Here's a question for you

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Annalie Darkhart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Snapped in two.

Here's the question:
Do you have a character that would actually like Annalie Darkhart?
Yes that's right I am looking for a final (or even just a boyfriend) for Miss Annalie Darkhart. The horrible
Hufflepuff hating, bullying Death Eater hopefull. Most of you will know her as the girl that called Professor
Blaze stupid, made Samual Kaster cry, yelled at Tamalia Kaster and called JazzyMae ugly. The point is she
is a horrible person and I would love for her to find someone for her to be horrible with.
What she needs:A male aged between 15-19. Someone who is just as horrible as her (or more so)
and would find her personality charming.
An added bonus:Marrying into the Darkhart family also means you will be marrying into a possible
family feud between the Kaster's and Darkhart's. Who doesn't want to be part of a feud? =]

So if you have anyone who could possibly be her final or a boyfriend please feel free to post here or PM me
your ideas because I don't want her to be the crazy lady with 989423364587 cats XD
<3 and chocolate,

This request has been filled through PM sorry guys :p

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