Her Name Sounds Like Anarchy

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Anna Key

OOC First Name


AnnaKey is a human being who dislikes most other human beings.

You'llSee a tough girl who has no heart. She doesn't let anyone close to her.

LookCloser and you will find the real Anna. She is brave and loyal to her friends. She is also a bit of a nerd. Anna loves anything to do with computers and games. She is a Star Wars addict.

ReasonBeing Anna is a triplet. She has lost contact with her sister because of a massive family feud that separated her parents. Her dad is now dead and her mum is in rehab. The place she calls home is a place where police are frequently seen arresting people and buildings are constantly being burnt down. Because of her home, Anna is very streetwise and doesn't trust anyone. Anna likes with her aunt, uncle and cousin. Anna's brother (triplet) died a year ago and she is still pretty torn up about it. Her past is crap, and her future looks the same way unless she gets some friends.

-A few friends: People who actually try to get to know Anna
- Enemies: People who think she's mean or whatever
- A weak person: someone who is a pushover. Anna would start bullying them, but then she would protect them. Could possibly be her best friend.
- Others: any other people who want to know Anna.
I have three first years that could know her.

First, Aila Kellie; Aila is a shy little girl, she can't really stand on her own feet and looks at her 'twin' for permission to do anything. They got sorted into different houses so she'll be a bit lost this year without him by her side all of the time. She could get bullied by her but Blake wouldn't like that.

Second, Blake Kellie; Blake is Aila's 'twin' (if you need to know more about their family relationship I can PM you with it). He is pretty protective over Aila as she is suggestible and small. Depending on what you want to do with Aila he could either be a friend or an enemy. If she didn't bully Aila he would probably try and get to know her just because she was pushing him away.

Finally, Tegan Harris; Tegan is small and sweet. She hasn't really got any social skills but she is smart. She loves the nerdy films like star wars and is quite upset she can't watch them at school. She is pretty bubbly until there is a big crowd of people, or really just more than three, then she gets shy and goes quiet.

If you want any, some or all of them just say. :)
Summer x
I have a first year named Ezra Shaffer. He is a Slytherin and a bit of a know it all. He doesn't listen to rules but protects his friends whether they are right or wrong. Sometimes he can make a bad first impression. He could be whatever you want.

I have a second year Gryffindor who is really unusual. Her name is Faxen Lowart. She doesn't have any sense of danger or caution. She has no filter and speaks whatever is on her mind. She is friendly and sweet and very persistant. She is like a little ball of energy always bouncing around.
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