Here for the View

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
After eating a light lunch, Professor Kingsley realized that she actually had several hours before she needed to teach. She was actually fairly caught up with her lessons and didn't know what else to do. The professor thought about seeking out her colleague, Natalie, but she eventually decided not to because she wasn't sure if she had a class right now. Walking around for a bit, the professor eventually made her way up to one of her favorite places back when she'd been a student- The North Tower. It had the best view of the school grounds and brought back a lot of wonderful memories for the young woman.

Glad to find the space empty of students for the time being, the professor sat herself down to enjoy the view. Outside, the leaves were a plethora of different colors and Cyndi leaned her head against the window to enjoy it, her hand unconsciously twisting her wedding band around her finger.
Professor James Lock was making his way up to the North-Tower. Since beginning here, he hadn't really had the chance to have a wander of the school, so much so, that he didn't really know his way around the place quite-yet. James seemed to be settling quite-well here.....But it did help that his own-girlfriend worked-here.....and the fact that the Students which he taught seemed to like-him was always a bonus.....

James eventually reached the top of the North Tower, to find a fellow Professor, who he hadn't met-yet, sat-around by herself, so James approached-her. He reached her with a friendly-smile as he sat himself down, opposite the pretty-looking Professor. "Hello There, I hope you don't mind-me sitting here. I'm James.....a new Professor here...." James trailed-off, holding his hand out for the Professor to shake. He was forever the Gentlemen. James found-himself wanting to make some new-friends out of all the Professors.....and it always helped when he bumped into the pretty-ones.....James being the type of guy that he was, but he wouldn't flirt.....not in the Castle. It was particularly the Students that he was worried-about.....but more Daisie. He was already trying to hide Eden from her, besides James couldn't help but notice the fact that the Professor was twiddling around with her Wedding-Ring.....Not that-that ever made any difference to James.....But he wanted to get-off on the right-foot.
The professor turned towards the sound of a male voice, one who she assumed belonged to one of her colleagues since the man whom she was now looking at appeared to be about her age. She'd seen him before, talking to some of the other professors, but she hadn't yet spoken with him. She didn't know much about him either except that he taught Potions and that he was always talking to someone.

She stared at him as he sat, wondering whether she'd actually invited him to stay. Reminding herself that she should be friendly, Cyndi smiled. She moved her hand and shook his briefly. "Hello James" it would be an easy enough name for her to remember should she choose to do so. "I'm Cyndi. It's nice to meet you." Cyndi knew she should say something more, but didn't know what. James had, unfortunately, caught Cyndi on one of those days when she wasn't really in the mood to make conversation.
James was caught-off guard by the Professor's reaction to him just sitting-down and starting to talk. But James soon got-over the rather quick introduction, and decided to take a lead in this conversation. looked like that he wasn't going to have much-choice in the matter....."Ah it's good to meet you too Cyndi....." James said happily as he shook her hand.

James wondered what to say next as he relaxed into his seat. There wasn't much too say anyway. But James was going to try his best not to make this awkward for the Professor. After-all, they had only just-met. "So what do you teach?" James Asked-her, deciding to begin on a question that could be returned. The more he could have the chance to talk, the more-likely it was that he would have the chance to get Cyndi talking-too.....
The professor glanced back out the window, a part of her wishing she was out there right now. The day seemed nice and she could be enjoying a nice quiet walk instead of sitting and talking. The only guy she wanted to be talking to at the moment was miles away doing Merlin only knew what. Even after the years they'd been together, Cyndi still didn't have much of any of what her husband did on a daily basis. She just knew he did it well enough to be promoted to head of the department.

Turning to James once more, Cyndi shifted in the seat so that her back was against the wall. "I teach Ancient Runes" she said before quickly adding, "and I know you teach Potions." She kept enough track of her colleagues to know what classes they taught even if she never spoke to them. "Are you enjoying it here?" she asked, realizing that he wasn't going to be leaving any time soon.
James found-it a little-odd that the Professor seemed to know what he taught already, despite having never met-him before. What sort of person was she? Well so much for returning the question....."Yeah I'm loving it here.....the students are all great, and the fact that my girlfriend works here helps too....." James told the Professor with a friendly-smile. James loved that Daisie worked here with him, it meant that he had someone to cuddle-up to at the end of a long and hard-day, and she sure knew how to take his mind-off-of things.....On the other-hand it meant that he could go-out and see Eden without Daisie getting suspicious of him.....The 'I've got work to do' excuse, would never get-old.
Cyndi had the feeling that the professor thought it a bit odd that she knew his subject, but it was kind of her job to know. As the Deputy Headmistress, it was fairly important that she knew all of the professors at least by name so that she could help them if necessary. As the man continued to speak and mentioned that he was glad his girlfriend worked in the school as well, she grinned, though it was a false one. She hadn't seen her own husband in weeks and weeks, and boy did she miss him. "Oh...that's nice" she said lamely. "Who are you dating?" she asked, a bit curious. It wasn't too often that professors dated each other, as far as she knew anyway.

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