Henry Dunstan

Henry Dunstan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
Today is the day…
The worst day of my life


>>Henry Jason Dunstan<<
So content it hurts me!

The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute where ever you go, life is to short to be boring.

The cost of misery
Is at an all time high


Full Name:
Henry Jason Dunstan
Meaning of Names:
Henry - Home ruler
Jason - Healer
Dunstan - Strong, Enduring, or Fortress
July 15, 2008
[ul]Put it here[/li][/ul]
Blood Status:
Muggle Born
Broom/ Wand:
Broom - Firebolt Wand - Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
Sexual Orientation:

I'm learning to fall
I can't hardly breathe


Short dark brown with blonde highlights. Most times its flat against his head in a neat style but when hes in a good mood he'll spike it up a little. Henry's hair is always clean and health looking, if its any other way you know something is wrong.
Henry has almond shaped blue eyes, they can either be friendly and calming or steadfast.
Henry is tall and skinny at the height of 6'2 and weight of 153 lbs.
Distinguishing Features
A face full of freckles.
Henry has a high pitched voice compared to most men his age and hight.
Play by
Chris Colfer
Overall about Appearance:
Henry is generally okay with his appearance, he would even go so far as to say he looks better then most people. He does however hate his freckles and has tried to cover them up in the past with make-up, a habit he dropped because of teasing but has recently started again. Henry enjoys fashion and takes great pride in his clothing and looks.

Could you be with him?
Or was it just a lie?


Books, Spell Work, Flying, Quidditch, Fruits, Baked Goods, Purples Things, Flowers, Being Clean
Cooking, Potions, Scary Movies, Messes, Birds, Dirty Clothes, Old/Used Clothes, Geography, Freckles
Killers, Thunder, Being Poor, Never Finding Someone, Blood
To become a professional make-up artist and work with his dad at the hair salon.
Mirror of Erised
Himself as a professional make-up artist for the stars.
Himself or another person drentched in blood.
Transfigurations, Fashion, Make-up/Hair
Blood, Being a Hopeless Romantic, Dirt
A peacock. His memory would be the time his little sister went missing for the day but he found her in the backyard behind some bushes, no one had cared that she had run off they were just happy she was safe.
Getting turned by the first girl he ever loved, even if they are still friends.
Fresh Cut Grass, Rain, Strawberries
Overall Personality:
Henry is overall a very nice person unless he finds someone annoying. He loves being the center of attention and having all eyes on him. Looks are very important to Henry himself but he doesn't care much about other peoples. Henry loves being clean and dressed nicely and will start to panic if he thinks he looks bad.

You change your clothes and your hair
But I can't change your mind


Henry Gaston Dunstan
mutually protective, my role model, good infulence, mutual resepct, mutual trust, inspiration
Danielle Dunstan
mutually protective, my role model, good infulence, mutual resepct, mutual trust, inspiration
Penelope Simone Dunstan
I'm protective over you, good infulence, mutual respect, mutual trust
A small golden colored hamster.
Overall History:
Danielle Dunstan gave birth to her baby boy three days late on July 5th 2008 at 11:32 am. As Danielle drifted off to sleep her husband Henry asked what she wanted there son to be named and she mumbled Henry right before falling asleep. The next day the happy couple took home there son to there, at the time, small apartment. Henry Sr. hair salon was just taking off and his mother was a raising laywer. Henry was an avrage baby, he cried when he needed things, laughed when people played with him, andslept when he was tired. There were a few unexplained moments when his toys would suddenly be inside of his crib with him but his parents decided to ignore it. Henry's first two words were mommy and daddy much to his parents delight and he began walking standing soon after his first words.

When Henry entered his terrible twos his parents decided they needed a bigger house and moved into a house just outside of town. The little family was delighted with there new home and all the extra space for their son to run around in. Danielle was now a very well of laywer and Henry Sr. was becoming more and more famous among hair dressing circles. A few more unexplained things happened when ever there son would have temper tantrums, such as the bath water begining to boil whenever he didn't want to take a bath, or all the lights in the house turning on when he didn't want to go to bed. When Henry was old enough he began going to preschool where he met a few friends and calmed down a little to his parents relief.

Henry began kindergarten where he got along with the girls rather then the boys. He enjoyed playing house and dolls with them even throwing fashion shows. By this time Henry insisted on dressing himself and going with his mother to pick out his clothes. When he wasn't at school Henry would go to work with his parents. When he was with his father he would follow him around and watch him work getting cooed over by the clients who just adored him. When he was with his mother her secritary would read him books about magic, animals, and princess and princes. Henry absolutly loved the books about magic. A few months into kindergarten Henry got his first 'girlfriend' a girl named Sarah. The parents thought it was absolutly adorble, unfortunatly the pair began fighting over a doll and broke up.

When Henry turned eight he was having a birthday party but was upset because his parents couldn't find the lighter to light the candles on his cake. All Henry could think of was not being able to make his birthday wish but when he looked down at his cake to his, and his friends, amazement all the candles had been lit. Everyone at the party agreed not to talk about that ever again but Henry was delighted. He felt like the wizards in his books. A month later his mother told him that he was going to be a big brother. At first Henry didn't much like the idea of being a big brother, a new kid would just mess everything up! Henry watched jelously as his mummys tummy grew and grew and his parents paid less attention to him and more to getting ready for the new baby. On his little sisters birthday Henry was at home with a baby sitter and got a call from his dad saying he had a new baby sister. Henry ran upstairs and locked himself in his room. When they came home Henry was curious and went to go see what the baby looked like. Henry's heart melted and he feel for the little girls charm, he never thought anything bad about her again.

On Henry's eleventh birthday a knock came on his door and he opened it to see a man standing there in robes. Henry called his parents and at first they were very hesitent to let the man in the house, but he very quickly convinced them. Henry had no problem believing the man that he was a wizard. It had been his birthday wish on his eighth birthday after all, and he had always known he was special. His parents however needed a little convincing. Soon however Henry was on his way to Beauxbatons Academy of magic. He loved the place with all his heart. Henry went through his years of school like every other student, he studied, he did his homework... well most times, he even played quidditch on the team. In his fifth year Henry made prefect to his surprise, he had never been a model student. In his sixth year the Triwizard Tournament came to his school. At this event Henry met Zazuka Bones. The two quickly made friends but Henry began liking Zazuka. He took Zazuka to the Yule Ball, as friends, and that was where he loved her. During the summer between his sixth and seventh year Henry travled to New Zealand to tell Zazuka how he felt. Zazuka was very understading and let Henry down gently, but it still hurt. A few days later he got a letter saying he had made head boy, he didn't care much though because he was still upset over Zazuka.

Words screaming in my head
Why did you leave?


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[ul]Put it here[/li][/ul]
[ul]Put it here[/li][/ul]
[ul]Put it here[/li][/ul]
How did you find us:
[ul]Put it here[/li][/ul]

And I can't stop dreaming
Watching you and him
When it should have been
It should have been me

<FONT font="monotype corsiva">-THE CREDITS-

Alright, so this app was made by akAngie of caution 2.0. The lyrics used are from Learning to Fall by Boys Like Girls, and it was made specifically for the site I made. I thought I could probably share though… So please be sure to leave this credit on if you decide to use. :3 thanks and enjoy.

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