[vacation destination] Hero doesn't believe that she would deserve any vacations. So she has no destinations in mind.
[heritage] hero is Nigerian. Both of her parents were nigeria.
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] AB (+ve)
[children] None - though she is the guardian of her younger brother
[mother]Sade "Dola" Obasi
[relationship with her] before her mother's death, Hero's relationship with her was a little strained. She wasn't doing as much as she could with her life and they frequently clashed on it. They had had a good relationship when she was growing up was good. They got along and Hero was shown how to cook and clean by her. [etymology] Hero - Hero was a priestess of Aphrodite in Greek mythology, who lived in a tower in Sestos, on the western shores of the Hellespont. She fell in love with Leander, a young man from Abydos, which was located on the eastern shores of the strait.
Obasi - in honour of the Supreme God.
[nicknames] Hero has no nicknames as her name is already very short and she doesn't need people calling her anything else.
[alliance] The only alliance that hero has is to her brother, she is loyal to her family friends who invited her and her brother to New Zealand but that's it.
[birthdate] July 2037. Hero was born in the early hours of the morning in Lagos Nigeria. She was a tricky birth, being in the slightly wrong angle while trying to come out.
[zodiac sign] cancer
[age] twenty-one; When hero was young she got lots of bit parties, but as she grew older they grew smaller, and as adult she doesn't bother celebrating any more.
[sexual orientation] Hero is pansexual.
[dialects] english, she grew up speaking english in her house, she also speaks a little french and a little afrikkans which she learnt from friends at school.
[hometown] Lagos, Nigeria. She lived there all of her life until the death of her parents, where they had to give up the family home and moved to New Zealand
[residency] Brightstone, New Zealand; She has moved into a small two bedroom home with her young brother on the outskirts of brightstone, close to her current work.
[vacation destination] Hero doesn't believe that she would deserve any vacations. So she has no destinations in mind.
[heritage] hero is Nigerian. Both of her parents were nigeria.
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] AB (+ve)
[children] None - though she is the guardian of her younger brother
[mother]Sade "Dola" Obasi
[father] Chinelo Obasi
[Relationship with him] Hero had a good relationship with her dad, he was more relaxed with her, focusing more of his attention on his son rather than her. But this was never a point of conflict.
[siblings] Hero has one sibling - Helios Obasi. She is sole guardian after their parents death. She is worried constantly about not doing well at raising him.
[first wand] Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
[description] Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
Core: Since so many wizards are afraid to go near Augureys due to their association as ‘omens of death,’ Augurey tail feathers are rare as wand cores. They are good for use in divination work.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
[occupation] Hero with the inheritance from her parents, bought the Medley and works as it's owner.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Hero has a slight intolerance to milk.
[first wand] Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
[description] Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
Core: Since so many wizards are afraid to go near Augureys due to their association as ‘omens of death,’ Augurey tail feathers are rare as wand cores. They are good for use in divination work.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
[occupation] Hero with the inheritance from her parents, bought the Medley and works as it's owner.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Hero has a slight intolerance to milk.
Love never felt so right,
But now I'm haunted,
But now I'm haunted,
[five words] nervous, insecure, judgey, determined, hard-working
[personality] Hero has changed somewhat since her parents died. She used to be very outgoing and cared about little other than herself, but she is now much more nervous about things, a little scared about the world. She's gotten pretty insecure, unsure if she's doing a good job with her brother, with her club, she struggles to accept anything good in her life and tends to micro-manage people. She can be a little judgey, her family had been well off and well respected so she has ideas that somethings are beneath her. She can be nice and works hard, but she just struggles a lot.
[beliefs] Hero holds no beliefs
[boggart] After losing her parents she would see her brother dead, and her parents blaming her for not doing a good job.
[fears] death, cars, losing her brother, burning down her new house, failure
[likes] loud music, playing chess, enjoys netball and football. Enjoyed quidditch.
[dislikes] thinking too hard about her parents, being criticised, people talking down to her.
[goals] She just wants to keep her brother safe and for her business to do well so that she can support him and help him in whatever he wants.
[strengths] For all her worrying, hero is a planner, she is good at coming up with ideas and putting them in place, which is useful in her work
[weaknesses] hero lacks confidence and thus though she can plan well, and this can help make sure all bases are covered she does often doubt herself. which can led to her undoing a lot of her own good work.
