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Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

Kerryn Howard
4th Grade, Ravenclaw

Kerryn is the daughter of Scotiraris who believes in keeping the family line completely pure. However Kerryn is a little tossed around here and there. Many people treats her kindly despite her awkward social skill as well as her prejudiced and unfriendly nature. Because of this, the girl believes in kindness which has never been taught nor shown in the family.

-For Kerryn I'd like her to fall in love with a kind hearted, sweet muggle born or a halfie and develop a complicated relationship. Her family members will oppose and even take it to the next level if they continue the relationship.

-A rejudiced pureblood whose future is to be a Scotirari and will hopefully be her final, and whose marriage is being arranged to Kerryn when they're old enough. This character will have to have a possessive nature and is a complete trouble. He'll get jealous of Kerryn still being in love with her previous lover (The character above) to the extent of persecuting those who try to grip her from his sight.



Kyler Norton
5th Grade, Beauxbaton

Kyler doesn't know what love means since his family never teach him what it is. He's fond of beautiful girls and can't resist them especially veelas. He's the friendliest person in the family though to a lot of people he can be cocky and proud. Kyler is a moody person, his attitude depends on how good or bad his day is, and he can be quite violent at times.

-For Kyler... A romantic interest/ someone who can put up with him as an acquaintance (hopefully friends) will be good :D



Cato Rainsworth

5th year, Gryffindor

Cato is a sweet, loving, gentleman who appreciates other people. He's not the smartest person in the wizarding world but he's quite intelligent. Cato is loyal but you might not want to abuse that quality of his, once someone betray him, Cato will never put his trust in that person ever again. What else can I say about him beside he's a sweetheart?

-a friend/ romantic interest?/ enemy?



Lycus Jin Howard
1st year, Slytherin

le sigh~ Lycus is a Howard, and 99% of the family are prejudiced pureblood and so is he...
And just like all of the Howard kids who are in Hogwarts, he too is the son of Scotirari parents.
Lycus' parents are cruel and believes in giving no mercy to others at all unless they are in line with their wish.
Lycus is a living nightmares, he's a violent empty souled, lost yong boy. Seeing how his father respects his mother and how the alpha of the Jin Howard kids is his sister, Just like the rest of the family members, Lycuscbelueves in gender equality. He'll fight whoever get on his nerve no matter what their genders are.
Dont be fooled with this behavior, he can be extremely loyal to his so called favorite human.
He's not good around people and is socially odd since he has no friends unless they're his siblings or cousins.
Lycus hates school because it's filled with noisy students and he can't seem to make peace with these noises that he considers as noise pollution. Beside being socially awkward, Lycus is a loner who likes to spend his days in the woods or the cliff.

-For Lycus... a strong prejudiced female figure as his mate as well as acquaintances will be nice (if that character can put up with his quiet, prejudiced nature)

technically I should not be doing this but I have the perfect offer for you :r

Kerryn x Alessio Benivieni: Al is muggle born and comes from an Italian family who basically have no idea about anything from the wizarding world, and the parents have kinda drifted away from their children because they still need to get used to Al and his siblings being magical. He's a fourth year hufflepuff and is sweet, shy, introvert (until you get to know him) and he hates arguing, so I think he's perfect if you're looking for someone like Alessio :)

Cato x Alessio: I can offer him as friend for Cato, because Alessio does not like disappointing others and trusts people to whom he's close. I also really need to RP with him more, he's basically failing school :p
Hi Clara :woot: :woot: !!

Kerryn & Alessio will be perfect as well as Cato n Alessio! :D

I can start Kerryn& Alessio

Would you like to do the other one? ^_^
Sure! I'll send you the link once it's posted xD
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