Her name is Fate

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Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka Bones has not been Zazuka for a while now. After meeting her father one last time Zazuka's basic personaly (or essence) was locked and scealed away by a combination of her powers and something that was left behind when she had an encounter with the evil of Bleak Street. Zazuka's essence is all better now but the "Other" is still there playing the role of Zazuka as best she could while still believing that she's above humanity. The "Other" wants to reveal it's self not as Zazuka but under the name that it has chosen for itself, "Fate".

What I need for "Fate" is for people to meet up with people who knew who Z was and know that something is wrong with the former sunshine girl and others that had nothing to do with Z in school and met up with "Fate" for the first time. No true relationships can really start up while "Fate" is in controle because she thinks of relationships as a joke and sextually as a pleasure that should not be ristriced to one person so while she will play games there is no way that "Fate" can fall for anyone.
Maybe Andrew and Zazuka could finish the topic 'The eye' and then Andrew might be part of the people who realize that the 'sunshine girl' is missing and do stuff, if there is anything to be done to help Zuka and help her overcome or deal with Fate or something?
Enzo: "Fate" would flirt with Enzo a bit but her intrest lie in more robust men. She could call on him as a friend every once in a while though when she needs a favor.

Nishma: Our topic will be finished. I also wanted to talk to you about finishing off Zazuka's father, I've been meaning to do it for a while and since "Fate" is friends with a lot of Death Eaters it seems she could call on Andrew for the favor. As for the Z inside coming back out. There is something that can be done but Andrew would have to try and remind "Zazuka" that she still has a place in this world.
Sounds fun :) Maybe in the next topic or something when Fate has taken over they could talk about killing the father and stuff and then a while after that bringing zazuka back :)
I have morgan le fey, she owns the inner eye and is a seer. maybe they could meet somewhere and morgan will know somethings wrong, even though she hasn't met zazuka/fate before, she will probably try and persuade zazuka back but she's not that good at magic, so it probably wont work.
Lucy Madden will be a good person to meet Zazuka since she dealing with those mentally disturbed in the mind. She also legimenacy (sp) so maybe an rp Lucy trying to get into Fate mind that can end badly? Lucy needs patients anyways, so it will make for some good rp when it comes to seeking the mind. :D
Mia: Morgan sounds like someone that Fate would like to have fun with. Zazuka inside would also try and reach out to her.

MADDDDDSSSSSSSS: My Rp partner in crime! I would love for Fate to mess with someone's mind. She's been itching to do something chaotic ever since she's taken full control of Zazuka. Other than going for the title floozy of the year :p
Yay :hug:

Just a few things will we need admin approval for this? I mean if we have the abilities to do it :p Just hope she doesn't scare the beejeberz out of Lucy here! :(
that would be awesome, would you like to start a topic in her shop, or would you rather me start one elsewhere?
I'll start it in her shop seeing as there more reason for Fate to be there.

Mads: Don't think so, Zuka has had Seer status for a while that she can run a muck with and Lucy is in training but she should be able to see into Fate/Zazuka with ease because Fate is letting her see. As for scaring her there's no grantee she won't :p
Sweet :woot: this should be cut up to several session, so I'll start the first one: Meeting the girl :r
Cool and Nocturna needs a post from Anthony when you can :D
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