[magical talents] At school, Hero was exceedingly good at transfiguration and divination
[other talents] hero is a talented tea-reader.
[patronus form] a bushbaby.
[personality] Hero has changed somewhat since her parents died. She used to be very outgoing and cared about little other than herself, but she is now much more nervous about things, a little scared about the world. She's gotten pretty insecure, unsure if she's doing a good job with her brother, with her club, she struggles to accept anything good in her life and tends to micro-manage people. She can be a little judgey, her family had been well off and well respected so she has ideas that somethings are beneath her. She can be nice and works hard, but she just struggles a lot.
[beliefs] Hero holds no beliefs
[boggart] After losing her parents she would see her brother dead, and her parents blaming her for not doing a good job.
[fears] death, cars, losing her brother, burning down her new house, failure
[likes] loud music, playing chess, enjoys netball and football. Enjoyed quidditch.
[dislikes] thinking too hard about her parents, being criticised, people talking down to her.
[goals] She just wants to keep her brother safe and for her business to do well so that she can support him and help him in whatever he wants.
[strengths] For all her worrying, hero is a planner, she is good at coming up with ideas and putting them in place, which is useful in her work
[weaknesses] hero lacks confidence and thus though she can plan well, and this can help make sure all bases are covered she does often doubt herself. which can led to her undoing a lot of her own good work.
[magical talents] At school, Hero was exceedingly good at transfiguration and divination
[other talents] hero is a talented tea-reader.
[patronus form] a bushbaby.
I'm sleeping alone and I,
Think of you all the time,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] she was never interested in anyone enough
[innocence] she was never interested in anyone enough
[Living together] n/a lives with her brother
[children together] N/A
[pets together] N/A
[relationship with in-laws] N/A
[most beautiful thing about them] N/A
[favourite thing about them] N/A
[proposal] N/A
[married] N/A
[thoughts at wedding] N/A
[wedding outfit] N/A
Can't help but realize,
You're all I wanted,
[playby] Yandal Sallah
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] Hero has long black hair, she styles it in a number of ways, never keeping it for along while in a certain way.
[hair modifications] other than cutting her hair, she'll only sometimes put in highlights but that's the only real change to it.
[eyes] brown eyes
[height] Hero is 5ft 7, and takes after her mother in height
[weight] Hero is slim, she had been very stressed and doesn't stress eat.
[scars] hero has no scars
[smile] hero has a strained smile, given that she is very often stressed and thinking of other things. She had also found it difficult to smile after the death of her parents.
[body build] she has a proportioned build,she does sports and hasn't been eating well.
[body modifications] she has her ears pierced as well as her nose
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Hero wears good quality in style outfits. Though they will increasingly be older in style as she doesn't have the same amount of money as she had before her parents death. She'll repeat outfits a lot, wears lots of bold blocky colours.
I can't erase all of the ways,
that I can't replace you,
that I can't replace you,
[school] Uagadou;
[house] N/A - no houses
[special titles and awards] Hero was a prefect and she was a quidditch captain.
[extracurricular activities] hero was in a divination club and quidditch
[favourite subject] Hero's favourite subject was divination, she really enjoyed it right up until she graduated. Had her parents not died she knew she wanted to do something with it.
[best subject] Transfiguration, she excelled at the class, never having any difficulty with the spells
[loathed subject] Potions - though she was good at a lot of subjects she disliked the professors she had and found it often a class where people spoke down to her
[worst subject] history - she struggled a lot with dates and remembering all of it
[grade average] EEs
[apparition] passed
[year of graduation] 2055
[house] N/A - no houses
[special titles and awards] Hero was a prefect and she was a quidditch captain.
[extracurricular activities] hero was in a divination club and quidditch
[favourite subject] Hero's favourite subject was divination, she really enjoyed it right up until she graduated. Had her parents not died she knew she wanted to do something with it.
[best subject] Transfiguration, she excelled at the class, never having any difficulty with the spells
[loathed subject] Potions - though she was good at a lot of subjects she disliked the professors she had and found it often a class where people spoke down to her
[worst subject] history - she struggled a lot with dates and remembering all of it
[grade average] EEs
[apparition] passed
[year of graduation] 2055
I can't erase all of the ways
that I can't replace you,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from run back to you by Hoang
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye